Stephen Hawking says humans have 1000 years left on earth.


Ethereous one
May 11, 2012
Speaking of Science
Stephen Hawking just gave humanity a due date for finding another planet

By Peter Holley November 17 at 6:15 AM
according to the Daily Express.

“I don’t think we will survive another 1,000 years without escaping beyond our fragile planet,” he added.

[Why Stephen Hawking believes the next 100 years may be humanity’s toughest test]

During his hour-long speech, Hawking told the audience that Earth's cataclysmic end may be hastened by humankind, which will continue to devour the planet’s resources at unsustainable rates, the Express reported.

His wide-ranging talk touched upon the origins of the universe and Einstein's theory of relativity, as well as humanity's creation myths and God. Hawking also discussed “M-theory,” which Leron Borsten of explains as “proposal for a unified quantum theory of the fundamental constituents and forces of nature.”

Though the challenges ahead are immense, Hawking said, it is a “glorious time to be alive and doing research into theoretical physics.”

“Our picture of the universe has changed a great deal in the last 50 years, and I am happy if I have made a small contribution,” he added.

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Speaking to audience members in a public Q&A session ahead of the annual BBC Reith Lectures, Hawking also said that leaving the planet behind was our best hope for survival.

The key, he noted, was surviving the precarious century ahead.

“Although the chance of a disaster to planet Earth in a given year may be quite low, it adds up over time, and becomes a near certainty in the next thousand or ten thousand years. By that time we should have spread out into space, and to other stars, so a disaster on Earth would not mean the end of the human race.”

Since 2009, NASA has been hunting for Earthlike planets with the potential for human colonization.

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In a July 2015 speech, Stephen Hawking explained "Breakthrough Listen," an initiative aimed at discovering intelligent extraterrestrial life. (Breakthrough Initiatives)
Researchers have discovered more than 4,600 “candidate” planets and another 2,300 or so confirmed planets, according to the agency.

“The first exoplanet orbiting another star like our sun was discovered in 1995,” according to NASA. “Exoplanets, especially small Earth-size worlds, belonged within the realm of science fiction just 21 years ago. Today, and thousands of discoveries later, astronomers are on the cusp of finding something people have dreamt about for thousands of years.”

Before we have a chance to relocate, Hawking says, we'll first need to solve the potential threat created by technology.

[Stephen Hawking just got an artificial intelligence upgrade, but still thinks AI could bring an end to mankind]

While Hawking thinks technology has the capacity to ensure mankind's survival, previous statements suggest the cosmologist is simultaneously grappling with the potential threat it poses. When it comes to discussing that threat, Hawking is unmistakably blunt.

“I think the development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race,” Hawking told the BBC in a 2014 interview that touched upon everything from online privacy to his affinity for his robotic-sounding voice.

Despite its current usefulness, he cautioned, further developing A.I.could prove a fatal mistake.

“Once humans develop artificial intelligence, it will take off on its own and redesign itself at an ever-increasing rate,” Hawking warned in recent months. “Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn't compete and would be superseded.”

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I was a Hawking fan when I started out as a physics student. But I have yet to ever see Hawking speak knowledgeably on a subject beyond his limited research interests. He somehow got this strange reputation as being a "genius" (even though he is no smarter nor has he done any more insightful research than dozens of other physicists out there), and thinks it gives him authority to speak on all sorts of other issues.

It's obvious to anyone that mankind is destroying this planet at an unsustainable rate. But I haven't seen any indication that Hawking has the slightest clue what the root causes behind that are, what kind of timeframe it will happen in, or what the solution is. The idea that colonizing other planets is the solution is just stupid - no matter how much we destroy this planet, it will permanently remain a better place to live than Venus or Mars, and the energy cost of moving populations to distant solar systems would be ridiculous. If we solve those energy problems, and address the basic issues with human economy and sociology that are causing us to ruin this planet, then we won't have to move at all. If we don't solve those problems, then we'll quickly destroy any new place we go, so what's the point of moving?

This Earth has WAY more resources available than all of us need. And population stops increasing once a nation gets developed. The only two main crises we need to stop the unsustainable wrecking of the planet are the interest-based economy pushed by the financial class (which insists on constant economic growth, a necessity only when people who don't work are making lots of money off of interest), and existential war like Nazism/Fascism, the capitalist vs. communist conflict or the potential Muslim vs. West conflicts. And if we don't address the idiocy of constant economic growth and existential war, finding new planets does nothing for us in the long term.


Doctors without Labcoats
May 1, 2012
Payments accepted Obamacare,paypal and livestock
:mjlol: He is a brilliant physicist but he has no clue what the future holds...Human progress is never something that can be calculated because it is NOT linear..its random and dependent on so many factors.

Faraday died around 200 or so years ago...He would never have imagined his discoveries would make it possible for a satellite in space to beam high definition images of kim kardashians booty all over the world

We may stagnate for several hundred years,or even regress thanks to the religious retards breeding like rabbits

:ehh: Personally my money is on us building some intelligent sentient AI which will wipe out most of humanity using our own web connected weapons..If you cant serve it you die

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
I was a Hawking fan when I started out as a physics student. But I have yet to ever see Hawking speak knowledgeably on a subject beyond his limited research interests. He somehow got this strange reputation as being a "genius" (even though he is no smarter nor has he done any more insightful research than dozens of other physicists out there), and thinks it gives him authority to speak on all sorts of other issues.

It's obvious to anyone that mankind is destroying this planet at an unsustainable rate. But I haven't seen any indication that Hawking has the slightest clue what the root causes behind that are, what kind of timeframe it will happen in, or what the solution is. The idea that colonizing other planets is the solution is just stupid - no matter how much we destroy this planet, it will permanently remain a better place to live than Venus or Mars, and the energy cost of moving populations to distant solar systems would be ridiculous. If we solve those energy problems, and address the basic issues with human economy and sociology that are causing us to ruin this planet, then we won't have to move at all. If we don't solve those problems, then we'll quickly destroy any new place we go, so what's the point of moving?

This Earth has WAY more resources available than all of us need. And population stops increasing once a nation gets developed. The only two main crises we need to stop the unsustainable wrecking of the planet are the interest-based economy pushed by the financial class (which insists on constant economic growth, a necessity only when people who don't work are making lots of money off of interest), and existential war like Nazism/Fascism, the capitalist vs. communist conflict or the potential Muslim vs. West conflicts. And if we don't address the idiocy of constant economic growth and existential war, finding new planets does nothing for us in the long term.

Would rep if i could.

"We shouldnt reach aliens because they could destroy us"

"We might not last another 1000 years"

Wow. So enlightening. Thats just mathematics and common sense. I feel bad saying this because of his health status but he is overrated as hell. If i was in his position and all i could do is read and pontificate..i could come up with that shyt. Hell, both of those opinions have crossed my mind anyway. This isnt even newsworthy.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
The Coli....where 99% of its posters immediately claim authority over Stephen Hawking :blessed:


What does Hawking know about environmental sustainability? What expertise has he EVER gained on the subject? When did he ever get educated on economic growth, birth rate changes, sustainable farming, pollution mitigation? What research has he done on literally anything related to this subject?

I think I could get you a clear answer pretty quickly. :francis:

Do you just worship famous people, or immediately adhere to the beliefs of people with high IQ? If not, then why are Hawking's views on this topic relevant at all? :rudy:

Even if you're going on a pure IQ level, there are certainly several Higher Learning posters with measured IQ's just as high as Hawking. Of course, they don't have his cred in theoretical physics and cosmology...but this topic has NOTHING to do with either of those at all. I've read some of Hawking's work and listened to his talks, and there's nothing in there that would inform him on these subjects.