Trump aiming for a Sino-Russia split?


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
Rickards is off his hoot IMO. China and Russia isn't the same as the Sino-Soviet split that occurred. The Eurasian project along with all of the other initiatives aren't going to be passed over even if Trump re-establishes full relations with Moscow. But it is a perspective that seems to be permeating with Trump's team.

There are three primary powers in the world – the U.S., Russia, and China. All other nations are secondary allies, or tertiary powers. In a three-power system, the object of foreign policy for a primary power is to align with one of others to the detriment of the third. A great power that does not pursue this policy becomes the victim of an alliance between the remaining two. Such an alliance need not be permanent; it can shift, as was the case with Nixon’s opening to China, which put Russia on the defensive and led eventually to the downfall of the Soviet Union.

This dynamic is not difficult to grasp. Adults playing the board game Risk know that while the game begins with six players, it quickly evolves to three survivors. At that point, it is imperative for two of the players to align and destroy the third by systematically attacking it, and refraining from attacking each other. The victim is quickly wiped from the board.

Of course, geopolitics is more complex than Risk. Players are rarely removed from the board; they are just temporarily advantaged or disadvantaged in pursuing their national goals. But, the three-power dynamics of two-against-one are fundamentally the same. Bismarck knew this. Kissinger knows it today. Obama does not.

Obama subscribed to a post-national globalist ideology, which finds no correlative in the real world outside of faculty lounges and Georgetown salons. In Obama’s worldview, nation states are a problem, not a solution. Global goals on issues like climate change, trade, the OECD’s world tax program, and the IMFs world money program require global institutions. Nation states are temporary impediments until global governance can be built through non-democratic transnational institutions.

Meanwhile, Russia and China never lost sight of their national interests. While their leaders dutifully attend the same multilateral venues as Obama, such as the G20, IMF, and regional summits, they persistently put Russia and China first. For Russia and China, the world is a dangerous place in which national interest is advanced ruthlessly; not Obama’s Kumbaya-laced globalist fantasy of one world order.

This hard-edged realism by Russia and China combined with a lack of realism by Obama has led to the worst possible outcome for the United States. Russia and China have become deeply intertwined and are building a durable alternative to the post-war dollar-based system dominated by the U.S.

These Russia-China initiatives include deepening cooperation through the BRICS, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, the Asia Infrastructure and Investment Bank, the New Silk Road, and joint efforts in weapons systems and space.

Most threatening is that in the past ten years, Russia increased its gold reserves 203%, and China increased its gold reserves an estimated 570%. Such gold accumulations have no purpose other than to lay the foundation for a non-dollar based international monetary system. No great power has prevailed long without a great currency. When confidence in the dollar fails, U.S. power will fail with it.

Obama blundered because he allowed Russia and China to pursue the two-against-one dynamic leaving the U.S. as the odd man out. Fortunately it is not too late to reverse this dynamic. Signs from the new Trump administration are encouraging. Trump’s early actions and appointments suggest he understands the precarious position of the U.S., and is already moving to change the status quo.

Russia is a more natural ally of the U.S. than China. Russia is a parliamentary system, albeit with autocratic overtones; China is a Communist dictatorship. Russia has empowered the Orthodox Church in recent decades, while China is officially atheistic. Russia is encouraging population growth while China’s one child policy and sex-selective abortions resulted in the deaths of over twenty million girls. These cultural aspects – elections, Christianity, and family formation – provide Russia with a natural affinity to western nations. Russia is also superior to China militarily despite recent Chinese advances. That makes Russia the more desirable ally in any two-against-one scenario.

The most powerful argument for embracing Russia to checkmate China is energy. The U.S. and Russia are the two largest energy producers in the world. U.S. energy production is set to expand with the support of the Trump administration. Russian production will expand also based in part on initiatives led by Rex Tillerson of Exxon, soon to be Secretary of State. China has few oil and natural gas reserves and relies heavily on dirty forms of coal and some hydropower. The remainder of China’s energy needs is met through imports.

