The Reality Of Chasing A Dream....My Journey Thus Far


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
"Everybody claims that they want the best things
Outta life, (ha) but not everyone, not everyone
Want to got through the toils and strifes." - Bobby Womack

Many people avoid chasing "dreams" and usually settle, because from a logical standpoint that actually make sense right? get a stable career, settle down and buy a house. Chasing a dream is looked at unrealistic, because the odds are slim to none.

I'm one of the few that never gave up on mine. Never quit, I look back, its been a long journey to get to this point. Most people fall off after time and give up, from my observation that's the biggest key factor to "making it" simply endurance. Endurance is way more valuable than talent. If u never quit and keep improving you will start to see opportunities break. The winner is whomever can stand the test of time.

But that's easier said than done. The process is hell. The amount of sacrifice and isolation can make the avg person snap, that's why so many quit eventually. You have to be wired different, maybe that's why so many ppl that have unorthodox careers or ceo's may seem takes much will power and belief to fight for something that might not even work. it eats away at your soul. But you keep continuing anyway, because the passion in you wont allow you to quit.

I've learned that chasing a dream isn't romantic as some want to believe. It comes with lots pain and its a test of mental fortitude. You'll take many loses to get one win, its inevitable. The amount of time and sacrifice is inhumane, so at some point... yes you will lose apart of your humanity, its totally inevitable.

Fighting doubt is the hardest part, your mind constantly telling you to quit, telling you to change paths..BUT if you're truly keep fighting until you die because no true passionate person is ever going to settle. They can mock you , talk shyt about you, blackball you...but if you're really about it, you keep reinventing yourself and keep pushing.

The quest to do what you're supposed to be doing is a lonely one. A long lonely road, No help, no encouragement. In fact most people are are going to laugh and mock you because they decided to take the safe route like the cowards they are. Than after you make it, they'll hit reverse and kiss your ass..again that's because they're cowards. Remember what I said about us being wired differently, theyre not us, never will, never can. Most people are weak and aren't built for this ride, they fold at the first sign of trouble, Fear is another important to overcome. Never be afraid

Patience, discipline, and mastering your craft.Out working your peers, out thinking them also. That's important. Grinding everyday, all day is important also. Let them play now, don't worry...well have our fun for life. you Just have to be willing to pay the cost