Sony stans confirm the PS4 is the weakest console in existence


May 6, 2012
Sony dropped $380 million on gaikai and because of THAT there is no way in hell they are going to make the PS4 backwards compatible, and from the looks of it, neither will the next sony console. How do you justify a $380 million investment to stream old games then turn around and say you're going to let people play those same old games for free without a sub.
You're pulling random threads together and drawing a conclusion that's not telling the whole picture.

The Gaikai acquisition was for streaming PS3 games to PS4/other devices as well as remote play and share play.

The big part you're missing out on is PS4 using X86 architecture to make it easier to develop for. It's a fact that making games for PS3 was hard as hell. It's not even debatable, you can find a plethora of articles from devs and companies claiming the PS3 was a bytch to develop for hence why a lot of 3rd party titles ran worse on PS3 compared to 360. Xbox 1 switched to X86 too also because the cost of this allowed for cheaper systems.

My problem with your statement is you did NOT state any of this, you just kept saying "Oh they dropped 380 million and they can't think of BC?" You didn't say anything about they also switched to X86 for the aforementioned reasons, you only tried to attach that to your argument when someone else said it.

Cheap to mass produce, high yields, powerful, requires low power, produces low heat.
That's what the PS4's goal was for. If they went with the same shyt as PS3, it would've been expensive as hell, big and another nightmare probably for most devs.

Including the PS3 hardware in the PS4 would've resulted in a expensive, low selling box that people would then be making other arguments for why it's selling badly.

You don't want to admit any of this because you'll then have to agree with a "Sony stan". :snoop:
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Bulls On Parade...
Aug 23, 2012
Did you even bother reading the first two lines you wrote in your own post that you quoted?

It's a known fact that it has been stated multiple times on this forum that it would be IMPOSSIBLE for Sony to make the PS4 BC even if they wanted to.
Now you guys are moving the goal posts again trying to make the argument about whether or not you ever even said that.
You really want me to go through and dig up posts of Sony stans perpetuating this nonsense on behalf of Sony???

This is LITERALLY what I've been repeating all morning but when i say it you look at me like I have 6 heads.
@MeachTheMonster been pretty much saying the same thing.

The only thing I'm saying is the defense that Sony CAN'T do it is all a lie.
Sony dropped $380 million on gaikai and because of THAT there is no way in hell they are going to make the PS4 backwards compatible, and from the looks of it, neither will the next sony console. How do you justify a $380 million investment to stream old games then turn around and say you're going to let people play those same old games for free without a sub.
PSnow allows folks to play games on anything, from a smartphone to tablet to whatever else that can host the app. Doesn’t make sense that they would gimp the CPU just to thwart BC implementations, especially since the XB1 uses a very similar CPU and actually does have BC. It all comes down to the older architecture.
If Sony does not allow BC from PS4 era to PS5 era and the platform remains on x86, then you will have a stance worth debating. Keep in mind that I do not put it past Sony to do some stupid shyt like that.

Seems like you making worthless arguments at this point in order to push your “I’m not biased” stance, but you’re trying way too hard

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
You're pulling random threads together and drawing a conclusion that's not telling the whole picture.

The Gaikai acquisition was for streaming PS3 games to PS4/other devices as well as remote play and share play.

The big part you're missing out on is PS4 using X86 architecture to make it easier to develop for. It's a fact that making games for PS3 was hard as hell. It's not even debatable, you can find a plethora of articles from devs and companies claiming the PS3 was a bytch to develop for hence why a lot of 3rd party titles ran worse on PS3 compared to 360. Xbox 1 switched to X86 too also because the cost of this allowed for cheaper systems.

My problem with your statement is you did NOT state any of this, you just kept saying "Oh they dropped 380 million and they can't think of BC?" You didn't say anything about they also switched to X86 for the aforementioned reasons, you only tried to attach that to your argument when someone else said it.
My breh....and you know I say that breh....
I COULDN'T CARE LESS about how difficult it would be for Sony technologically.
It's been stated on this forum multiple times that Sony literally CANNOT make the PS4 backwards compatible.
I refuse to believe that. Maybe I'm wrong, but what I find impossible is that a company that created a product, and has $380 million to spend on a service that brings old games to their new platform, does not have the resources, or the skill, to make backwards compatibility work on their new console the same way xbox has.
The technical complexity of the architecture and all that means nothing to mean, when we are talking about a company as large as Sony.