An energy alliance between the U.S. and Russia, supported by Saudi Arabia, could leave the Chinese economy and, by extension, the standing of the Communist Party of China, in jeopardy. That threat is enough to insure Chinese compliance with U.S. aims.

An emerging U.S.-Russian entente could also lead to the alleviation of western economic sanctions on Russia. This would open the door to an alliance between Germany and Russia. Those two economies have near perfect complementarity since Germany is technology rich and natural resource poor, while Russia is the opposite.

Isolation of Russia is a fool’s errand. Russia is the twelfth largest economy in the world, has the largest landmass of any country in the world, is a nuclear power, has abundant natural resources, and is a fertile destination for direct foreign investment. The Russian culture is highly resistant to outside pressure, but open to outside cooperation. Just as fifty years of U.S. sanctions failed to change Cuban behavior, U.S. sanctions will not change Russian behavior except for the worse. Engagement, not confrontation is the better course. The new Trump administration gets this.

U.S. voices such as John McCain, Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham are quick to say, “Russia is not our friend.” Why not? Could it be because President Obama publicly humiliated Vladimir Putin by saying he was, “like a bored kid in the back of the classroom”? Could it be because Obama proclaimed that Russia under Putin is “on the wrong side of history.” In fact, Putin’s sense of history goes back to Peter the Great. Obama’s does not seem to go back further than 1991.

Most of the tension in U.S. – Russia relations today stems from Russia’s invasions of Crimea and eastern Ukraine in 2014. But, Russia’s Crimean invasion should have come as no surprise. U.S. and British intelligence services and foreign NGOs destabilized the pro-Russian elected government in Kiev in early 2014 causing Ukrainian President Yanukovych to flee into exile in Russia.

Ukraine was always a bridge too far for NATO and EU membership. Better to leave Ukraine as quasi-neutral buffer between east and west than put its status in play. Ukraine has always been culturally divided. Now it is politically divided as well. Russia’s hand in Ukraine was forced by the shortsighted western interventions of Obama and David Cameron. Obama will soon leave the scene; Cameron already has. Putin is the last man standing, unsurprising for a man whose pursuits include martial arts and chess.

Fortunately it’s not too late to reestablish a balance of power that favors the United States. China is a rising regional hegemon that should be constrained. Russia is a natural ally that should be empowered. The U.S. has blundered in its foreign policy for the past eight years. A new Trump administration has an opportunity to reverse those blunders by building bridges to Russia, and it seems to be moving in that direction.

Rickards: Obama's blunder; Trump's gambit | Darien Times


Sep 15, 2014
Impossible, Russia and China have plans to unite against the West once Russia gets the sanctions off of them and can afford to work glove in hand with the Chinese economy without being swallowed up


Sep 15, 2014
this author really thinks Russia gives a fukk about Christianity when it comes to geopolitical alliances :mjlol:
:skip: I know the author is stupid as fukk.

Putin actually views his brand of Christianity to be closer to Islam than to Western Catholicism


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
this author really thinks Russia gives a fukk about Christianity when it comes to geopolitical alliances :mjlol:

I think the white nationalists in team Trump aka Bannon look at it that way. Why fight other 'whites' when you can easily unite against the growing threats of the rest? Especially with virtually every white-country suffering from population decline?

The reason Breitbart and Info wars crowd and them are pro-Russia and pro-Putin is due to white supremacy and not geopolitics.
:skip: I know the author is stupid as fukk.

Putin actually views his brand of Christianity to be closer to Islam than to Western Catholicism
The image and reputation of Muslims is now highly regarded inside Russia, contrast this to the west.

It's quite strange but in Russia the ultra nationalists are pro Muslim while the minority pro West " liberals" are anti Muslim.


Nov 3, 2015
I think the white nationalists in team Trump aka Bannon look at it that way. Why fight other 'whites' when you can easily unite against the growing threats of the rest? Especially with virtually every white-country suffering from population decline?

The reason Breitbart and Info wars crowd and them are pro-Russia and pro-Putin is due to white supremacy and not geopolitics.

The image and reputation of Muslims is now highly regarded inside Russia, contrast this to the west.

It's quite strange but in Russia the ultra nationalists are pro Muslim while the minority pro West " liberals" are anti Muslim.
definitely, agree 100%

they see Russia as a Strong WHITE nation and want to ally and unify with them against non whites.

Russia will play along with these insecure cacs for now...

I wonder what's gonna happen if Trump goes all in on Russia, who is a strong ally of Iran :sas2:


Sep 15, 2014
I think the white nationalists in team Trump aka Bannon look at it that way. Why fight other 'whites' when you can easily unite against the growing threats of the rest? Especially with virtually every white-country suffering from population decline?

The reason Breitbart and Info wars crowd and them are pro-Russia and pro-Putin is due to white supremacy and not geopolitics.

The image and reputation of Muslims is now highly regarded inside Russia, contrast this to the west.

It's quite strange but in Russia the ultra nationalists are pro Muslim while the minority pro West " liberals" are anti Muslim.

definitely, agree 100%

they see Russia as a Strong WHITE nation and want to ally and unify with them against non whites.

Russia will play along with these insecure cacs for now...

I wonder what's gonna happen if Trump goes all in on Russia, who is a strong ally of Iran :sas2:

:skip: Western white right wingers are fools.

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
I think the white nationalists in team Trump aka Bannon look at it that way. Why fight other 'whites' when you can easily unite against the growing threats of the rest? Especially with virtually every white-country suffering from population decline?

The reason Breitbart and Info wars crowd and them are pro-Russia and pro-Putin is due to white supremacy and not geopolitics.

The image and reputation of Muslims is now highly regarded inside Russia, contrast this to the west.

It's quite strange but in Russia the ultra nationalists are pro Muslim while the minority pro West " liberals" are anti Muslim.

Are we considering Putinites as "ultra nationalists"? After the state terrorism inflicted on the populations of Chechnya and the other Muslim regions, I don't see how the ultra nationalists are pro-Muslim or how Muslims are really respected in Russia :jbhmm:


Sep 15, 2014
Are we considering Putinites as "ultra nationalists"? After the state terrorism inflicted on the populations of Chechnya and the other Muslim regions, I don't see how the ultra nationalists are pro-Muslim or how Muslims are really respected in Russia :jbhmm:

Putin's crimes against humanity level crackdown didn't come out of religious persecution

Putin doesn't want any part of Russia developing into separatist all

The guy is an old Soviet ex KGB who feels humiliated at the disintegration of the Soviet empire the hands of the West. He doesn't need any more division.


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
Are we considering Putinites as "ultra nationalists"? After the state terrorism inflicted on the populations of Chechnya and the other Muslim regions, I don't see how the ultra nationalists are pro-Muslim or how Muslims are really respected in Russia :jbhmm:

Putin himself isn't part of those ultra nationalists but he's slowly tip toed to their agenda if you look at how he's governed from 2000 until now.

In some of the Russian media, they're not anti-Islamic as our media is at all. Europe obviously takes the cake.

You also have to remember that during the Chechen War, the infestation of the Saudi ideology penetrated Chechnya. Ramzan Khadirov's father was assassinated by people he fought with during the 1st war for independence due to taking the deal with Putin to fight the Wahabi styled Chechens in the 2nd Chechen War.

Those Chechens lost. But still do terrorist attacks in Russia and have gone to places like Syria to fight with Daesh and elsewhere with AQ styled groups.

So what's strange is the successful war against salafism/wahabiya is why Khadirov and his Chechens are the most trusted outside of Putin and his group of nationalists inner circle. Khadirov, an authoritarian, who doesn't care about human rights, rules with an iron fist and has complete autonomy in Chechnya.