Some thoughts & things I've learned about "people" during these difficult times is that...

Nov 9, 2017
Bucktown, U.S.A. (Harlem, NY) + 'Cuse, NY
If you're not all aboard on the fear bandwagon heading down to uncertainty avenue or constantly shouting about being scared along with showing too much calm, cool and collectedness, you'll eventually wind up being hated by many because ppl despise others who are full of optimism rather than pessimism & another thing is that...

I'm not exactly a biblical man but I know a little something and maybe everything that's happening right now is God's way of teaching this world a lesson about caring for your fellow human being, who knows?

Some of the ppl who are or will be suffering down the line maybe need to look back and think about how they've treated others in the past.

I've thought about it and came to the conclusion that everybody who's on the verge of facing disappointment may not exactly be good genuine ppl and may have been among those who've taken advantage of others prior to these difficult times.

Yes there are genuine good ppl throughout all this who will unfortunately be suffering but God will work something out for he always has.

Everything happens for a reason and I am a believer of KARMA.

That's all I have to say here.


Jun 15, 2012
Detroit/Los Angeles
Nov 9, 2017
Bucktown, U.S.A. (Harlem, NY) + 'Cuse, NY
Portray a false image of compassion when your heart is filled with evil. Op, you’re a scumbag
Those who go around hurting ppl, disrespecting ppl, harassment, committing physical violence on others, practicing racial/racist beliefs towards groups of people, purposely denying a certain group of people jobs, ignoring others who've might've been in need (way before any of this) and the list goes on prior to this situation may be getting what they deserve...yes that's a hard pill to swallow but it is what it is.

I have compassion only those who deserve it...however unlike other black ppl who miraculously become a mule full compassion, warm heartedness & love in times like this for ppl who've might've purposely done them wrong (and will continue in the future) & don't care about them who'd spite them any other time of the year...I don't have that same mentality...I'm not a jackass.

I don't expect the coli full of c00ns, cacs, asians & "others" to resonate with my point...why? Cause they expect me to bend over backwards regardless of the treatment I (and those who look like me) have received. Only like-minded black ppl offline would understand me.
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Music Fiend

May 14, 2014
That all sounds good until you catch it or your fam catches it and has to deal. If anything this just shows panic is a lack of preparation.

ive known too many ppl who talk the "i fear nothing" and its prolly true but they also just careless and think it'll never be them.


Too old for the shenanigans
Apr 25, 2018
Dont Mess Wit Texas
The fear bandwagon is the best part...nothing wrong with a lil keeps you on your toes...the problem is what if it's as bad as they're not saying it is:leon:...believing a lie is one thing...believing a bad liar is another...Im not sure there is a bottom anymore


Jun 5, 2014
The Land of The North
I don't think people dislike the calm, cool and collected attitude. It's more, people want others to take situations seriously. I don't think panic is the right state of mind to be taking action from, but it's a natural human response when a person's way of life is being threatened. I believe that we can overcome this virus, truly. However, that'll only happen if everyone does their part in order to make it easier on those who are working their absolute hardest as we speak to find a solution.

People are generally skeptical and negative. I think that's generally true, but I believe that's because of the news that's being fed to people on a daily basis and the life that many have to live on a day-to-day basis. I think approaching the situation from a calm POV is the best course of action, but it's important to make it absolutely clear we're not playing this off. Italy didn't seem to take it seriously either, and look at what's happening. NYC as well. Rational thinking is super important because if we don't know where we're headed, how in the world are we going to prepare if things take a turn? People think it's a joke when it's not one, and some think it's literally Revelations outside. Neither are true. Balance is key.

And what also matters is making sure that the people around you are good physically AND mentally. I've seen a lot of people freaking out because of just how dark things are, and even though we might find the overreaction a bit silly, understanding and compassion can go a long way. Doesn't mean you baby them, but just be there for people like how you'd want them to be there for you. Or not, up to you. But not everyone is like us and therefore not everyone handles the same things in the same way as us.


Too old for the shenanigans
Apr 25, 2018
Dont Mess Wit Texas
I don't think people dislike the calm, cool and collected attitude. It's more, people want others to take situations seriously. I don't think panic is the right state of mind to be taking action from, but it's a natural human response when a person's way of life is being threatened. I believe that we can overcome this virus, truly. However, that'll only happen if everyone does their part in order to make it easier on those who are working their absolute hardest as we speak to find a solution.

People are generally skeptical and negative. I think that's generally true, but I believe that's because of the news that's being fed to people on a daily basis and the life that many have to live on a day-to-day basis. I think approaching the situation from a calm POV is the best course of action, but it's important to make it absolutely clear we're not playing this off. Italy didn't seem to take it seriously either, and look at what's happening. NYC as well. Rational thinking is super important because if we don't know where we're headed, how in the world are we going to prepare if things take a turn? People think it's a joke when it's not one, and some think it's literally Revelations outside. Neither are true. Balance is key.

And what also matters is making sure that the people around you are good physically AND mentally. I've seen a lot of people freaking out because of just how dark things are, and even though we might find the overreaction a bit silly, understanding and compassion can go a long way. Doesn't mean you baby them, but just be there for people like how you'd want them to be there for you. Or not, up to you. But not everyone is like us and therefore not everyone handles the same things in the same way as us.
I wish more people felt like you but I digress...
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Jun 5, 2014
The Land of The North
I wish more people felt like you but I digress...

If there's one thing I've learned while being on social media all these years, seeing all kinds of terrible things happening to people and just the overall tone of society lately... It's that people have lost their ability to be optimistic. And how can I blame them when they answer to a government that doesn't even see them as a number, works at jobs that are unfulfilling and hardly pay well, their personal lives are okay/decent, and are fed negativity throughout all of their senses 24-7/365? I don't believe money is the root of all evil. I think it's greed... Or more specifically, the feeling of lack is what creates so much darkness in people.

Take these rich politicians for example. You would think that with all the money and power they have access to, they'd be satisfied, right? But we see in real time, that is absolutely NOT the case. Instead, they become even greedier, slaves to their own lust. Salivating over the prospect of newer opportunities to climb their ladder while honest-earning citizens are left to fend for themselves using their own ingenuity and grit. It's no surprise that people have distrust with their government officials, and why is that a common occurrence? It's because time and again, the people are let down. This is why people lose interest in voting -- to many, it's futile. Same song and dance, just a different musician singing it.

I have a theory, and it's one I've thought about for years now. I believe the reason why people can be very dismissive (and sometimes outright cruel) to celebrities with mental health issues such as depression is because it shatters the image and beliefs people have in their heads. Here you have an individual who's in the top of their field with all of the adoration they could ever want, and more money than they know what to do with it. Looks, status, freedom, even power is within their grasp. After all, there's a celebrity businessman in the White House as we speak.

But when a celebrity, who has access to pretty much everything under the sun, is STILL unhappy? People do not want to accept that, because people grow up believing that money is the answer to everything. The American Dream, all these celebrities and athletes flexing their money in our faces, it's all to sell a dream. The hope that if you work hard one day and reach a certain level of wealth, you too will achieve happiness... But it's a facade. A lie. And this terrifies people, because if even the people who are on the top of the world are miserable, what does that mean for the common man? So they deny it, because to acknowledge it, to them it means futility.

Businesses encourage this charade because they profit off selling you peace of mind. After all, how much money do you think plastic surgeons make in a year? Or penis enlargement pills that most likely don't work? Or virtually any product that's preying on a person's insecurity? They know. And all of this is a distraction from going to the TRUE answer -- internally. When people can learn to find happiness internally and overcome all the hardships and pain that they've carried in themselves for so many years, they'll find that freedom they've been looking for. And they won't need to drop stacks on lies. It isn't easy, but it's not as if buying into the illusion is truly helping people either. Taking that first step though, that's the scariest thing some people will ever do. But what they could gain from it though outweighs it by a ton.