Bulls On Parade...
Aug 23, 2012
My breh....and you know I say that breh....
I COULDN'T CARE LESS about how difficult it would be for Sony technologically.
It's been stated on this forum multiple times that Sony literally CANNOT make the PS4 backwards compatible.
I refuse to believe that. Maybe I'm wrong, but what I find impossible is that a company that created a product, and has $380 million to spend on a service that brings old games to their new platform, does not have the resources, or the skill, to make backwards compatibility work on their new console the same way xbox has.
The technical complexity of the architecture and all that means nothing to mean, when we are talking about a company as large as Sony.
In order to emulate an architecture, the emulator must have orders of magnitude more processing capability to emulate all the elements of the prior platform. The Cell (basically powerPC at its core) platform is nothing, I repeat NOTHING like x86. With that in mind, take a look at the hit you got when using the Rosetta emulator to run old Mac applications (powePC) on intel back when Apple was in transition Apple's Mac Pro - A True PowerMac Successor
Huge performance gap versus native..


May 6, 2012
My breh....and you know I say that breh....
I COULDN'T CARE LESS about how difficult it would be for Sony technologically.
It's been stated on this forum multiple times that Sony literally CANNOT make the PS4 backwards compatible.
I refuse to believe that. Maybe I'm wrong, but what I find impossible is that a company that created a product, and has $380 million to spend on a service that brings old games to their new platform, does not have the resources, or the skill, to make backwards compatibility work on their new console the same way xbox has.
The technical complexity of the architecture and all that means nothing to mean, when we are talking about a company as large as Sony
The only reason you keep sayin this is because you're ignorant to the argument being made(I don't mean that in a bad way but simply meaning "not knowing.")

Since you don't understand everything being said, you find it baffling that a huge company like "Sony" can't do it. You don't want to understand how Xbox does it and when we tell you, you just brush it off as "MICROSOFT SHO IS GUD TO US" instead of understanding the difference between 360 emulation and PS3 emulation. Sony and MSFT ain't the same, so talking about resources/skill is apples and oranges. Outside of the technical aspects of emulation, we don't know what resources/skill it takes to even get something decent running on PS4 for PS3 BC. You're looking at this in a vacuum e.g. MSFT does it but you don't put in other factors into why they're doing it and how hint: They're not number 1 right now.

Look, this discussion isn't about what it means to the general consumer. It started as a technical discussion therefore you should care since you're talking about it. This isn't just some random joe blow asking can it play it at a store, this is supposed to be a more technical topic on an online forum.

We're in 2018 and the PS3 emulator you guys point to since 2011 has only 26% playable games(that really means can be finished). This doesn't say how good the game runs, if it runs without issues, glitches, visual problems and other things. it just means the game can be played. This is on vastly more powerful hardware than PS4 itself. Hardware that isn't fixed, hardware that can be upgraded. A PS4 is always a PS4. A PC can be completely upgraded whenever. Even if by later this year or next year there's more games able to played and emulated decently, that says a lot about how difficult it is.

Emulation/BC is a BROAD topic. Not every game uses hardware the same. Even if Sony theoretically came out with ONE PS3 game running emulated for PS4, that wouldn''t be proof that they can provide full on BC for every game because every game isn't the same. It's such a long, complicated topic that honestly it's too draining to explain the intricacies of emulation. I'm done man. If you refuse to learn about the topic then don't simply dismiss people as stans or defending Sony when you can't even understand the point being made.
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Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
PSnow allows folks to play games on anything, from a smartphone to tablet to whatever else that can host the app. Doesn’t make sense that they would gimp the CPU just to thwart BC implementations, especially since the XB1 uses a very similar CPU and actually does have BC. It all comes down to the older architecture.
If Sony does not allow BC from PS4 era to PS5 era and the platform remains on x86, then you will have a stance worth debating. Keep in mind that I do not put it past Sony to do some stupid shyt like that.

Seems like you making worthless arguments at this point in order to push your “I’m not biased” stance, but you’re trying way too hard
I responded to the claims that Sony COULD NOT make the PS4 backwards compatible EVEN IF THEY WANTED TO.
That's what was stated. I responded. I then got hit with titangraphs about architecture,cpu,gpu, xyz and lmnop.
Sony made a conscience decision to exclude backwards compatibility on the PS4. It wasn't about their technical ability.
As far as me trying to do anything to seem unbiased, I don't know how you get that from this post.
It's all sarcasm in the OP, but my serious point is that I do not believe that it's IMPOSSIBLE for Sony to make the PS4 backwards compatible.
Maybe it's difficult for x,y,z, reasons, but not impossible.


