The Second Amendment Was Never Meant to Protect an Individual’s Right to a Gun


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
The Second Amendment Was Never Meant to Protect an Individual’s Right to a Gun

How the Roberts Court upended the well-established meaning of the Second Amendment.


The Second Amendment Was Never Meant to [...]

Gun rights activists gather at a public pavilion prior to a march to the Ferguson Police station on November 16, 2015 in Ferguson, Missouri. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

This post originally appeared at The Nation.

In common with the other big rightward swerves by the Roberts Court, the 2008 ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller was an aggressive exercise in mendacity. By upending the well-established meaning of the Second Amendment, the Court made the country less safe and less free. It did this under the guise of a neutral and principled “originalism” that looks to the text as it was first understood back in 1791 by the amendment’s drafters and their contemporaries.

The National Rifle Association had been waging an intense 30-year campaign to secure an individual’s constitutional right to keep and bear arms by winning over members of the public, high-level politicians and, ultimately, the Supreme Court. Mission, to an alarming degree, accomplished.
Heller’s 5–4 majority decision, written by Justice Antonin Scalia and joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, was less in sync with the founding generation than with the top priority of a powerful interest group closely aligned with the Republican right. The National Rifle Association had been waging an intense 30-year campaign to secure an individual’s constitutional right to keep and bear arms by winning over members of the public, high-level politicians and, ultimately, the Supreme Court. Mission, to an alarming degree, accomplished.

The decision declared, for the first time, that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to a gun, at least for self-defense in the home. It invalidated key parts of the District of Columbia’s unusually strict handgun ban, which prohibited the possession of nearly all handguns in the violence-prone city and required that firearms be stored unloaded and disassembled or bound with a trigger lock.

In the process, the conservative justices engaged in an unsubtle brand of outcome-oriented judicial activism and “living constitutionalism” that they claim to abhor — an irony noted by a host of devoted Supreme Court watchers across the ideological spectrum. Richard Posner, the prominent Reagan-appointed federal appellate judge and prolific commentator on legal and economic issues, derided Scalia’s flawed approach as “faux originalism” and a “snow job.”

To grasp the audacity of what Scalia & Co. pulled off, turn to the Second Amendment’s text: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” To find in that wording an individual right to possess a firearm untethered to any militia purpose, the majority performed an epic feat of jurisprudential magic: It made the pesky initial clause about the necessity of a “well regulated Militia” disappear. Poof! Gone. Scalia treated the clause as merely “prefatory” and having no real operative effect — a view at odds with history, the fundamental rules of constitutional interpretation and the settled legal consensus for many decades.

“The Second Amendment was a response to concerns raised during the ratification of the Constitution that the power of Congress to disarm the state militias and create a national standing army posed an intolerable threat to the sovereignty of the several states,” then-Justice John Paul Stevens correctly noted in his minority opinion, joined by Justices David Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer. “Neither the text of the Amendment nor the arguments advanced by its proponents evidenced the slightest interest in limiting any legislature’s authority to regulate private civilian uses of firearms.”

Then there was Scalia’s peculiar breakdown of the phrase “keep and bear arms” into its component words to argue that the Second Amendment protects a general right to possess guns — even though, as Stevens pointed out, the term “bear arms” was most commonly used in the 18th century to describe participation in the military.

“The idea that the founders wanted to protect a right to have a Glock loaded and stored in your nightstand so you could blow away an intruder is just crazy.” –Saul Cornell
And let’s not overlook the most absurd thing, which Breyer tried to get at in a separately filed minority opinion: At a moment in modern America when more than 30,000 lives are lost to gun violence each year and mass shootings are a common occurrence, the majority opinion relied heavily on a guesstimate (and a rotten one at that) of what the Second Amendment meant more than 200 years ago, with no common-sense balancing test taking into account the real-world consequences for today.

“The idea that the founders wanted to protect a right to have a Glock loaded and stored in your nightstand so you could blow away an intruder is just crazy,” says Saul Cornell, a leading Second Amendment scholar cited by the dissenters in both Heller and McDonald v. Chicago, the 2010 Supreme Court sequel that struck down Chicago’s similarly strict handgun ban and extended the new Second Amendment right to states and cities. Adding to the dishonesty, Scalia refused to acknowledge that he was overturning the Court’s venerable Second Amendment precedent, United States v. Miller, instead straining mightily, if unconvincingly, to draw distinctions.

(The Nation)

As radical as the holding is, the majority could have done even more damage. Scalia stopped short of applying the newly discovered individual right beyond “hearth and home,” leaving the constitutional status of toting guns outside the home for another day. And, possibly to secure the vote of a wavering justice, he offered assurance that Heller posed no threat to long-standing gun-control laws and regulations short of total gun bans.

Owing a good deal to that flash of moderation, Heller’s appalling jurisprudence and real-world harms have tended to be under-recognized. The decision gave the NRA a big jolt of energy and a potent new rhetorical tool that has bolstered the group’s already formidable ability to stop needed gun-safety reforms — to the point of blocking hugely popular congressional proposals such as extending background checks to all gun sales, even following the 2012 school massacre in Newtown, Connecticut. Heller is also wielded to advance the NRA’s maniacal drive to normalize the presence of guns and spread “concealed carry” permits, even absent a special need and adequate screening or training. Coincidentally or not, the number of states with lenient or no concealed-carry permitting requirements has grown significantly since Heller changed the terms of the debate.

We may be approaching another moment of reckoning. Since 2008, several federal courts have upheld state rules that allow officials discretion in issuing concealed-carry licenses. The Supreme Court declined to review those decisions. But forthcoming rulings by federal appellate courts in cases testing the constitutionality of similarly restrictive permitting requirements in San Diego and the District of Columbia could become fodder for a new round of Scalia-style “originalism.” If that happens, we may look back at Heller as a step toward something worse.

It shouldn’t come to that. There is language in Heller, as well as new historical research, to support upholding the concealed-carry permitting limits at issue. Still, it’s a scary thought.

The Second Amendment Was Never Meant to Protect an Individual’s Right to a Gun -


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
“The idea that the founders wanted to protect a right to have a Glock loaded and stored in your nightstand so you could blow away an intruder is just crazy,” says Saul Cornell,

Nah the idea that an intruder should be allowed to burglarize and victimize you is just crazy.

Its ok, guys. Let them take what they want and traumatize you and then hope the legal system (which 90% of the coli doesn't have faith in) will somehow fix the situation.


All Star
Jun 17, 2012
Tampa, FL
I've studied the cases cited in the article in law school and they were perfectly logical rulings. Nothing about them was "extreme." You may not like the result but in the context of the constitution the rulings were 100% logical.

There's really nothing else to say, the article was clearly biased and looked for the result it wanted. Articles are supposed to report and let readers make the decision. Not tell us the jurisprudence was "appalling."


May 17, 2012
Nah the idea that an intruder should be allowed to burglarize and victimize you is just crazy.

Its ok, guys. Let them take what they want and traumatize you and then hope the legal system (which 90% of the coli doesn't have faith in) will somehow fix the situation.
Strawman... clearly the only way to defend your life and property is with handguns that most citizens didn't have in colonial times.:dahell:


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
Given the time, when everyone owned a gun and/or a gun was viewed as a tool in much the same way a hammer might be viewed, the 2nd amendment has little or nothing to do with gun ownership in so much as it has to do with militias, which as @DEAD7 pointed out, cannot exist without people owning guns. (hence the "he right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed" portion of the amendment.)

It's pretty clear people were to have access to firearms. It's also pretty clear this amendment was written a long ass time ago and is in need of some amending of its own.


All Star
Jun 17, 2012
Tampa, FL
I like how you replaced "well regulated" with "well armed".:pachaha:

"Well regulated" at the time meant "properly equipped."

Especially when not taken out of context and actually read in the sentence: “a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

In other words, people need to have at their disposal the equipment necessary to keep their own government in check and/or discourage foreign invaders. (It doesn't really matter which of those two interpretations you pick, they lead to the same result)

I'm curious, what do you think the 2nd amendment was supposed to mean if you don't believe that? Keep in mind the Bill of Rights, all 10 amendments, were written to protect individual and state rights, not to take rights away from people. The left interpretation would render the 2nd amendment irrelevant, which is a no-no in Constitutional Law 101.

Dr. Sebi Jr.

Trust Me
Mar 3, 2013
Not Technically a "Doctor"
people need to have at their disposal the equipment necessary to keep their own government in check
:lupe:But we have millions of guns and we still can't stop the government from being controlled by big money.
:ohhh:Does Wall Street have a secret stash of guns that makes them more powerful than us?
:damn:Does the pharmaceutical industry grow guns in the lab?


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
Strawman... clearly the only way to defend your life and property is with handguns that most citizens didn't have in colonial times.:dahell:

Nah, they would use whatever "tool" they had at their disposal such as a knife, a shovel, or whatever other farming equipment they could get their hands on in order to defend their lives and property. A gun is just a more efficient tool for the job. Get over your fears, guns can't shoot themselves.