The Fresh Prince of Bel Air Movie??


All Star
Sep 5, 2015
Said it in another thread, will say it again here:

As a fan-made thing, this is really good. And if Fresh Prince is ever rebooted for a modern audience, this is probably exactly what it would look like. Darker, more dramatic, and determined to do everything it can to pretend it isn’t based off a silly sitcom from the 1990s. Really, the people who made this did a really good job.

But in a world where this was actually a new Fresh Prince TV Show or movie? I’d avoid it like the plague. It’s all the fun and joy of the original sitcom taken away and replaced with every cliché of black TV dramas. Basically, you could replace this trailer with any clip from that show All-American and I’d have a hard time telling the difference. Will, Phil, Jazz, Hillary (what little we see of her, anyway), and Carlton – all charming and funny characters in the original show – are boring and have no personality outside of their stock archetypes. Geoffrey isn’t even there.

Makes me appreciate the original show even more.