The truth about Gaddafi: He was no friend of Africans. He only wanted to rule them


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
Was outing Gaddafi bad for Africa? Sure, he kept the region stabilized.

Did the US out Gaddafi because he was a messianic figure that was going to unite Africa and institute a gold currency? No, they outed him for geopolitical reasons and for resources.

Did Gaddafi do a whole bunch of evil inhumane shyt to Black Africans? Yes. Did Gaddafi run a fairly skilled and educated society with working public goods? Yes.

Fair and balanced.


All Star
May 30, 2012
Praise despots because they give you goodies. That's akin to saying, "Although America kills young black men, it's okay - I got Obamacare!".
Gaddafi nationalized his nation’s oil reserves
• Money from Libya’s oil revenue is deposited into the bank account of every citizen.

• He raised the literacy rate from 20 per cent to 83 per cent.

• He built one of the finest health care systems in the “Third World.”
All people have access to doctors, hospitals, clinics and medicines—free of charge. If a Libyan needs surgery that is unavailable in Libya, funding is provided for the surgery overseas.
He raised the life expectancy from 44 to 75 years of age.

Basic food items were subsidized and electricity was made available throughout the country.

• He developed huge irrigation projects in order to support a drive towards agricultural development and food self-sufficiency.

• Recognizing that water, not oil, would be the scarcest resource of the future, Gaddafi initiated the construction of the Great Man Made River, which took years to complete.

Referred to as a wonder of the modern world, this river pumps millions of gallons of water daily from the heart of the Sahara desert to the coast, where the land is suitable for agriculture.

• Any Libyan who wanted to become a farmer was and still is given free use of land, a house, farm equipment, livestock and seed.

• Gaddafi vowed that his own parents, who lived in a tent in the desert,would not be housed until every Libyan was housed.

He fulfilled that promise.

• Under Gaddafi, Libya has now attained the highest standard of living in Africa.

• Gaddafi put up a communications satellite—the first in Africa—to bring the continent of Africa into the 21st century of technology.

This also interrupted the massive fees that European companies had been charging the Africans.

• He gave women full access to education and employment, and he has enabled women to serve in the armed forces.

• Gaddafi started and financed the African Union to tie all of the Mother continent into an eventual body with a common purpose called the “United States of Africa.”

Gaddafi did so much to develop Africa that even Obama’s arrogantCaucasian cohort Hillary Clinton had to admit as she stood before the African Union:

“I know it is true over many years, Gadhafi played a major role in providing financial support for many African nations and institutions…”

She could not claim America did ANYTHING but exploit, exploit, exploit—and murder!

• He was the first and only leader in the Arab world to formally apologize for the Arab role in the trade of African slaves.

He acknowledged that Blacks were the true owners of Libya and proclaimed in his Green Book, “the Black race shall prevail throughout the world.”

Nelson Mandela called Muammar Gaddafi one of the 20th century’s greatest freedom fighters, and insisted that the eventual collapse of South Africa’s apartheid system owed much to Gaddafi and Libyan support.

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
No one is perfect and in fact he did alot of wrong in Africa. He however made things right by his people and Africa in the later years.

The Charles Taylor issue you have is a pretty funny one. So he was trained in Libya as a guerrilla fighter but how does his war crimes link Gaddafi to them? Not once did Gaddafi be asked to put on charge except until the U.S. Backed Overthrow of Libya in 2011.

Charles Taylor 'worked' for CIA in Liberia - BBC News

(1) re: No one's perfect
Yes, I suppose no one is an angel but it doesn't mean we should turn a blind eye away from those who do evil on this Earth. Here, I can do what you did too. Although Nixon wasn't perfect (policy of benign neglect in urban communities, War on Drugs, COINTELPRO) - no one is!
(2) re: "Made things right by his people and Africa"
He made things so right that nearly all of Libya rose up and tried to kill him and his accursed family. Why did Libyans revolt after Gadaffi created a welfare state for them?:patrice: Is it possible that welfare states (as a bribe) mask internal tyranny? YES
(3) re: Charles Taylor
Gadaffi sought to destabilize governments in Africa and become a kingpin, so he funded Charles Taylor. You're so dense.
Jun 24, 2012
I didn't believe CNN

I listened to her interviews on multiple networks and the torture that she detailed that she experienced from the Gaddafi family :ohhh:

I speak Amharic and the translator nor the guy talking isn't helping. She said they poured it on her. The CNN report said the Gaddafi woman did. Notice in her eyes she is still scared because she keeps looking back. What's odd is that the Rebels were there in the home. She feared of speaking up on someone that is still there.

Same goes here. Rebels were about to kill these nine brothers.
