Trials of Manhood: Taking a shyt in public

Geek Nasty

Brain Knowledgeably Whizzy
Jan 30, 2015
South Kakalaka
So, I was taking a shyt at work today, and I had this epiphany. You are not truly a man until you can take a REAL shyt in public. I'm not talking about a "oh i just had to fart" shyt. I'm talking a full blown 9 am, circle of life, animal planet shyt.

I know some of you youngbloods think "oooh i got my 17 year old dikk felt up through my pants once under the bleachers so I'm a man now." BULLshyt. Youngbloods hit the stall and they're trying to sneak a shyt out. :stopitslime:

The fukk you think you're fooling? You can hear them cutting off farts cause it makes too much noise. They're probably praying to Jesus and promising their first born that next push is a quiet one. We all know what you're doing, you're not going to squeeze one out one pebble at a time. Motherfukkers will try to wait everybody out or wait for someone to turn the sink on to fart or drop one. I bet those pussies lift their feet because they're afraid someone will recognize their shoes :rudy:

Now, some old heads will take it too far. They're in the stall hollering like they're wrestling a bear. :merchant: They walk out staggering like they just did 12 against Holyfield. :stopitslime:

NONSENSE, that's your colon and YOU write the checks. fukking get it under control. YOU take the shyt, don't let a shyt take YOU. :win: