Sister Goes In On "Illegal Aliens" Getting Treated Better Than Black People

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
This type of divisive rhetoric does nothing but shore up the control of the ruling class over the working class and further preclude the possibility of successfully fighting the abhorrent conditions so many of us live under, whether Afrikan, Mexican, Filipino, Indigenous, or poor white.

Same goes for whatever racist rhetoric some Mexicans throw out there, and the entrenched anti-Black attitudes in that community. This all needs to be fought.


Jun 18, 2012
This type of divisive rhetoric does nothing but shore up the control of the ruling class over the working class and further preclude the possibility of successfully fighting the abhorrent conditions so many of us live under, whether Afrikan, Mexican, Filipino, Indigenous, or poor white.

Same goes for whatever racist rhetoric some Mexicans throw out there, and the entrenched anti-Black attitudes in that community. This all needs to be fought.

The divisiveness is perpetuated by the white man.

And there's no way fukking Mexicans are treated better than Blacks. What a ridiculous stance to take.


May 6, 2012
She wasting her time. You have NO say unless you are valuable. Which means we are hated cause we're black, and treated poorly because we're poor. Produce things and magically people treat you different even if they hate you. Mexicans are gaining influence. They are passing us so they are treated different then 10 years ago when they were getting shyttied on 24/7. Study the come up and make moves.


May 1, 2014
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"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
This type of divisive rhetoric does nothing but shore up the control of the ruling class over the working class and further preclude the possibility of successfully fighting the abhorrent conditions so many of us live under, whether Afrikan, Mexican, Filipino, Indigenous, or poor white.

Same goes for whatever racist rhetoric some Mexicans throw out there, and the entrenched anti-Black attitudes in that community. This all needs to be fought.

The conditions under which blacks live, in addition to black goals, are not aligned with protecting Mexicans, Filipinos, Indigenous or poor whites. In many cases, black advancement and interests are diametrically opposed to what may be best for poor whites, Mexicans, Filipinos, etc.

The necessarily "divisive rhetoric" in OP speaks to this notion as the language is in favor of blacks and opposed to Mexicans, whom are firmly entrenched as enemies to black people. Likewise the language of the Allies against the Nazis was "divisive" and opposed to the Nazis, whom were firmly entrenched as enemies to black people. Blacks have a responsibility to advocate against black mistreatment where it exists, regardless of whether that encourages division (which already exists, has always existed and will only get worse with Mexicans).

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
The conditions under which blacks live, in addition to black goals, are not aligned with protecting Mexicans, Filipinos, Indigenous or poor whites. The necessarily "divisive rhetoric" in OP speaks to this notion as the language is in favor of blacks and opposed to Mexicans, whom are firmly entrenched as enemies to black people. Likewise the language of the Allies against the Nazis was "divisive" and opposed to the Nazis, whom were firmly entrenched as enemies to black people. Blacks have a responsibility to advocate against black mistreatment where it exists, regardless of whether that encourages division (which already exists, has always existed and will only get worse with Mexicans).

What "Black goals" are you are referring to?

Was Cesar Chavez and the organization he led an enemy to Black people? Why did MLK support them?

Are the Brown Berets enemies of Black people? Why did the Black Panthers work with them and support them?

Your fascistic worldview offers no path forward for the majority of people of Afrikan descent. It is a pitifully simplistic worldview that benefits elites of Afrikan descent and asks working class Afrikans to sacrifice and die for elite interests. Absolute garbage.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
What "Black goals" are you are referring to?

Was Cesar Chavez and the organization he led an enemy to Black people? Why did MLK support them?

Are the Brown Berets enemies of Black people? Why did the Black Panthers work with them and support them?

Your fascistic worldview offers no path forward for the majority of people of Afrikan descent. It is a pitifully simplistic worldview that benefits elites of Afrikan descent and asks working class Afrikans to sacrifice and die for elite interests. Absolute garbage.

It is but one aspect of black advancement but stopping illegal immigration of anti-black races of people, particularly Mexicans, whites and Asians a black goal. Are there Hispanics like Cesar Chavez who have helped blacks? Yes, but he is merely one individual. This doesn't change the fact Mexicans and their ilk are collectively an enemy and have proven they cannot coexist in peace and prosperity with us. It is thus imperative and black people's right to take action towards securing our future. If that means advocating against illegal Mexican immigration--and it does--then that is what it means. Blacks can and should work with Mexicans whom can help reach black goals. However I'm not sure illegal immigration does that. All things considered, consciousness claptrap moves the goalposts and does nothing but obscure and ignore black issues.

Black success rests on the shoulders of both the black elite and proletariat. Both benefit when black neighborhoods are protected from invasion and black interests are pushed to the forefront, Mexicans, Filipinos, and the like be fukking damned. You ignore history and reason when you attempt to conflate black people's interests with other marginalized people. Merely because we are marginalized does not mean we are all in the same boat! Some race is always the oppressor and oppressed! There is no equality among men and there will ever. All you can do is fight for yours and become the strongest you can be.

Your worldview is simplistic, contrived and ignorant of this fact!

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
It is but one aspect of black advancement but stopping illegal immigration of anti-black races of people, particularly Mexicans, whites and Asians a black goal. Are there Hispanics like Cesar Chavez who have helped blacks? Yes, but he is merely one individual. This doesn't change the fact Mexicans and their ilk are collectively an enemy and have proven they cannot coexist in peace and prosperity with us. It is thus imperative and black people's right to take action towards securing our future. If that means advocating against illegal Mexican immigration--and it does--then that is what it means. Blacks can and should work with Mexicans whom can help reach black goals. However I'm not sure illegal immigration does that. All things considered, consciousness claptrap moves the goalposts and does nothing but obscure and ignore black issues.

Black success rests on the shoulders of both the black elite and proletariat. Both benefit when black neighborhoods are protected from invasion and black interests are pushed to the forefront, Mexicans, Filipinos, and the like be fukking damned. You ignore history and reason when you attempt to conflate black people's interests with other marginalized people. Merely because we are marginalized does not mean we are all in the same boat! Your worldview is simplistic, contrived and ignorant of this fact!

:scusthov: Absolute fascist ideas you are spewing right now. Class collaboration between exploited Afrikans and the Afrikans who exploit them, to further the interests of ruling class Afrikans... It is wholly unsurprising that your worldview is also sexist and homophobic as expressed in your other posts on here.

People who are marginalized are in the same boat, because they are marginalized by the system, in differing but definite and linked ways. The way to fight these oppressions is not to silo the struggles, but to link them up, understand the connections, and fight to move forward to a better world free of oppression.

Your worldview has no room for that. It is one of perpetual conflict, oppression, death, and destruction, for the benefit of the Afrikan elite (and, indirectly, other elites, since this divisiveness prevents the linking up of the masses to fight for their common interests).

Thankfully, your nonsense would never catch on, because the hearts and minds of Afrikans everywhere would repulse the oppressive venom you spew.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
:scusthov: Absolute fascist ideas you are spewing right now. Class collaboration between exploited Afrikans and the Afrikans who exploit them, to further the interests of ruling class Afrikans... It is wholly unsurprising that your worldview is also sexist and homophobic as expressed in your other posts on here.

People who are marginalized are in the same boat, because they are marginalized by the system, in differing but definite and linked ways. The way to fight these oppressions is not to silo the struggles, but to link them up, understand the connections, and fight to move forward to a better world free of oppression.

Your worldview has no room for that. It is one of perpetual conflict, oppression, death, and destruction, for the benefit of the Afrikan elite (and, indirectly, other elites, since this divisiveness prevents the linking up of the masses to fight for their common interests).

Thankfully, your nonsense would never catch on, because the hearts and minds of Afrikans everywhere would repulse the oppressive venom you spew.

I believe the black rich and black prole have shared interests and should be mobilized to achieve black goals. Dividing the two for the sake of division is counterproductive to black interests. Historically the white rich have shared interests with the white poor and integrate other interests (like money and power) into those shared interests (i.e. white society). The black elite is essential to black interests and goals in the same way the white elite have been and are essential to white interests. Without the white elite, whites would be nowhere and nothing. The majority of white advancements, technologically and militarily, have come from their elite class. Their greatest generals, scientists, engineers, etc all overwhelmingly come from the white elite class. In the same way the black elite are essential for black advancement.

Fascism is a loaded term. I am not a fascist; I just share some beliefs some fascists have. Likewise I share some beliefs with liberals. It is what it is, and I do fervently wish for a government that puts the advancement and progress of my people above all else, including the betterment of other peoples if and when the two ideas collide. Indeed, I want and prefer this reality to the one you advocate wherein blacks are marginalized, oppressed and destroyed. Castigate me as you please but I will never apologize for prioritizing my race, which is the irk and target of all others.

The "system" as you put it is irrevocable and fungible. If we do not live in the white's system, we live in the Arab's or the Asian's. In any of these systems but blacks' own, blacks are oppressed. The way to fight oppression is not waste black's efforts on advancing other people's--whose rise coincides with our fall and have never fought for us anyway. The way to fight black oppression (or, in other words, create black success) is to create conditions for black people to rise, the same way the way to fight white oppression (or, in other words, create white success) is to historically create conditions for whites to succeed. Other groups stand in our way so they must be moved.

My worldview is that of pragmitism and reality, not your wanton idealism and denial. Conflict, oppression, death and destruction have always existed and will always exist. They are parts of human history. The way to defeat them is twist them to your favor, as whites have historically done.

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
I believe the black rich and black prole have shared interests and should be mobilized to achieve black goals. Dividing the two for the sake of division is counterproductive to black interests. Historically the white rich have shared interests with the white poor and integrate other interests (like money and power) into those shared interests (i.e. white society). The black elite is essential to black interests and goals in the same way the white elite have been and are essential to white interests. Without the white elite, whites would be nowhere and nothing. The majority of white advancements, technologically and militarily, have come from their elite class. Their greatest generals, scientists, engineers, etc all overwhelmingly come from the white elite class. In the same way the black elite are essential for black advancement.

Fascism is a loaded term. I am not a fascist; I just share some beliefs some fascists have. Likewise I share some beliefs with liberals. It is what it is, and I do fervently wish for a government that puts the advancement and progress of my people above all else, including the betterment of other peoples if and when the two ideas collide. Indeed, I want and prefer this reality to the one you advocate wherein blacks are marginalized, oppressed and destroyed. Castigate me as you please but I will never apologize for prioritizing my race, which is the irk and target of all others.

The "system" as you put it is irrevocable and fungible. If we do not live in the white's system, we live in the Arab's or the Asian's. In any of these systems but blacks' own, blacks are oppressed. The way to fight oppression is not waste black's efforts on advancing other people's--whose rise coincides with our fall and have never fought for us anyway. The way to fight black oppression (or, in other words, create black success) is to create conditions for black people to rise, the same way the way to fight white oppression (or, in other words, create white success) is to historically create conditions for whites to succeed. Other groups stand in our way so they must be moved.

My worldview is that of pragmitism and reality, not your wanton idealism and denial. Conflict, oppression, death and destruction have always existed and will always exist. They are parts of human history. The way to defeat them is twist them to your favor, as whites have historically done.

At least you admitted to be a fascist. :ehh:

Your worldview is based on a concept which didn't even exist until 300-400 years ago (race)... and a concept that was created by white elites to maintain their rule by dividing poor whites from people of color. This shows the bankruptcy of your politics right there.