[Spoilers]Smackdown Women's match/WM, Goldberg, KO on Jericho/Zayn/Taker, JBL/Ranallo? Strowman

The Prince of All Saiyans

Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
May 1, 2012
It appears the Smackdown Women's title match is back on the main card for WrestleMania 33. Earlier this week, WWE had indicated that the match was going to air on the Kickoff show, but as of this latest writing, that reference has been removed and the championship bout is back being grouped with the rest of the matches to take place on the four-hour main show.
:obama: Alexa deserves it
The backstage buzz in WWE is that Goldberg has not or will not sign an extension with the company and that his WrestleMania match against Brock Lesnar will be his final match at this time.
gives b-tches like @mrken12 reason to be even happier about mania
Returning to his hometown of Montreal to wrestle a main event match
against Sami Zayn:

It’s nice not to have to be on a flight this early to go somewhere in the United
States. It’s nice to wake up in my own bed the morning of a WWE show. We are so busy
when we’re on the road; it’s kind of a
whirlwind as soon as we leave. We travel so much and everything is so fast-paced. To
get to main event with Sami [Zayn] after so many years of wrestling all over
Montreal in church basements and bars and high
school gyms, to get to do it at the Bell Centre one-on-one makes it that much more
special. It’s a great feeling. Everybody in Montreal watched my time as champion
with a lot of pride. It feels like everyone who watched me coming up in the
independent circuit was watching and really pulling for me. I would’ve loved to have
made it to Montreal with the Universal championship. I plan on being Universal
champion again; I plan on winning the WWE World championship. I plan on bringing it
home eventually for sure.

What an honor it was for him to be WWE Universal champion on Raw for
over 6 months:

Smackdown’s a great show but Raw will always be the flagship show. It’s been around
for so long and even people who don’t know WWE very well they know what Raw is. To
be able to represent that brand as
champion, it’s so surreal. My entire time in WWE has been surreal because I never
stopped being a fan. To be able to carry the
championship and represent Raw, it was extremely special. I always feel pressure
doing anything whether being champion or trying to get back to the point of getting
back the championship, I want people to
remember what I did every night and to be memorable. I feel like I perform well
under pressure.

His feud with Chris Jericho:

We’ve been doing some entertaining stuff together and it’s going to keep going that
way for the foreseeable future. I had my first
Wrestlemania match last year, it was a 7-man ladder match and that was an incredible
experience and unbelievable feeling. As someone who never stopped being a fan, being
on TV every week with Chris Jericho and to get to have a one-on-one match with him
at Wrestlemania, it’s pretty surreal as well. I think Chris [Jericho] and I have a
good shot at having the best match on the card. I actually think it’s the match that
people are most invested in. The story we’ve told over several months and everything
that’s happened between us. Everyone’s excited for the match, it’s going to make for
a great time, and I plan on walking out as United States champion. Now when I come
out to the ring without a title I always feel naked. It’s legitimately a very odd
feeling for me. I don’t know what to do with my hands; it’s legitimately an odd
feeling for me. I want to be the new face of the United States. I think it’ll be a
big upgrade.

Potential faction with HHH & Joe:

I don’t know anything about a faction to be honest. I know that HHH has shown a lot
of faith in me when he helped me win the Universal championship. Samoa Joe happens
to be a fortunate ally. I’ll never
turn down someone like him for help. It’s interesting to see where it goes.

Who he’d like to see as the next call-up’s from NXT:

I think a fellow Canadian, Tye Dillinger, would be great on Raw or Smackdown. We
can’t go anywhere without the “10-10-10 chant”. The
guy’s been at it for so long I think he deserves a break. Also, Shinsuke Nakamura.
He’s got an undeniable charisma and to have him on the main roster would make the
show better. He transcends the language barrier better than anyone I’ve seen
probably ever.

On whether or not it's true he'll be moving to Smackdown at the Draft after Wrestlemania:

I haven't talked to anybody about it but that's not where I want to be right now in my career and i'll retire before I let that happen

On fellow Montreal wrestler Dru Onyx recently having a stint as a guest
trainer at the performance centre:

Dru was instrumental to me even getting to WWE. When I heard I was getting a try-out
I hadn’t trained in a ring and roll around in a very long time even though I was
wrestling several times a way. I asked Dru [Onyx] if I could come to his wrestling
school and did that for around 2 months before my WWE tryout. Without him, I don’t
know that I would have made it to WWE. He had so many trainees and he works so hard
to do that. To allow me to join that class and help me get there it really helped
and the least I could do to pay him back is help him get front and centre. He’s very
passionate about giving his trainees the best training possible so I helped him get
in to the performance centre and I heard he did great; he gave a great impression to
everyone there.

Does he believe that this will be the Undertaker's final Wrestlemania:

I don’t, I really don’t. Every time I see the Undertaker he has this presence. I
can’t imagine him not being at Wrestlemania; I don’t think it’ll be his last one.
I keep forgetting that his match at WM is for the US Title, the IC & US titles get no credibility :merchant:
  • The story with Smackdown commentator Mauro Ranallo is turning into a complicated situation that might actually involve his broadcast partner JBL.

  • We briefly alluded to something amiss earlier this month, but the story goes that JBL reportedly went off on Ranallo for missing his first show on 3/14, suggesting that everyone else in the company made it to the arena despite the weather (which is the reason WWE gave at that time for Mauro's absence). JBL then took the tweet down and hasn't said anything about Ranallo since.

  • While Ranallo himself has kept his online presence limited except for a few tweets thanking everyone for the support, his friend Bas Rutten has made not-so-subtle hints about JBL's role in all of this, at one point tweeting "JBL, please. I mean he was a pro wrestler, but please, you always take care of your broadcast partner. Always."

  • Those in the know about the situation have indicated that tension has been building between the two, especially since Ranallo in early March tweeted the results of a WON Announcer of the Year awards, where he won for the second straight year.

  • JBL apparently did not like this at all, as there is a bit of an unwritten rule that you don't acknowledge awards unless they are from your promotion. JBL had previously mocked Ranallo for being so active on Twitter and even said that he blocked him at one point. It is also possible that JBL said something further to Ranallo in private which caused Ranallo to then tweet that "jealousy is one hell of a drug." While he did not specifically mention JBL, pretty much everyone figured that is who he was talking about.

  • JBL reportedly then continued his with his anger on the next edition of Smackdown on 3/7 after the initial Ranallo tweet about his awards win, criticizing some of Ranallo's commentating and pop culture references. Most took it as "mean spirited" and "vicious" and given Ranallo's ongoing battle with depression and bipolar disorder, it certainly sounds like it has at least contributed somewhat to his absence since.

  • WWE has made no comment on the matter and the situation is complicated because if and when Ranallo returns - he will be working in close quarters with JBL - and that puts the company in a no-win situation.
Braun Strowman remains the favorite to win the Andre the Giant Battle Royal. He was actually originally pegged to win the match last year but the plan was changed due to an internal belief that he wasn't quite ready. This year, the feeling he is that he is ready and also scheduled to work with Roman Reigns and perhaps Brock Lesnar as well for the remainder of 2017.
not that the Battle Royal matters much:yeshrug: