TSC: Out for Blood

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
*Later however the Urine Nation is seen in KG's office*

Kind Gentleman, you are indeed a kind gentlemen, allowing the Urine Nation to annex this cesspool of an organization and let the Urine Nation reeducate the dry of the world. Yet, something troubles me. Remember when I said "The Prince of Piss fears nothing and no one?" I lied. TrueEpic's words are disturbing and leave me a tad shaken. Is our Blitzkrieg over? Is he the Stalingrad to our unstoppable bladder of war? :lupe:

Thurgood Goode - Excuse the interruption but you don't need to worry about TrueEpic; he's black. All bluster and no bite. Remember when they vindicated American Patriot George Zimmerman after he saved his neighborhood from notorious thug Trayvon Martin? Remember the so called marches and protests and riots? Yeah, me neither. Trust me, Epic is going to be in a wife beater and a bucket of chicken in a couple of days and he'll have forgotten all about you.

Though that was racist and borderline offensive you are right. :patrice: Those unworthy of the cleansing power of piss will shun it as their feeble mind flails about at the grand concept of the Urine Nation. Once he becomes acclimated to the fact that there are many more cleansings to come and all he can do is sit back and accept them he will be neutralized. Somewhat on topic KG, I have rid you of the bothersome TSCCM. They didn't serve a purpose any longer and you washed your hands of them with my help. Now, you must uphold your end of the bargain and allow me full access to the bladders of your entire divas division. I am thirsty and my Urine Nation generals are hungry. You wouldn't deny us sustenance would you? :usure:

*Heidenreich moves dangerously close to KG*

Heidenreich - I like Mexican. :demonic:

KG - :whoa: I'm not even Mexican though.

Doesn't matter, I'll make Arroz con Pollo out of your ass anyway. :shaq:


*Ahem* Speaking of, what are you going to do about the fukkboi Foundation? Swiggy Cabaret is a funny guy but I won't let him laugh me into a trap. KG, take care of him.

A Demonic Ezekiel Jackson - *sobbing uncontrollably* No.....no.....NO!!!! Leave him to ME!!!!! Please, hand me my box of tissue.

*Liggins retrieves his tissue*

A bit heavy for tissue.

*Jackson wipes his nose and eyes and then reveals an Iron Phallus that was artfully concealed in the Kleenex box*


'Dat iron. :takedat: Gentlemen, and gentlemen, I think this is the beginning of a GOLDEN ERA in the TSC. :russ:
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Staff member
Jun 6, 2012
*As he leaves the arena, Swiggy The fukkman Cabrera is stopped by a random TSC reporter no one recognizes*

Excuse me, fukkman. Any comments on the rumors that TSC Commisioner KG will NOT allow you to wrestle @Wcthesecret at the next PPV, but instead has bigger plans for you and the fukkery Foundation?


The commissioner can say and do what he wants. Whether I take out that scumbag @Wcthesecret at a ppv, during a Daily Motion pre-show, TSC is WAR, Thursday Night Deavors, or if some random fakkit records me sonning him at an Arby's parking lot and posts it on Vine. I don't care.

What of the other rumors?

*Swiggy stops*

What other rumors? :hmm:

The rumors that the TSCCM is no more, and that this new... Urine Nation is ready to wreak havoc across the TSC. That the only ones standing in their way is the fukkery Foundation.

*takes off shades*


The only thing I'll say is this: there isn't anyone the fukkery Foundation isn't ready for. If the Urine Nation and Liggins want a fight, they got a fight. My brothers and I aren't hard to find. No matter how much Hep P they pass around the TSC, no matter how much desitin is needed, we will remove the rash that is the Urine Nation, if they stand in our way.

Thank you Swiggy, but just one more...


I think I've answered enough of your questions. One last message. @Wcthesecret, first you in any match, any time. After that, I'll worry about any nation that thinks they can uproot the fukkery Foundation. My goal is to become the TSC World Heavyweight Champion, and NOTHING is going to stop me.

Unsanctioned match? :lupe:


Feb 3, 2013
*As he leaves the arena, Swiggy The fukkman Cabrera is stopped by a random TSC reporter no one recognizes*

Excuse me, fukkman. Any comments on the rumors that TSC Commisioner KG will NOT allow you to wrestle @Wcthesecret at the next PPV, but instead has bigger plans for you and the fukkery Foundation?


The commissioner can say and do what he wants. Whether I take out that scumbag @Wcthesecret at a ppv, during a Daily Motion pre-show, TSC is WAR, Thursday Night Deavors, or if some random fakkit records me sonning him at an Arby's parking lot and posts it on Vine. I don't care.

What of the other rumors?

*Swiggy stops*

What other rumors? :hmm:

The rumors that the TSCCM is no more, and that this new... Urine Nation is ready to wreak havoc across the TSC. That the only ones standing in their way is the fukkery Foundation.

*takes off shades*


The only thing I'll say is this: there isn't anyone the fukkery Foundation isn't ready for. If the Urine Nation and Liggins want a fight, they got a fight. My brothers and I aren't hard to find. No matter how much Hep P they pass around the TSC, no matter how much desitin is needed, we will remove the rash that is the Urine Nation, if they stand in our way.

Thank you Swiggy, but just one more...


I think I've answered enough of your questions. One last message. @Wcthesecret, first you in any match, any time. After that, I'll worry about any nation that thinks they can uproot the fukkery Foundation. My goal is to become the TSC World Heavyweight Champion, and NOTHING is going to stop me.
...you think I don't want that world title as well man! ...IM SALLIVATING FOR THAT TITLE!!! EVER SINCE I LAID MY EYES ON THAT TITLE, I KNEW THAT I WANTED TO MAKE IT MINE!!! And once that title is around my filthy cac waist of mine, I'm gonna celebrate, and that celebration is gonna involve a bed, the title, a drill, some lube, and a pocket p*ssy named oksana. Put it together, what do ya get? The tsc itself being fukked in its filthy disease ridden p*ssy. That's right, IM GONNA fukk THE WORLD TITLE!!!!!!


Dum Shiny
May 1, 2012
SoCal State Beaches
*Later however the Urine Nation is seen in KG's office*

Kind Gentleman, you are indeed a kind gentlemen, allowing the Urine Nation to annex this cesspool of an organization and let the Urine Nation reeducate the dry of the world. Yet, something troubles me. Remember when I said "The Prince of Piss fears nothing and no one?" I lied. TrueEpic's words are disturbing and leave me a tad shaken. Is our Blitzkrieg over? Is he the Stalingrad to our unstoppable bladder of war? :lupe:

Thurgood Goode - Excuse the interruption but you don't need to worry about TrueEpic; he's black. All bluster and no bite. Remember when they vindicated American Patriot George Zimmerman after he saved his neighborhood from notorious thug Trayvon Martin? Remember the so called marches and protests and riots? Yeah, me neither. Trust me, Epic is going to be in a wife beater and a bucket of chicken in a couple of days and he'll have forgotten all about you.

Though that was racist and borderline offensive you are right. :patrice: Those unworthy of the cleansing power of piss will shun it as their feeble mind flails about at the grand concept of the Urine Nation. Once he becomes acclimated to the fact that there are many more cleansings to come and all he can do is sit back and accept them he will be neutralized. Somewhat on topic KG, I have rid you of the bothersome TSCCM. They didn't serve a purpose any longer and you washed your hands of them with my help. Now, you must uphold your end of the bargain and allow me full access to the bladders of your entire divas division. I am thirsty and my Urine Nation generals are hungry. You wouldn't deny us sustenance would you? :usure:

*Stares at screen as JTG delivers speech*

You doubt the only Double Crown champion in TSC history?


You'll be a quadriplegic when I'm done with you.


The King of Comedy
May 1, 2012
Detroit, MI
...you think I don't want that world title as well man! ...IM SALLIVATING FOR THAT TITLE!!! EVER SINCE I LAID MY EYES ON THAT TITLE, I KNEW THAT I WANTED TO MAKE IT MINE!!! And once that title is around my filthy cac waist of mine, I'm gonna celebrate, and that celebration is gonna involve a bed, the title, a drill, some lube, and a pocket p*ssy named oksana. Put it together, what do ya get? The tsc itself being fukked in its filthy disease ridden p*ssy. That's right, IM GONNA fukk THE WORLD TITLE!!!!!!

Just be there, and remember to bring a present for that stupid kid that survived his family car crash. For some reason people like him. The beating I put on you will get me enough tickets to finally win that giant Stitch stuffed toy I've been trying to get since 2002.

Finally, giant Stitch stuffed toy, you're coming home.



Feb 3, 2013

Just be there, and remember to bring a present for that stupid kid that survived his family car crash. For some reason people like him. The beating I put on you will get me enough tickets to finally win that giant Stitch stuffed toy I've been trying to get since 2002.

Finally, giant Stitch stuffed toy, you're coming home.

I don't plan on losing, but I will show up for the kid and get him that stitch toy myself if you want?


May 2, 2012
Eagles, Canes, Kliq, Sixers
Huge announcement after @krackdagawd vs. @CM Punk Tonight

As a matter of fact lets get to the action.

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the main event. :wow:

First the challenger...from the most dangerous traps of the Chi. CM PHILLIP!!!! *smarks go insane, ladies cry, stat geeks cringe*

Next up....from the greatest state in the in the world....KRACK!!!!!!!! *ladies scream, semi='-smarks give pop*

*KG RAWSE: here it is folks, best in the world vs champion....lets enjoy

*Krack and Phillip stare each other down*

*Krack and Phil lock up.....Krack over powers Phil and shoves him down*

*Krack lunges at Phil, Phil however out speeds Krack by jumping on the ropes and flipping over him*

*Krack is confused as Phil sneaks up behind him to deliver the go to sleep*

KG% RAWSE: IS KRACK gonna lose this quickly??!!!!

1....2.....*Krack kicks out*...*false finish #1 :youngsabo:


May 2, 2012
Eagles, Canes, Kliq, Sixers
*Krack recovers from being stunned and works himself up to his feet.*

*Phil prepares to hit him with the GTS once more*

*Krack counters out of it and hits Phil with the Krack Kick*


*Krack pins down Phillip..*

*1...2.....Phillip kicks out before 3* :youngsabo: false finish #2