"Supergirl" TV show thread


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
5/13/15 Update:

5/6/15 Update:

3/18/15 Update:

3/6/15 Update:

2/26/15 Update:

2/24/15 Update:

1/28/15 Update:

1/22/15 Update:

1/12/15 Update:
CBS Says Supergirl/Flash/Arrow Crossover Unlikely

CBS President of CBS Nina Tassler gives updates on a potential Supergirl crossover with CW's Flash and Arrow, plus why it's good for CBS.



As CBS moves forward with the Supergirl series they have in development, fans have been wondering if Kara will exist in the same universe as The CW's Arrow and The Flash. CBS co-owns The CW and executive producer Greg Berlanti is behind all three series, so it seemed a natural fit.

CW president Mark Pedowitz said he was open to a cohesive universe between the three and Berlanti said that in putting himself in the mind of a viewer that he would want to see that. Adding, "But we have to get so many things right to make a good show and so much of it is luck, unfortunately."

At today's TCA (Television Critics Association) press tour, Presdent of CBS Nina Tassler seemed less inclined to join forces with the already-existing series. "Well, those two shows [The Flash and Arrow] are on a different network," Tassler said. "So I think we'll keep Supergirl to ourselves for awhile."

As far as who may step in to play the iconic character, Tassler said, "When you've got a brand like that, it'd be great to have somebody new."

One question that's been asked repeatedly is: What makes Supergirl a good fit for CBS?

To that, Tassler cites her role in the development of Lois and Clark for ABC. "These are human dramas," she reflected. "And in terms of the public, there are so many superheroes portrayed in film. And there's been an evolution in regards to the way they are portrayed. They have humanity, they're flawed."

As far as Supergirl herself is concerned, Tassler describes the character as "infinitely relatable" and the show a "great adventure" series. The network head says it was the pitch that ultimately sold them on the series.

"It's a wonderful amalgamation of the mythology of the character with a coming of age tale," she explained. "She's a very strong, independent young woman and she's coming into her own. She's dealing with family issues. She's dealing with work issues. And it's a female-empowerment story, which if you look at the strong female characters we have on the air, it really is resonate to that."

We will keep you updated as details on the Supergirl series emerge.


11/26/14 Update:
Supergirl Series May Share Same Universe as Arrow/Flash

Kara could team up with Oliver and Barry!


Even though DC hit the primetime TV landscape hard this fall season, some of the soft critiques were that not only were the TV shows not connected to the current DC movie universe (like Marvel's Agent of SHIELD is to the MCU) but they mostly weren't connected to each other. The Flash and Arrow were able to share a universe, but Gotham and Constantine remained separate.

Then a Supergirl series was announced for CBS and it seemed like DC was fragmenting its TV-verse even more.

But there's a catch: Even though Supergirl is on a separate network, it's being produced by Greg Berlanti, who also produces The Flash and Arrow. Plus, The CW is co-owned by CBS, so it wouldn't be as much of an issue to have Supergirl fly across the dial. So there was a possibility. So much so that IGN's Eric and Roth even had a discussion about it a few months back...

Now it seems like a crossover universe for Supergirl, Arrow, and Flash may become an actual reality. In a recent Greg Berlanti profile interview with EW (thanks to KSitefor the heads up!), the following was written regarding his CBS' Supergirl series...

Later in the afternoon at his other office on the Warner Bros. lot, Berlanti meets with fellow producer Ali Adler and Oscar-winning costume designer Colleen Atwood to go over looks for their upcoming revamp of Supergirl. The show will follow 24-year-old Kara Zor-El, Superman's cousin, and with a twist that that could melt fanboy brains, Berlanti says it's possible this Supergirl could enter the worlds of Arrow and The Flash.

So while nothing's been decided for certain at this point, Berlanti is definitely exploring his options and trying to figure out if Supergirl, Arrow, and The Flash could all share a storyline or adventure.


10/31/14 Update:
CBS' Supergirl Casting Jimmy Olsen, Cat Grant and Others

By Matt Webb Mitovich / October 31 2014, 8:54 AM PDT


On the heels of sharing details about the casting for Supergirl‘s titular heroine and her foster sister, TVLine now has the scoop on four other series-regular roles to be filled on the drama, which already has a series commitment from CBS.

