They tryna make being a pedo a sexual orientation

Crude Abolitionist

End Slavery
Feb 16, 2017
I’ve always said that America is slowly inching toward Greece and Rome. I kid you not, at the apex of American culture, whenever that will be, we will have became a pederast society. It just appears to be the natural progression of free societies and America is next in line. Ancient Rome lasted around 500 years. Ancient Greece about 450. New England is coming upon its 400th birthday in 2020. To know how intellectual Ancient Greek society was and somehow they were able to rationalize pederasty, America is on its way to doing the same. We need to seriously watch our children or think about leaving and putting down roots somewhere in Africa if they will have us.

Let A Fro Be A Fro

Jan 26, 2018
Dirty South
A lot of the normalization attempts are at least somewhat subtle, but there are two dudes in particular who deserve mention. They have been large platforms despite LITERALLY being professional pedophile advocates.

Todd Nickerson wrote an article for titled "I'm a pedophile, but not a monster". Before learning about this dude, I thought companies would avoid hiring out-of-the-closet pedos in order to avoid PR nightmares, but NOPE. He claims to be a disabled, perfectly law-abiding pedo and tries to drum up sympathy for those like himself. He did get exposed a bit in this Twitter thread...

Salon deleted that article due to the backlash, which is odd considering they still have these articles up:

Meet pedophiles who mean well
Redefining pedophilia with pedophiles' help
The pedophile I could not help: He was not a monster or a molester. The system destroyed him anyway

Another professional pedo advocate named Amos Yee was finally banned from Twitter last month. Unlike Nickerson, who was published on the left wing, Amos Yee is largely platformed by those closer to the alt-right(namely Dave Rubin, Jesse Lee Peterson, Carl Benjamin aka Sargon, etc) who have hundreds of thousands if not millions of followers. I wish I could find that clip of him basically saying "A baby can choose which toy to play with, therefore, a baby could choose to touch a man's penis." Morals aside, I'm stunned a dude with such weak logical arguments was invited to speak at Harvard(though Harvard eventually uninvited him due to backlash)

Yahoo is now a part of Oath

It is no surprise that the alt-right platforms someone like Yee. It largely started on 4klan, which is a notorious for people posting child porn. Even Richard Spencer is sympathetic to pedos...
