Story Time: Traveling brothers, tell us your tales of out of state or overseas conquests.

Brolic Scholar

Licensed Text Technician
Nov 28, 2015
Unknown Side Effects
I’m laying back trying to fall asleep before I drive, thinking about different times I got new p*ssy while traveling. I’ve always been the type of dude to hit the road, take a flight or set sail on a whim. I have a few stories as a result and was wondering what others’ experiences on the road were like. I’ll start with the time I went to Spain.

I went to a mostly white high school. I hung out with my people, but always kept a cac friend around for access to their world.

(That’s me in the middle. Number 35.)

I grew up watching my Pops work with a lot of cacs in sales and going to various work related parties so I learned early how to maneuver in their world. I never looked for acceptance in it, I just had a genuine curiosity about what they do in their private lives. I say all that to say, it made me take some chances with them that some of my friends might not have been willing to.

In my second level Spanish class in high school, one I mostly cheated my way through, my teacher presented the idea of taking a trip to Spain that she would chaperone. She was initially gauging interest and set up a night where parents could ask questions, get pricing, etc. Of course I was the only black person in my class, but it sounded like a way to go wild out overseas and I was immediately interested.

On the way ay back from white Jesus’s house the following Sunday, I saw that my folks were in a good mood and I threw a Hail Mary. I brought up the upcoming Q&A and asked them if they’d go. To my surprise they said yes. I was hyped and on my best behavior until things were lined up.

Once the Q&A was over and my parents felt comfortable with a middle aged white woman and her sister they had just met flying their kid across the ocean in the direction of where slavery started, they gave me my assignment. All I had to do was raise my own spending money and they’d cover the cost of my flight and hotel package. I remember it being $2000. This was in the mid 90s, so I’m not sure if that was a lot of money back then.

To come up with my share, I decided to look for work in the easiest place I could think of at the time: McDonald’s. I have some funny stories about that job, but I’ll save them for another time. I worked there until I saved $2000 to spend and then I quit. I still had months before the trip was taking place.

Fast forward to the trip. We flew out of New Orleans to DC and then to France and finally, to Spain. The flight was long and boring. When we got to Spain, we took a cab to meet up with our tour guides and while we waited at an office we heard an explosion that turned out to be a car bombing assasination attempt on some political leader. People were running down the street. It was crazy, but I never felt in danger.

Once we made it to our first stop in a resort town called Costa Del Sol, I had already made up my mind that I wasn’t doing the tourist shyt. What was this chaperone gonna do? Fly me back? Besides, she was on some post divorce midlife crisis shyt, drinking and probably trying to bag a Spanish or Moroccan dude.

The first day at the hotel pool I see these two fine ass Spanish girls with athletic bodies and at that time, the biggest titties I had ever seen in my life. They were in bikinis that barely covered them, jumping in and out of the water. The lames in my group talked about these two girls like they were unattainable goddesses. They were truly on some loser shyt. I made eye contact with both of them. Being the only black male there I stood out. After establishing eye contact, I knew they’d be down for some strange.

During dinner in the hotel restaurant I saw them eating with their mother. I was with a goober crew trying to get a wing man and one of them decided he was down... not to do any actual work, but to take the one I didn’t want, the younger of the two girls. I went to the front desk to get a piece of paper and a pen and wrote down in Spanish my name, that I’m the black guy, my wing man’s name, that they were very attractive, our room number and what time to come up.

I got their attention, smiled, flashed the piece of paper from across the restaurant and left it on an empty table between where we sat. This was before cell phones were the norm, so without walking up to their table and being obvious in front of their mother and making an awkward scene, it was my best strategy and it worked.

In my room there was four of us total. The other three dipped while I stayed behind getting ready. I was thinking of how to get them naked, what game to run, all kinds of shyt. My wing man was convinced my plan wouldn’t work and had gone to a pub with the other lames because the legal drinking age there was 16 at the time. By the time he got back, he was drunk.

When he makes it back, I tell him my game plan. I was going to start by introducing them to hip hop. I had my Sony discman with me and had Nas’ Illmatic and other CDs. After that I’d show them my sketch book. By this time I had thrown in a few nude women. Then we’d get the camera out and take pics. Then I’d tell them I’d sketch them if they’d let me take some artistic nude photos. Once the clothes came off...


Dude thought I was crazy and even a f they did show up, they’d never go for it. Well brehs, sometimes thinking outside of the box is the best way to get what you want.

They showed up and it was immediately clear that the one I wanted, Eva (16 years old, like me) spoke very little English. Her younger sister Ana (15 years old) was almost fluent and acted as our translator. I ran the game just as I had mentioned to my wing man. Up until the point of taking the camera out, everything was going smoothly.

(pic that Eva took of 16 year old me with my camera pre digital photo era)

The girls paused at my nude photo request and said you first. I had no problem getting naked for them. My wing man wasn’t as ready but I told him if he fukks this up I’m gonna tell everyone he’s a lame and have him looking bad. Once we broke our huddle, the I started undressing. He followed suit and these two girls got bucket naked like it wasn’t about shyt. I snapped a few pics of them and killed the lights.

I got it cracking!!!


My wing man, not so much.


Once me and old girl were done, they got dressed and dipped. Right after, my drunk ass wing man walked to the balcony and started crying. I was confused as fukk. I guess he couldn’t seal the deal even after I did all the work. I told him he was lame and went to sleep. I forgot to mention these girls were from Madrid. Our last few days would be spent in Madrid.

Fast forward to showing up in Madrid at the end of the trip. I called Eva from the hotel and left a message with her sister, Ana. We went to eat and came back to the hotel. My girl was there. She was ready too! We did our thing the last couple of days and she showed me around the city. We rode the subway to her neighborhood which was like the projects of Madrid. Funny enough, we bumped into her man on the street and he wanted to hang out thinking we were cool American tourists his girl just met.


After I got back to the US old girl wrote me once or twice talking about she hoped I didn’t think she was a whore. I never wrote back.
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Brolic Scholar

Licensed Text Technician
Nov 28, 2015
Unknown Side Effects


Living dead
Mar 2, 2015
I got nothin.
Closest I ever got was talkin with some fine little philipina chick from LA on the way to Kuwait. Tried to get it in on the plane but nope...
Traded numbers but I knew I'd never see her again...just let it fade into oblivion after texting back and forth a few days.


2021 Grammy Award Winner
May 2, 2012
Not much to tell. I go on tour and play music. Women frequently appeal to me, not always in a sexual nature but I’d say one out of 10 do. Nothing spectacular about it, per say. It comes off stalker like sometimes though. I’ve had women tell me a lot of different things and admit a lot of different shyt. Makes you gain a balanced view about the sexes. Even though the world holds women and men in different regards, we’re kind of the same deep down.

The only stereotype I faced when it came to women was Australian women’s interest in black men. While I tried to ignore a lot of it, traveling as a musician and hearing other people talk about Aussie’s love for black men and experiencing that ‘interest’ on a daily basis did nothing but make it harder to deny that stereotype.

@Brolic Scholar you from Louisiana?