CAT GRANT | The project is eyeing females in their 40s, open ethnicity, to play the founder of CatCo, a media conglomerate that Cat built from the ground up. Kara (Supergirl’s mild-mannered alter ego) will work as a personal assistant to Cat, who is described as “J.Lo by way of Anna Wintour.”

JAMES OLSEN | In his late 20s/early 30s, open ethnicity, James is a smart, worldly and (duh) attractive photographer for CatCo. Though an alpha male, his salt-of-the-earth nature elicits a huge ol’ crush from Kara.

WINSLOW ‘WYNN’ SCHOTT | This twentysomething tech whiz/Comic-Con stalwart toils for CatCo as a programmer, unaware of his own (toying?) potential. Unware of her secret, he carries a torch for Kara, whom he lives next door to.

HANK HENSHAW | As an upstart CIA agent, Hank grew obsessed with intergalactic intel. Now in his 40s and lording over the DEO (Department of Extra-Normal Operations), he is on high alert when Supergirl reveals herself, worried that her otherworldly abilities pose a threat to humankind.

The Supergirl pilot was penned by Ali Adler (No Ordinary Family) and Greg Berlanti (Arrow), both of whom will exec-produce alongside Sarah Schechter (of Berlanti Productions) and Warner Bros. TV.

Look, up in the sky — it’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s… your cue to dream-cast!


10/30/14 Update:
Supergirl: First Character Breakdowns Surface

Posted by: Craig Byrne, Editor-In-Chief October 30, 2014

Supergirl is in development for CBS from Executive Producers Ali Adler, Greg Berlanti, and Sarah Schechter, and TV Line has gotten a hold of the casting breakdowns for the pilot, which means the Girl of Steel (can we call her the "Woman of Steel" by now?) is closer than before.


Here's what we learned from the TV Line feature:

For Kara Zor-El, also known as Kara Danvers, the show is looking for Caucasian females between 22 and 26 to play 24. In this version of the story, Kara was sent to Earth from a dying Krypton at age 12. She was taken in by the Danvers family, who taught her to use caution with her amazing abilities. For more than a decade, Kara repressed using those skills, but then she had to use her abilities in public during an unexpected disaster. The TV Line breakdown says that Kara is energized for the first time in her life after that heroism, and she begins to embrace her abilities in the interest of helping the people of her city, getting a super-name along the way.

But that's not the only character being cast right now!Kara has an older foster sister named Alexandra "Alex" Danvers who is described as "gorgeous, brilliant, and science-minded." Growing up, Alex had some jealousy as well as fascination with her sister's abilities, which helped fuel her interest in alien anthropology, sociology, and culture. Alex works for a secret government organization. Not gonna lie, the letters "L-E-X" in her name make us a little nervous.

We are assuming that David Rapaport, who handled casting for Arrow and The Flash, will be doing this one as well. Any casting choices? Leave them in the comments! You can read the TV Line feature here.


9/19/2014 Update:

Once the only network staying out of the whole new massive comic book TV show arena, CBS is going all in with a new Supergirl show - which they've given an official series commitment to, bypassing both the "in development" and "pilot" stage.


Kryptonian refugee Kara Zor-El will soar on CBS.


Once the only network staying out of the whole new massive comic book TV show arena, CBS is going all in with a new Supergirl show - which they've given an official series commitment to, bypassing both the "in development" and "pilot" stage.

Supergirl, a new one hour drama, will come to us from Berlanti Productions (both Arrow and The Flash on The CW) in association with Warner Bros. Television. Greg Berlanti and Ali Adler (Chuck, No Ordinary Family) will serve as writers, while also serving as EPs alongside Sarah Schechter.


Based on the characters from DC Comics, Supergirl will follow Kara Zor-El. Born on the planet Krypton, Kara escaped amid its destruction years ago. And since arriving on Earth, she’s been hiding the powers she shares with her famous cousin. But now at age 24, she decides to embrace her superhuman abilities and be the hero she was always meant to be.