Bulls On Parade...
Aug 23, 2012
I responded to the claims that Sony COULD NOT make the PS4 backwards compatible EVEN IF THEY WANTED TO.
That's what was stated. I responded. I then got hit with titangraphs about architecture,cpu,gpu, xyz and lmnop.
Sony made a conscience decision to exclude backwards compatibility on the PS4. It wasn't about their technical ability.
As far as me trying to do anything to seem unbiased, I don't know how you get that from this post.
It's all sarcasm in the OP, but my serious point is that I do not believe that it's IMPOSSIBLE for Sony to make the PS4 backwards compatible.
Maybe it's difficult for x,y,z, reasons, but not impossible.
Those titan graphs are attempting to cure your ignorance on the subject, but instead you double down. PS3 BC is not possible on the anemic PS4 cpu at the same performance it would have natively, period.


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
The only reason you keep sayin this is because you're ignorant to the argument being made(I don't mean that in a bad way but simply meaning "not knowing.")

Since you don't understand everything being said, you find it baffling that a huge company like "Sony" can't do it. You don't want to understand how Xbox does it and when we tell you, you just brush it off as "MICROSOFT SHO IS GUD TO US" instead of understanding the difference between 360 emulation and PS3 emulation. Sony and MSFT ain't the same, so talking about resources/skill is apples and oranges. Outside of the technical aspects of emulation, we don't know what resources/skill it takes to even get something decent running on PS4 for PS3 BC.

Look, this discussion isn't about what it means to the general consumer. It started as a technical discussion therefore you should care since you're talking about it. This isn't just some random joe blow asking can it play it at a store, this is supposed to be a more technical topic on an online forum.

We're in 2018 and the PS3 emulator you guys point to since 2011 has only 26% playable games(that really means can be finished). This doesn't say how good the game runs, if it runs without issues, glitches, visual problems and other things. it just means the game can be played. This is on vastly more powerful hardware than PS4 itself. Hardware that isn't fixed, hardware that can be upgraded. A PS4 is always a PS4. A PC can be completely upgraded whenever. Even if by later this year or next year there's more games able to played and emulated decently, that says a lot about how difficult it is.

Emulation/BC is a BROAD topic. Not every game uses hardware the same. Even if Sony theoretically came out with ONE PS3 game running emulated for PS4, that wouldn''t be proof that they can provide full on BC for every game because every game isn't the same. It's such a long, complicated topic that honestly it's too draining to explain the intricacies of emulation. I'm done man. If you refuse to learn about the topic then don't simply dismiss people as stans or defending Sony when you can't even understand the point being made.
Thank u! I think nikkas is trollin. I refuse to believe these nikkas are this willfully ignorant and dense.

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
Those titan graphs are attempting to cure your ignorance on the subject, but instead you double down. PS3 BC is not possible on the anemic PS4 cpu at the same performance it would have natively, period.

Thank u! I think nikkas is trollin. I refuse to believe these nikkas are this willfully ignorant and dense.
Part trolling, part disbelief.
Either way :umad: cause the XB1 can do more than PS4...the console and the person. :banderas:


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
This is exactly what I've said several times this morning yet certain Sony stans chose to defend Sony by claiming that it's IMPOSSIBLE for Sony to make the PS4 backwards compatible.
The goal posts continually get moved. No one is arguing whether or not it would be difficult to do, or if it would be cost effective. It's the blind stannery that has people saying that it is physically and technologically IMPOSSIBLE to do that's in question.
what realm of possibility are we talking about? are space aliens gonna show us how to get the PS4 to play PS3 games?


May 6, 2012
Thank u! I think nikkas is trollin. I refuse to believe these nikkas are this willfully ignorant and dense.

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
There isn't a poster on here that doesn't know I'm a Sony stan. :heh:
I think sometimes a lot of you operate in a reality where if you like one thing more than the other, you can't compliment the other at all, or criticize the one you prefer.
I'm not unbiased,:whoa: but I'm definitely less biased than a lot of you. :hhh: