The guy that runs the place already got scheduled time off, former champ on seth rollins

The Prince of All Saiyans

Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
May 1, 2012
Although it won't be long after he will have returned from his current hiatus from the WWE television and live event schedule, veteran WWE Superstar John Cena has already been given time off from live events after the WWE Royal Rumble pay-per-view on January 24th. Cena isn't scheduled to return on the road with WWE for non-televised shows until the company's European tour, which kicks off on February 10th.

As noted, during his absence from the active WWE scene, Cena has been primarily filming the new FOX reality show "American Grit," which he stars as the host of, and has also recently been making the media rounds promoting mainstream film roles he is featured in, such as the Judd Apatow directed film "Trainwreck," and the Amy Poehler and Tiny Fey led "Sisters."

This week alone, Cena has appeared on "The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon," "The Today Show" and the red carpet premiere of the aforementioned "Sisters."
Jack Swagger recently spoke with to promote the WWE's Tribute To The Troops. During the interview, Swagger spoke about his own return to WWE television, Alberto Del Rio re-joining the company, Seth Rollins' injury and more. Below are some of the highlights from the interview.

On how it feels to be back on WWE television again:

"It's always exciting. When a character is exposed to weekly live television shows, it's sometimes necessary to be off for a little bit and reboot and just come back fresh in the minds of our audience. Coming back is exciting. Hopefully, we can build a nice run into a championship title maybe going into WrestleMania, have a good showing at the [Royal] Rumble. It's a fun time of year to come back because every show from here on out is going to have a heightened importance to it because, believe it or not, WrestleMania is just around the corner."

On WWE re-signing Alberto Del Rio and feuding with him:

"Alberto Del Rio is an incredible talent. He's an incredible superstar. I think he has gotten better since the last time he was here. I see a big difference in the way he handles himself, the way he's wrestling and just a general look about him. It's going to be a big test. Him and I have a lot of history together. We know each other very well. I'm definitely going to have to raise my level of competition in order to come out successful against him. Now, we've got a big chairs match for the United States championship coming up at TLC. Adding an x-factor like a chair into the mix is really going to change the outlook."

On what it's like when top WWE Superstars go down with significant injuries:

"You know, no matter how technically sound a superstar is, injuries are going to happen. The physicality is very real inside that ring, and it's a part of the sport. It just reinforces the fact that we need a great medical squad so we can actively take care of our bodies and prevent pain becoming actual injuries or much worse. For Seth Rollins, to his credit, that man is a tough one — still being able to power-bomb Glenn [Jacobs, aka Kane] after that."
May 1, 2012
I agree Alberto Del Rio has a new good lookin physique (pause)

He looks like a champion and even Swagger is pretty good. Just keep him off the mic.