Suge Knight linked to Extortion scheme of owner of SLS Hotel & Casino


Jun 3, 2013
Sam Nazarian made his name and his billion-dollar fortune creating L.A. clubs and restaurants that attracted the hippest young celebrities.

He parlayed that fame into hotels in Beverly Hills and Miami's South Beach. This year, he looked to Las Vegas as the next step in a bold global expansion, opening the 1,600-room SLS Las Vegas hotel and casino in August.

Then he ran into the Nevada Gaming Control Board.

The board's routine vetting of Nazarian, who applied for a gaming license, has now thrown his Vegas plans into disarray. Investigators unearthed recent cocaine use — along with about $3 million in payments to a felon with convictions for drug possession and money laundering. Some of the money was paid to a convicted racketeer and Death Row Records founder Suge Knight.

Nazarian gaming license for SLS Las Vegas passes hurdle



"One of the main reasons I moved here … was to get out of a certain lifestyle I was around," he told the gaming board, as members grilled him about his cocaine use.

He plans to keep his 10% stake in the Vegas hotel and to continue pursuing a gaming license. The matter comes before the Nevada Gaming Commission, which oversees the board, on Thursday.

State law requires anyone with more than a 5% stake in a casino to hold a license. Nazarian declined to be interviewed by The Times.

The night-life entrepreneur has struggled for eight years to turn the former Sahara Hotel into a desert hot spot, an anchor for the redevelopment of the Strip's northern end.

Nazarian's troubles provide vivid insights into gaming board investigations of prospective casino owners in Las Vegas, a city that has struggled to clean up its image ever since its founding by mobsters. Nevada regulators dig into applicants' backgrounds as if they were nominees for high public office.

Flanked by attorneys, Nazarian told the board that his recent drug use was "a bad indiscretion" and "a mistake" but insisted the episode was isolated to a single instance when he was attending a golf tournament in Mexico.

The initial denial irritated board members.

"We have the one issue of whether there was drug use, but then we had an additional issue of the degree to which you are speaking candidly and truthfully about it," board member Terry Johnson said.

The investigation also turned up long-standing ties to twice-convicted felon Derrick "Smokey" Armstrong, the man he accuses of blackmail.

Armstrong, a 43-year-old former West Los Angeles exotic car customizer, denied any wrongdoing in an interview with The Times. He called himself Nazarian's business partner and "fixer."

Nazarian acknowledged that he had made payments to Armstrong, who was convicted of drug possession in 1992 and pleaded guilty to money laundering in 2010. Nazarian, now 39, said he met Armstrong in 1999 and began paying him to customize his exotic cars.

Related story: L.A. nightclub operator Sam Nazarian bets on Las Vegas hotel-casino

The relationship soured after Armstrong borrowed money to open a car shop, Nazarian said at the hearing, and then threatened to harm or embarrass Nazarian unless he paid Armstrong another $1 million.

Nazarian, who is 6 feet 4, said he was "scared and embarrassed" and reported the threats to the Los Angeles Police Department starting in 2005.

But he kept making payments through 2013, Nazarian told the board.

One member of Nazarian's legal team dismissed Armstrong as a "parasite" common in the entertainment world.

"My city … is a city of barnacles for people who are achievers and high profile," attorney Joseph Taylor told the board. "The hangers-on, the clingers, the parasites — they are everywhere."

Nazarian told the board that Armstrong threatened repeatedly to embarrass him, disrupt pending business deals or physically harm him or members of his family.

One threat occurred the day of the grand opening of the SLS South Beach hotel, Nazarian said at the hearing: "[Armstrong] understood the mere fact that I had known him or associated with him was enough to garner bad press."

Armstrong, in an interview with The Times, said he received as much as $800,000 for work he did on behalf of Nazarian, including negotiating a deal to partner Nazarian with an energy drink producer. He denied threatening Nazarian.

"These allegations of extortion and being fearful are a bunch of lies," Armstrong said.

Dana Cole, a Los Angeles attorney who has represented Armstrong, said he helped Armstrong negotiate a settlement of a business dispute with Nazarian regarding a car business. It was not an extortion attempt, he said.

The payments included $90,000 to Knight and $83,000 to Hai Waknine, the convicted racketeer — both of whom, Nazarian told the board, were working with Armstrong.

Waknine served five years in federal prison after pleading guilty to one count of racketeering in connection with a money-laundering scheme linked to Israeli organized crime. Waknine could not be reached for comment.

"So roughly $3 million in monies … were paid either to Mr. Armstrong or to others, I guess it would be fair to say, in connection with Mr. Armstrong?" board member Johnson asked Nazarian during the hearing.

"It would be fair to say," Nazarian answered.

Knight declined to comment. But a business associate, entertainment producer Mark Blankenship, called the charges of extortion "a form of profiling and racism."

Nazarian gaming license for SLS Las Vegas passes hurdle



The gaming board has serious concerns about prospective casino owners using drugs or consorting with felons, said Brown, a commission member since 2008 and a director of the law firm Fennemore Craig Jones Vargas. "It's big," he said. "It's major."

Veteran Las Vegas attorney Dominic Gentile said the gaming control board is rigorous in its investigations and insisted Nazarian is "not being singled out. This goes on no matter who it is."

In 1963, Frank Sinatra, then owner of Lake Tahoe's Cal Neva Casino, lost his license over his acquaintance with mobster Sam Giancana. Sinatra was approved for a new license 17 years later, only after friends Gregory Peck and Kirk Douglas spoke on his behalf.

Gentile added that many upstanding Nevada citizens — including himself — might have difficulty passing gaming commission muster.

"If you've lived any kind of life, and you've enjoyed it, there's a damn good chance you're not eligible," he said. "Let's just say that if you have a lot of money, but you've chosen to associate with people that have reputations and perhaps are notorious, it's going to be tough."

  • @LongieDude Thanks for that - I almost spat my after-work beer.
    AT 4:36 PM DECEMBER 18, 2014


Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
interesting an article of irony

immigrant businessman doing what most mid westerners go to vegas to do - gamble, party and have fun...


Marl0 Stanfield

Yeshua Ben YHWH
Feb 14, 2015
Lmao@these Vegas fagg0ts letting u get a stake above 5% while u wait for licensing so they can fukk u over after u put ur bst in the jernt. U can tell this dumb moron didn't have independent firms do bckgrnd checks on him beforehand. How THE fukk DO U FINESSE A 10% STAKE IN A BILLION DOLLAR CASINO AND GET TRIPPED UP AT THE GODDAMNED LICENSING HEARING? WHY DIDN'T THIS FAGG0T JUST USE A fukkING FRONT MAN INSTEAD OF THROWING SHADE ON THE WHOLE OPERATION? JFC I swear I'm bout to eat, even the crackers are dumb as fukk in 2015. The only way this fagg0t gets license is if he buys someone off. N if this is how sloppy their operation is, JFC. Putting pressure on brehs thru the media? Wtf kinda cowboy shyt is this?

I also wonder if Suge was set up to get him out the picture in case this fagg0t gets the license and doesn't wanna share. A bunch of fukking amateurs out here, I just need my shot to come thru soon.:banderas:


Staff member
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Californ-i-a by way of BK
Its usually professionals like the mafia that extort well. If a goon extorts you, just pay another goon to end your problem
SMFH y'all stay putting fukking white Italians on pedestals even in crime y'all don't think Black people can be organized to put press and extort nikkas

LOL @ thinking Mobs can extort but gang members can't. You must not know the streets at all.