So far, crossovers between the DC projects on other networks and The CW's Arrow and The Flash have seemed unlikely, but Berlanti's participation in Supergirl will certainly raise questions regarding whether or not this series could be connected to his other two DC shows.


:scusthov::camby:shyt is about to be garbage be garbage now!! I'm disgusted with this news!!!

Original Post:

The Flash might not be the fastest person on TV for long.


Second Update:

In a follow-up interview with Comic Book Resources, Greg Berlanti (Arrow, The Flash) has confirmed that he is at work on a Supergirl series, but says that they are not yet pitching to networks as was previously reported.

"We're just starting to work on it," Berlanti told the outlet. "We haven't gone to the networks yet, so. I'll be happy, very excited to talk about it once we know where its home will be and that kind of stuff, but not at this moment."

Originally, it was reported that writer/producer Michael Green was at work on the series, which was not expected to go to the CW. That door now seems open, though it is as yet unclear where, if anywhere, the Supergirl series will land.

First Update: Deadline have also now reported on the potential Supergirl series, but contradict the earlier stories saying that Michael Green was behind the project, stating that he has no involvement. However, they do say Supergirl is in active development, with Greg Berlanti, one of the executive producers of Arrow and The Flash, involved, teamed with Ali Adler (Chuck, The New Normal, Glee). Berlanti and Adler previously worked together on No Ordinary Family. Deadline also notes DC's Geoff Johns is expected to be involved and that it "will be a new interpretation of the the Supergirl character and her story."


The cover from the first issue of Green's Supergirl.

It's expected that the Supergirl series will be shopped to the networks by WBTV in the weeks to come - the same process that resulted in FOX nabbing the much sought-after Gotham.

One eyebrow-raising part of Deadline's story reads "The Supergirl show doesn’t have a name yet. I hear the producers are considering several options that need to be cleared, including Super and Girl."

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Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex

Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013
:dahell: Based on having watched "Superman: The Animated Series" & the "Superman/Batman: Apocalypse" direct to Blu-ray animated move, I just realized a "Supergirl" TV show would basically be a "Smallville" reboot, with Supergirl/Kara Kent being the main character instead.

@Jello Biafra @prophecypro @bythepowercosmic Is that the jist of it?
Basically, yeah. It all depends on how they handle it. I'm hearing it won't be on The CW with Arrow and Flash though, so who knows.

Tell me will it take her 10 seasons before she learns how to fly?


Bud Bundy

A Bundy never cares
May 1, 2012
:dahell: Based on having watched "Superman: The Animated Series" & the "Superman/Batman: Apocalypse" direct to Blu-ray animated move, I just realized a "Supergirl" TV show would basically be a "Smallville" reboot, with Supergirl/Kara Kent being the main character instead.

@Jello Biafra @prophecypro @bythepowercosmic Is that the jist of it?

depends how they want to portray her.

I always liked the idea that since she remembers kyrpton she would try to make earth more like it. Or at the very least try to breed with Clark to bring back there race.


Accept to take the L
May 1, 2012
It's from completely different producers, Network, execs, & etc., so we not gonna have to deal with that Bullshyt.

:duck::comeon: So you not gonna watch "Arrow" & "The Flash" either?
these 2 gets a pass but how you gonna do a men of steel franchise and a supergirl tv show and its not linked:to:
and wasnt it implied that in mos someone else was in that ship


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
Basically, yeah. It all depends on how they handle it. I'm hearing it won't be on The CW with Arrow and Flash though, so who knows.
depends how they want to portray her.

I always liked the idea that since she remembers kyrpton she would try to make earth more like it. Or at the very least try to breed with Clark to bring back there race.

:lupe: I don't even know who her supporting characters would be other than Ma & Pa Kent. At least I had already been introduced to Lana and Pete on "Superman: TAS" when I got into "Smallville".
May 16, 2012
I'm cool with all these comic book based tv shows and movies since I'm a big fan, but I wonder if it's beginning to get a bit too saturated in the eyes of casuals/general audience to the point they will start to shun the product soon.
Yeah I'm fearing that will happen. DC seem to be going overboard with all the stuff there putting out