THREAD: The US government's new export controls are wreaking havoc on China's chip industry.

Dr. Acula

Jul 26, 2012
Good shyt.

Tbh, this is also the true reason China wants Taiwan. Taiwan is one of the top semiconductor and chip manufacturers in the world. If China gets a hold of the industry in that country, they control the future.

It is also why we are trying to ramp back up chip production in the US with that new Intel fabrication plant being built in Ohio I think it was being the most popular example.

Though, this news will probably only accelerate China's plans to retake Taiwan.

If China attacks Taiwan, the US should have a system in place to fast track all the engineers and brains in Taiwan working on their chip production to obtain citizenship in the US. Steal their talent and use it. Plus the average Taiwanese doesn't want to live under China after witnessing their work in Hong Kong so it will be an easy sell.

Taiwan makes 65% of the world’s semiconductors and almost 90% of the advanced chips.

By comparison, China produces a little over 5% while the U.S. produces approximately 10%, according to market analysts. South Korea, Japan, and the Netherlands are the other sources of the product, which is at the heart of many electronic devices and machinery.
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