TSC: Out for Blood

May 2, 2012
Finally got a deal on this rent a car :whew:

Anyway I do believe I have a big reveal to make, and hell I may as well do it right now. All week people been asking, 'who is it Push Man?
Who did you get to take on the whole of TSC/TSCCM/whatever the fukk others factions we got now?'
And I say, you got it all wrong, I know damn well that me and one other guy ain't gonna be enough. I decided to try a different tactic. Ya see while everyone else is fighting for glory, trying to win belts, trying to take out the other groups I took notice of the one thing everyone in this goddamn company has in common. You all, every last one of you hate one guy. And I'm gonna use that guy, I'm gonna give him the one thing he wants that you all tried to take away from him, a spot on the card.

And hey don't get me wrong here, I'm under no illusions that we can fix this company, but we can destroy it. Not through force you see, but through the universal power of ...annoyance. I'm gonna drag this little shyt with me wherever I go, to every show, flaunting the fact that he has a tag team championship belt. And every time you all see him, yeah, you'll get mad at first, but eventually you'll just get worn down, you'll say that this just isn't fun anymore, you'll stop coming to the threads and @Kind Gentleman will have to say fukk it, no one cares anymore.

Ladies and gentlemen, you tried to ban him, you tried to fire him, you even tried to blackball him,
My partner and co tag team champion of the world

@Wcthesecret :pachaha:

Yo, Dylan grab that camera and get in the car, we got a show to make and I still got a lot to say, Imma finish this promo in the car.


Feb 3, 2013
Finally got a deal on this rent a car :whew:

Anyway I do believe I have a big reveal to make, and hell I may as well do it right now. All week people been asking, 'who is it Push Man?
Who did you get to take on the whole of TSC/TSCCM/whatever the fukk others factions we got now?'
And I say, you got it all wrong, I know damn well that me and one other guy ain't gonna be enough. I decided to try a different tactic. Ya see while everyone else is fighting for glory, trying to win belts, trying to take out the other groups I took notice of the one thing everyone in this goddamn company has in common. You all, every last one of you hate one guy. And I'm gonna use that guy, I'm gonna give him the one thing he wants that you all tried to take away from him, a spot on the card.

And hey don't get me wrong here, I'm under no illusions that we can fix this company, but we can destroy it. Not through force you see, but through the universal power of ...annoyance. I'm gonna drag this little shyt with me wherever I go, to every show, flaunting the fact that he has a tag team championship belt. And every time you all see him, yeah, you'll get mad at first, but eventually you'll just get worn down, you'll say that this just isn't fun anymore, you'll stop coming to the threads and @Kind Gentleman will have to say fukk it, no one cares anymore.

Ladies and gentlemen, you tried to ban him, you tried to fire him, you even tried to blackball him,
My partner and co tag team champion of the world

@Wcthesecret :pachaha:

Yo, Dylan grab that camera and get in the car, we got a show to make and I still got a lot to say, Imma finish this promo in the car.
Way ahead of you pusher. *grabs a camera and gets the car started* the inevitable is about to begin. :russ:


Dum Shiny
May 1, 2012
SoCal State Beaches
TSC Playaz will be the New tag team champs... And nobody will stop us...

Yeah....no. I'm not exactly in the talkative mood after what @The Push Man did on TSC is WAR, but I will tell you this: I don't care how many thousands of dollars (*mockingly sways* thousands of dollars!) you purport to have, it won't make any difference. It will not happen, because you are no better than fodder in front of the monolith known as TSCCM. Enjoy the time you will spend within the presence of myself and @3Rivers, and realize that it is futile for you two idiots to aspire to reach the heights that true champions *holds up TSC European and Cruiserweight Championships*, the TRULY dominant reach.

Finally got a deal on this rent a car :whew:

Anyway I do believe I have a big reveal to make, and hell I may as well do it right now. All week people been asking, 'who is it Push Man?
Who did you get to take on the whole of TSC/TSCCM/whatever the fukk others factions we got now?'
And I say, you got it all wrong, I know damn well that me and one other guy ain't gonna be enough. I decided to try a different tactic. Ya see while everyone else is fighting for glory, trying to win belts, trying to take out the other groups I took notice of the one thing everyone in this goddamn company has in common. You all, every last one of you hate one guy. And I'm gonna use that guy, I'm gonna give him the one thing he wants that you all tried to take away from him, a spot on the card.

And hey don't get me wrong here, I'm under no illusions that we can fix this company, but we can destroy it. Not through force you see, but through the universal power of ...annoyance. I'm gonna drag this little shyt with me wherever I go, to every show, flaunting the fact that he has a tag team championship belt. And every time you all see him, yeah, you'll get mad at first, but eventually you'll just get worn down, you'll say that this just isn't fun anymore, you'll stop coming to the threads and @Kind Gentleman will have to say fukk it, no one cares anymore.

Ladies and gentlemen, you tried to ban him, you tried to fire him, you even tried to blackball him,
My partner and co tag team champion of the world

@Wcthesecret :pachaha:

Yo, Dylan grab that camera and get in the car, we got a show to make and I still got a lot to say, Imma finish this promo in the car.

Go home Dylan. For your own good.

...actually, don't do that. Because you are actually so desperate and so stupid as to allign yourself with this thief, this pathetic excuse for a man, who couldn't hack it and become championship material like myself and had to steal the Tag Team Championships as a result...you don't deserve to go home. You do not deserve pity. You do not deserve quarter. You deserve nothing of that sort.

Mark my words, I am going to cripple you tonight. I am going to take special time out of winning the Tag Team Titles to make sure to execute your career live on Pay-Per-View. Wash your neck, jackass.

If I've said it once, I've said it a million times: @3Rivers and myself are the best tag team here by a country mile and a half, we are the founders of the greatest faction in TSC, we are the next TSC Tag Team Champions, and I WILL be the first and only Triple Crown Champion in the history of TSC. There is nothing anyone can do about it. Accept it.


CM Punk

The TSC World Heavyweight Champion
Aug 1, 2012

Beautiful Bobby Eatin

May 1, 2012
Terra Belle, Georgia
Because they have better things to do than babysit and sticky this unimportant nerd fantasy fest going on

You fukking dorks.
Youre frequent poster on a wrestling forum calling other people dorks? Come on breh youre better than that. Let a nikka have fun :damn: