The only thing being "normal" get u is a job at 7/11 bagging blunts like a sucker


Nov 15, 2017
If youre a black man and u work a min wage job you're a sucker and you're not getting no ass. I say that as the dude that been there before. I been the sucker I'm talking about.

Nothing is sadder than seeing a bunch of black people in these retail and lil service spots looking all sad with that "Get Out" look. No emotions, their faces brand a smile while their eyes are watery and sad. They have that silent "help me breh" look. Sorry bro and sis I got tunnel vision and if u are afraid to leave I'ma have to leave u to die like of Harriet Tubman.

If you want anything in this society you better be "crazy". You better think different and don't be afraid of what people think. Yeah I'm crazy but so what. I'm harmless. I'm crazy not in a Hannibal lecter type of way. I don't want to turn a thot into a shower curtain but I'm crazy in a free thinking black man that's not afraid of being himself type of way.

Is it scary? Sometimes. People hate me, box me out of many opportunities but their coward asses never counter my opinion and definitely never confront me in person.

Black men need to start being themselves. Stop being afraid of offending people. I miss the days when cacs was afraid of us. I love the fear a white woman get when I walk by. Even though I'm carrying grocery bags and I'm dressed in a outfit that's fly. This bytch still got the nerves to clutch her purse. One day once society collaspe I'ma snatch it just off general principle and make her give me a well articulated honest explanation of why she think I would want to snatch it. It's going to be like black snake moan. She's not leaving the chains until she get a A.

Black people let's be brave and be ourselves again like the 90s. Remember when we used to have personality? When most ppl we're honest and just said what they thought? Everybody is so soulless waiting for death to set them free.

The new generation is even worse. These new nikkas are something created in a bad social experiment. I call them them generation Get Out. They're a result of what happens when you mix gentrification and white liberal philosophy to infiltrate the black youth. Now they're all confused and shyt. It's a mess.

But enclosing. Be brave, think creatively and get your economics together and enjoy your life. Your ancestors were slaves and you deserve it. Be "crazy" or simply get left behind and die where u stand and watch the ppl in the game from the sidelines.
U still work in retail?


Feb 2, 2016
Knock blacks for surviving while you still live at home rent free off your parents at age 30 brehs.

Dude is a spoiled suburbanite whose never had so much as a phone bill to his name...fukk he know about bills or raising a family?


Big Homie
Dec 27, 2012
It takes a special person kind of person to work 3rd shift at 7/11. I know all the fukkery I've caused late night over the years :wow:

Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether
Maybe shoot for 1 thread per day for a while?

I never read past the first few sentences but I look in these pretty regularly

But I may stop if it stays at this tempo


Jul 30, 2015
i agree but i don't really care anymore about all these nikkas who want to stay at the bottom. i used to be super pro black but now i just focus on my immediate family. And i know i shouldn't give up on it because somebody needs to build but i'm not carrying this shyt on my back anymore. I give props to the few who are still hanging in there though.

The shyt is a lost cause and mainly for these reasons:

1- Many black people think these underpaying jobs/positions working for white people are better than starting black businesses and hiring one another. I'm not kidding. Black people will salute and brag on the nikka who slaves away at Bojangles or Target everyday, but laugh at the nikka who's trying to start a business (because we don't respect something until AFTER it's built and popping). But yes we're to a point where we think working a shytty job under a bunch of white ppl is better than trying to employ ourselves/each other. It's dysfunctional, backwards and crazy. This falls under the umbrella of the larger problem, we embrace things that keep us stagnant financially (or pulls us down), and criticize the things that are logical or make SENSE. Black people who are trying to build get called lame or too serious or oreos, and black people who aren't really doing shyt except working a little job and stunting and turning up, or having kids (that they have absolutely nothing to pass down to) are praised and are supposed to be the standard.

2- Not holding each other to any standard and defending ANYTHING. There was some chick who had like 5 kids by 3 diff men and when a few ppl criticized that, the rest said "stop hating on her" "at least she finished school" what kind of low standard shyt is that? It's to a point where you can have like 6 kids by 6 diff men but since you have a degree it's fine. Never mind the fact that it's beyond selfish to keep bringing more black kids into situations where they don't inherit anything from their parents and broken homes etc. But the majority says nothing is wrong with having black kids out of wedlock and having nothing to give them. Many black people feel their kids should struggle just like they did.

3- Not giving a damn about building/upward mobility. There are many examples, but there was a thread about a baby mama who was basically teaching her young daughter how to live check to check just like she is, not how to build something. That whole entire thread was full of nikkas saying she's a great mom and leave her alone etc. Even though the little bit of criticism she got was constructive. A lot of these baby mamas are teaching their kids to repeat the same cycle, and then you wonder why it's common to see three generations of black people still working the same types of jobs under white ppl, with NO OWNERSHIP. A large amount of us completely disregard upward mobility. One nikka in here mentioned "surviving". That's exactly the problem. nikkas want to "survive" not THRIVE. Ppl who want to thrive don't think in a "survival mode" type of way, they want to BUILD and be well off.

4- Not all but most black people hate other black people and have the crabs in a barrell mentality. We waste so much time hating on (or trying to stunt on) other black people. For likes, or self esteem boosts. It's pathetic. And many have a hard time understanding that if you pooled resources together and built things together (similar to what asians, whites, hispanics, etc) are doing, then it would benefit you as a race overall. You would have an economic base. Black incomes would overall increase etc. But we don't see a point in starting businesses, hiring each other and making money together etc because we don't see what's in it for us. nikkas just want nikka trinkets (flashy car which is a depreciating asset, expensive designer brands, etc) and aren't thinking about ownership. The whole culture is backward, including the old, the middle aged and the young. nikkas just care about turning up, and showing out. Not taking over or dominating some shyt together. nikkas want to be ignorant/stereotypical, and laugh at the few black people who are trying to build.

5- Lack of financial literacy. And also not understanding how other races tend to do things (as far as business, properties, investments etc). You might work with a white guy at your job but he likely has multiple streams of outside of that job and a mean portfolio. Possibly even some property or side businesses. We're the only ones who really panic when/if we get laid off a job because we're completely dependent on a "job" to pay the bills, our community does not have enough businesses of our own, no economic base, etc. We also tend to not have any forms of passive income outside of a job. Most live check to check and are just one lay off away from not being able to pay the rent. I'm not in that position, but i know i am an exception to the rule. The majority is. This is what happens when you think ownership doesn't matter and just care about "having fun" and stunting.

Embracing dysfunction and rejecting common sense is one way to cement the position as the permanent underclass. And that brings me to this fact: most black ppl are completely unaware that we are considered the underclass right now. How the hell can you solve the issues when most don't even think anything's even wrong?

It's a lost cause and i didn't even list ALL the reasons why, just some. I still do what i do business-wise but i no longer try to explain to other black people why what they're doing is backwards or doesn't make sense etc.