Supreme Error: NC’s new voter suppression law shows why the Voting Rights Act is still necessary


The Black Guy Who Tips
May 15, 2012
NC has been bought completely by this billionaire right wing fukk ass dude. These new legal regulations against voting are only the tip of the iceberg. They are also trying to outlaw abortion through the same laws as Texas. This is what happens when folks get all excited over Obama and go vote during the on cycle election and then sit their asses at home during the off cycle local elections because there is no agenda to get behind. shyt is sad yo.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
vert on August 25, 2013 at 11:26 am
On Face the Nation this Sunday, Colin Powell, former Secretary of State under President George W. Bush, warned his fellow Republicans that the continuing push to restrict voting rights is going to “backfire” and harm the Republican Party:

These kinds of procedures that are being put in place to slow the process down, and make it likely that fewer Hispanics and African Americans might vote I think is going to backfire, because these people are going to come out and do what they have to do in order to vote and I encourage that.

Powell went on to describe just how damaging these laws may be as the country’s demographics shift:

Here’s what I say to my Republican friends: The country is becoming more diverse. Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, African Americans are going to constitute a majority in a generation. You say you want to reach out, you say you want to have a new message, you say you want to see if you can bring some of these voters to the Republican side. This is not the way to do it. The way to do it is to make it easier to vote and then give them something to vote, they can believe it. It’s not enough to say just we have to have a new message. We have to have a substance to that new message.

Colin Powell is right. This is going to backfire. It's just going to piss black people off and make them more likely to come out and vote for Democrats. It's not going to stop anybody from voting and it's much ado about nothing. People need to calm down with all this paranoid over-the-top rhetoric about MLK's dream dying.


إن شاء الله
May 3, 2012
Typical angry, grandiose, pretentious Barnone bullshyt. *briefly reads in Pinky and the Brain voice, laughs, and ignores*

I thought you just said Congress will never re-work the formula, and that's exactly the reason why the SCOTUS shouldn't taken away the preclearance requirements in section 4?

You're not even interested in whether or not the SCOTUS ruling was legally correct in its interpretation of the Constitution or not. You're only interested in an existential vision of the greater good of the nation. Your logic is Congress sucks, so the SCOTUS shouldn't have made things worse. That's fine. That's even a respectable position imo. But acting like somehow you are clearly right and anyone who disagrees with you is clearly wrong and has an invalid position on this obviously subjective issue is making you like quite foolish. But hey, you do that whenever you argue about anything. :manny:

Typical angry, grandiose, pretentious Barnone bullshyt. *briefly reads in Pinky and the Brain voice, laughs, and ignores*

:what: What the kinda strawman shyt is this? Whether it's mostly in the south or not is neither here nor there. Obviously, it was mostly southern states that suppressed the right of black people to vote in the first place, hence the preclearance requirements applying to mostly southern states based on the data. Nobody's defending the south here. In fact, if you read my post, I was in favor of adding the whole state of Florida, a southern state to the preclearance requirements. Maybe Rick Scott wouldn't have gotten away with the fukkery in the 2012 (which backfired) if Florida was included.

The point is the preclearance requirements are outdated and need to be updated, and the voter suppression going on today attempted and real does not overlap with the originally preclearance map. Actually, I think there should be a uniform preclearance requirement for the entire country. The rate of preclearance objections has been practically negligible for the past 2 decades. So it works. It should be expanded. But your argument will inevitably boil down to "Congress sucks, so the SCOTUS should do their job for them."

Nah. Your talk about "letting MLK down" and some of the other shyt I've heard from Al Sharpton and other pundits is silly fear-based hyperbole, of the type we usually criticize teabaggers for. It's like a left-wing version of "They're coming to take our guns." Regardless of what the SCOTUS did, this shyt honestly isn't that big of a deal. The VRA still stands. Nobody can do any poll taxes, or literacy tests, or personality tests, or property requirements. You, I and any black person can vote if we want to. In NC, you need an ID now if you want to vote and they reduced the number of voting hours. Stupid, yes. Blatantly targeting the black vote, yes. But sorry if I don't see this as the second coming of Bull Connor. If you want to vote, get an ID. It's not that big of a deal. It might not even hold up anyway.

shyt, they did the reduction of voting hours in Florida in 2012 and it backfired. Black people got pissed and came out in mass and won Florida. Sometimes you need shyt like this wake people up and initiate change.

So now you're the decider of what gets to be heard by the SCOTUS? :dead: Okay, Oliver Wendell Holmes.

Typical angry, grandiose, pretentious Barnone bullshyt. *briefly reads in Pinky and the Brain voice, laughs, and ignores*

No, my argument is that the SCOTUS make the right legal ruling, and "Congress is incompetent" isn't a sound legal basis.

Continued next post...(this new skin needs more characters allowed).

For old time's sake...:pacspit:

How Sway?

Great Value Man
Nov 10, 2012
pat mccrory:smh:
NC has been bought completely by this billionaire right wing fukk ass dude. These new legal regulations against voting are only the tip of the iceberg. They are also trying to outlaw abortion through the same laws as Texas. This is what happens when folks get all excited over Obama and go vote during the on cycle election and then sit their asses at home during the off cycle local elections because there is no agenda to get behind. shyt is sad yo.
real talk. Sad how uninformed most of the public are. Part of the blame has to go to the media also