Something is really wrong with American culture.....


Jan 7, 2014
I just can't put my finger on it. The bright innovative quality of the culture is gone. At least I think it it.

All movies are total crap. Hollywood had its worst summer it over 25 years. I can't think of the last time I was excited over movie.

Music is absolute trash. I have been listening to a lot of 70s music lately, and it's amazing how innovative and technically superior music was in the 70s. Movies were also much more engaging and thought provoking in the 70s.

The 90s appears to have been the last hurrah for American culture, and that was mostly a rehash of the creativity of the 70s. 70s punk went completely mainstream, but just in a new name "Alternative", and 90s hip-hop completely stole the underground Funk/Jazz Fusion sound of the 70s. Even some of the greatest movies of the 90s were influenced by the 70s like Pulp Fiction.

Somethings that really struck me in the last few years:

1) Most if not all major movie releases have been remakes, sequels, prequels or re-boots, and 90% of them have been very bad, dumbed down, poorly written, poorly acted or cliche.

2) Rock-n-Roll (Americas signature musical export before hip-hop) has completely died off from mainstream music. All rock-n-roll genres are commercially dead from punk, to emo, to metal, to hard rock, to industrial, and Funk. There are absolutely no more hit Rock-n-Roll songs. There used to be so many Rock stations in my local area, now there is only one, and it only plays classic rock mainly from two decades (the 70s and the 90s).

3) I recently saw a System of the Down video {chop suey). I wasn't the biggest Rock fan at the time, but even i recognized it as softcore sellout non-sense at the time. "Chop Suey" was a huge hit at the time. Seeing this video in 2017, made my realize how tame, unoffensive and squared-out music is in 2017. Something like Linkin Park is actually too hard-core for today's audience, and that is downright laughable.

4)Something has really gone wrong with Hip-hop. I am 35yo, so you can call me old. BTW, old heads from the 70s and 80s hip-hop had nothing but respect for 90s artist, and most old heads I knew back then preferred 90s hip-hop.

I learned to appreciate Three-6-Mafia, and they are now one of my favorite groups. However, if you would have told me back in 1996, that ALL popular music not just all popular hip-hop, would somehow borrow heavily from Three-6-Mafia in terms of beat structure (crunk/trap beats), rap styles (Lord Infamous==> Migos), subject matter (advocating Being drug addicts rather than drug dealers or being sober), Lyrics (poor quality) and just mixed with heavy amounts of auto-tune.... I would have been very disappointed.

I was such a huge fan of hip-hop, and nothing made me more upset than the Shiny suit garbage that was taking over at the time. Now, R&B (Rap&Bullshyt) that RZA warned us about on Forever has a firm grip, there is basically no commercially viable alternative anymore. I find it nearly unbelievable that I lived in a time where Brotha Lynch Hung Season of Sickness went platinum and Moment of Truth and Liquid Swords were certified gold. That is crazy.

Imagine a world where an Album about Gang-banging Cannibals goes Platitnum and two albums with no radio friendly tracks and no tracks with female appeal went gold. That would absolutely never happen in todays world. Even with Youtube and Spotify, which are no-cost music media platforms, pop garbage outshines sub-pop genres in terms of views by nearly 1000-to-1 if not more.


Nov 26, 2016
I know what you mean. Time changes though. I think with the advent of social media now people see reality as more entertaining than fiction, so the general means of escapism lose their lustre.

People now can be their own stars, on video and musically. Ironically, with all the technological advancements, it feels like a lot of imagination has been lost.

It's kinda like reading. You read a book and your imagination is your only limit, and you can create multiple iterations to suit your fantasy. If the book is made into a tv show or movie, it takes your iterations away, and the book is largely eclipsed by the movie, even if the movie sucks compared to the book.

It feels like there are so many visuals in the world now, people lose their imaginations and creativity less. We have too many aids and things to help us, mentally we no longer reach the way we used to.
Try going a week without the internet or tv. Go somewhere quiet and peaceful, away from everything, and take a couple of books with you. See how clear your mind feels after a three or so days.


Nov 26, 2016
I know a few young heads will disagree though


All Star
Jun 17, 2012
Tampa, FL
Pretty good topic.

Movies this summer have been like really bad. But to be fair, the movie theater is a dying medium, everything is Netflix/Hulu now. That doesn't make it worse, just different. And there actually have been some good indie movies, just not the big blockbusters.

As far as music goes, rap is terrible, but other genres are doing just fine. Popular music is generally shyt but the internet basically opens your options to a limitless treasure trove of good stuff. Indie/alternative rock and EDM are where it's at right now.

As far as American culture goes at large, everyone is miserable to live in this society. Left has problems with social justice, right has problems with left. Everyone hates the government and everyone is overly obsessed with politics at the expense of simply enjoying their limited time on this planet. Relationships have become extremely superficial in the age of social media, feminism and IG thots. No one wants to live in this country anymore, at least the way it's currently set up. Therefore everyone is nostalgic for the past, whether justified or not...

Sports have become watered down as well. NBA is terrible. MLB is boring. NFL is soft now. Video games seem to be at high point right now though...
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All Star
Jun 7, 2012
oversaturation more than anything. I was fortunate to be alive and participate in both worlds. I would say, everything is available at once now. Too easy to get. Entire shows released at once. Shows were basically the prime time slots on the 3 or 4 networks with a few syndicated new series. You had to wait basically 9 months to see a whole season. We see far more sporting events than we used to. You used to basically see your local teams and whatever team they were playing along with a game of the week type game. If you had cable, you'd get the Hawks and Bulls/ Braves and Cubs. Just getting the games on TNT was a huge deal in the late 80s. Even movies took their time coming out and there were fewer releases at a time. Now you are bombarded every month. The funny thing is, there have been several Youtube videos on how critically acclaimed this summer's movies have been, but all you hear is the box office. Box office isn't a measure of movie quality. Same with music. An album used to have singles released over a couple of years. Now the whole thing is thrown at us whether you get the album or not. Compare a top album now, where you have all the songs on the chart at the same time. Compare that to something like Thriller, where the songs were released one by one over 3 years. So you simply got to savor things and feel their uniqueness. We had no 24/7 news, so when there was a big story, you got what the news gave you at that time and that was it. You weren't consumed with CNN or Fox News. Things got to simmer a little. So I don't think things are bad at all, we are just oversatured by too many things at once.

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
I think most people are generally uninspired and hopeless about the future. The distractions that once kept us with a false sense of happiness (entertainment and sports) are beginning to wane. As awful as this is, all we have to look forward to is the next tragic event because it gives us a sense of excitement in our mundane and purposeless lives. People are beginning to see that life in this modern society is pointless.
There are a good number of Americans who cant even function without antidepressants and other substances. Suicide is a growing issue. This culture faces a unique existential crisis. We have the greatest standard of living but growing ever more unhappier.
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Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016


Sep 15, 2014
The fact that this is even a topic shows you how much the "ho" mentality has effected and effeminated American males.

Who gives a fukk? Culture, entettainment and these other worldly subplots of life should have no affect on your existence or belief system.

Stop bytching and whining. If you want something to change so bad, do it your own goddamn self instead of bytching like a ho on the internet
Oct 30, 2015
yeah its all vicarious entertainment. but i think whats really messed things up is the 24 hr news cycle & the media's struggle for ratings. its contributed to all the dumbing down, politicians being concerned w/ being re-elected instead of accomplishing anything, and a slew of other stuff. its also had a negative influence on entertainment. espn copied that format & now looks like a hybrid of tmz/cnbc. unwatchable.
Aug 10, 2017
I Am Everywhere.
Modern culture is psychological war.

Addiction to entertainment keeps one in a consistently altered state of reality, where minds are preoccupied with symbols and abstract concepts such as fame, greed, hyperviolence, sexual obsession, and so on, to the point where for most people it replaces practical information and sources of actual happiness in terms of importance, such as eating good, real food for one's diet, having genuine and trustworthy friends... And so on.

Instead we're in a culture where we're desensitized to death, decadence, and decay to the point where many worship it. People even form identities, tribes, and associate based on the type of death worship and / or deviance they prefer... FPS games, gangsta rap, heavy metal, horror movies, sitcoms with racist subtexts, reality TV, pop music, and so on.

I admit I like video games, violent movies, and loud music as well. But only in moderation... I realized how powerful the subconscious is. Doesn't mean that a movie can necessarily make a person shoot up a school... But constantly being surrounded by images of death, sexual deviance, sociopathy... It warps the perception of reality.

On top of everything else that's also warped... Shady politics, manipulated media, an economic system based on debt... And the main escapes that are offered are into darkness, that gets dumbed down each year. To the point where people begin to prefer the earlier darkness that was just as self-destructive, but more masterfully crafted.

The Western world is a dystopia. I'm choosing to unplug from a culture that teaches us to look up to people who are deeply fukked up, and instead build my long term future and appreciate things like health and nature.

Might watch a modern film and listen to an explicit album here and there, as a catharsis. But that's not what gives meaning to my life. It's not my identity.
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