"They had One Hit and was Never the Same" The Real Walking Dead

Sep 22, 2015
Occulonimbus edoequus
When the sun retreats, night takes over. The boundary between things meant to be clearly seen, and those faithfully covered by the cloak of darkness is blurred briefly during twilight. but...

During the night, within many of the crevices of penthouse suites, suburban basements, and project hallways the people come alive and dream with their drug of choice.

As we are old enough to read this post, we also understand the concept that night is only temporarily here on borrowed time. The sun will rise again, and the zombies and vampires will turn back into regular everyday folks.

Like magic.

The subject of my post is the Outlier. The lost divergent.

We all know someone that had "one hit" of something that doesn't allow them to shift between world of light and dark. Worse yet, die immediately.

I'm not talking about addiction. I'm talking about the one hitter quitter. The magic bullet. The reason why we throw rocks at crazy "Man-Man", who was the HS valedictorian.

Just thoughts.

The recent wave:
