Trump cancels Singapore summit in letter to Kim Jong Un

Dr. Acula

Jul 26, 2012
NK was embolden by the timid responses of past administrations. To counter crazy, you get crazy
This idea that North Korea is an irrational actor is simple minded.

North Korea is crazy domestically but this craziness is extrapolated to their reason and ambition for nuclear weapons when if people sat and thought about the rhetoric here in the west of North Korea just randomly bombing countries with their bombs, it doesn't make sense and nothing in their actions besides bluster has shown they plan to do that. Nuclear weapons are used as a deterrent and all North Korea needs to do is looked at Libya and Iran what the US will do when you give up your Nuclear weapons. Secondly, the North Korean regime has it relatively good even if their people are suffering. They are not going to jepodize that by attacking enemies 100x stronger than they are and give them a pretext to end their shyt.

The north Korean nuclear testing site is suspected of suffering an earthquake after their last nuclear test in last September and this is the motivation for North koreans for destroying the site. Not because they all of sudden decided they didn't want the one weapon that ensures they remain in power.

Trump is an idiot for taking the bait in agreeing to sit down in the first place after previous administrations saw that they do this often to play games. It's not passiveness. It's called not being an impulsive idiot. Notice that once Trump agreed the NK started making nonstarter demands like wanting to keep their weapons and for the US to remove forces from SK and stop military exercises indefinitely. Trump with his dumb ass got sucked in when previous administrations knew what they were about. It's also why South Korea initially wanted to act as a mediator but Trump came in and threw that all in the bushes to get recognition.

Dr. Acula

Jul 26, 2012
So silly. All you gotta do now is show us where I or anyone in this thread made such a naive and ignorant statement, and I'll gracefully bowout this thread

Don't try to remix my point so to have something to reply to

I'm not following how Libya ties into Trump addressing NK properly
Disarmament of Libya - Wikipedia

Had they not disarmed you think 2011 would have happened ? No.

Any despot with nuclear weapons is looking at that shyt and saying fukk trusting the US.
Apr 30, 2012
Big words that don’t mean anything...
I’m not impressed.
big words? smh

No other administration even entertained NK's foolishness. Trump is the idiot that though he was "special" and "the best negotiator" only to do NOTHING at the end of the day. Shout out to you for the fox news talking points tho :mjpls:
lol. Pretend that the inactivity and cowardice of past administrations didn't contribute to what NK is now brehs
Label my point as fox news talking points, after repeating the same thing I said brehs

This idea that North Korea is an irrational actor is simple minded.

North Korea is crazy domestically but this craziness is extrapolated to their reason and ambition for nuclear weapons when if people sat and thought about the rhetoric here in the west of North Korea just randomly bombing countries with their bombs, it doesn't make sense and nothing in their actions besides bluster has shown they plan to do that. Nuclear weapons are used as a deterrent and all North Korea needs to do is looked at Libya and Iran what the US will do when you give up your Nuclear weapons. Secondly, the North Korean regime has it relatively good even if their people are suffering. They are not going to jepodize that by attacking enemies 100x stronger than they are and give them a pretext to end their shyt.

The north Korean nuclear testing site is suspected of suffering an earthquake after their last nuclear test in last September and this is the motivation for North koreans for destroying the site. Not because they all of sudden decided they didn't want the one weapon that ensures they remain in power.

Trump is an idiot for taking the bait in agreeing to sit down in the first place after previous administrations saw that they do this often to play games. It's not passiveness. It's called not being an impulsive idiot. Notice that once Trump agreed the NK started making nonstarter demands like wanting to keep their weapons and for the US to remove forces from SK and stop military exercises indefinitely. Trump with his dumb ass got sucked in when previous administrations knew what they were about. It's also why South Korea initially wanted to act as a mediator but Trump came in and threw that all in the bushes to get recognition.
1) stop using Libya in reference to NK's motivations because their recklessness has been on display for 3 generations of bad leadership and crazy
2) There's noway an objective and reasonable person who isn't consumed with being a blind Trump basher could say in the same sentence...a regime is relatively good even though their people are suffering
3) You can't use "suspected" info to counter the fact that they are humble now and wasn't before
4)SK don't trust NK and it has nothing to do with the US or Trump. Of all the opportunities and during all the past administrations, NK offers an olive branch to SK during the administration that consistently made it clear that they are willing to meet aggression with aggression....bubu it was the earthquack

Disarmament of Libya - Wikipedia
Had they not disarmed you think 2011 would have happened ? No.
Any despot with nuclear weapons is looking at that shyt and saying fukk trusting the US.
Oh I didn't hear that interview. We all know that the reasons given to attack Libya was BS, and the one thing I'll never forgive Obama for
We all know that the Honorable Minister Louise Farrakhan tried to warn Qaddafi about his "new friends," unfortunately he didn't listen. But at least history will never forget, so I understand why NK don't want to get rid of their nukes because a nuclear equipped Libya wouldn't have been dealt with like that

NK chose to act reckless for decades, finally someone is rightfully willing to match their recklessness at all cost