Turkey And Russia Sign Strategic "Turkish Stream" Gas Pipeline Deal


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
Turkey, Russia strike strategic Turkish Stream gas pipeline deal - ENERGY

Turkey, Russia strike strategic Turkish Stream gas pipeline deal

Russia signed the strategic Turkish Stream gas pipeline agreement on Oct. 10.

The pipeline will carry Russian natural gas to Turkey and on to Europe under the Black Sea.

During the signing ceremony with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said ministers and experts will continue to hold bilateral talks after the deal, adding that they will also hold talks focusing on economy, politics, defense, tourism and culture.

The president also said they reached consensus on the acceleration of the process for the Akkuyu nuclear plant.

In addition, Putin also added that the two countries also reached consensus on discount in natural gas prices as a part of the deal.

He stated that Moscow also lifted restrictions on citrus exports.

President Erdoğan also said they discussed Syria and the Euphrates Shield Operation in detail as well as strategies and cooperation regarding humanitarian aid to Aleppo. Putin said Moscow was on the same page with Ankara about delivering humanitarian aid to Aleppo.

According to the Russian leader, Moscow and Ankara also agreed to intensify military contacts.

The signing of the deal came after a bilateral meeting between Erdoğan and Putin who was in Istanbul to attend the 23rd World Energy Congress.

Russia’s Gazprom and Turkey’s BOTAŞ in 2014 signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for the construction of the Turkish Stream gas pipeline, with a capacity of 63 billion cubic meters (bcm) of gas per year from Russia to Turkey across the Black Sea.

However, talks on the project were halted last year after Turkey shot down a Russian air force jet and Moscow retaliated with trade sanctions but since then the two countires have made significant progress to mend relations.

Erdoğan said in August at a joint news conference with his Russian counterpart that building the gas pipeline quickly was a priority.

On Sept. 7, Gazprom said it had received first regulatory approvals from Turkey, allowing the project to move into implementation phase.

The meeting of the two leaders marked the third time after bilateral relations were put back on track in August since the jet crisis.

This was Putin’s first trip to Turkey since a bilateral crisis sparked by Turkey’s shooting down of a Russian war plane over Syria last November. He and Erdoğan have met on two occasions since a June deal to normalize ties after the plane crisis - in Putin’s home city of Saint Petersburg and then on the sidelines of the G-20 in China.

Earlier, speaking at the 23rd World Energy Congress , Erdoğan had said Ankara was positive about the deal.

His remarks came before a bilateral meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who also expressed his belief in the pipeline carrying more Russian gas to Turkey before it reaches Europe.

The president also said Turkey is seeking ways to implement plans for a third nuclear power plant and aims to produce 10 percent of its electricity from nuclear power in the coming years.
Russia is currently developing Turkey’s first nuclear plant by the Mediterranean.

Putin said the need to develop the Turkish Stream natural gas project had been stressed in his talks with Erdoğan, adding that Russia also actively planned to expand it hydrocarbon exports eastward to China, Japan and India.

“Russia will further interact in energy with all interested parties for mutual beneficial partnerships on an equal footing,” he added.

Putin went on to say that contrary to the idea of the age of hydrocarbons coming to a close, and although the world hydrocarbon resources had undergone major changes, he believed that “there are no real grounds behind such far reaching conclusions, at least for now.”

Russia supports efforts to limit oil production and urges other exporters and producers to do the same, Putin said.

“We support the recent OPEC initiative aimed at limiting oil production and we expect that at the OPEC meeting in November this idea will be presented in such a way to send a positive message to markets and investors. Of course this decision will help curb the speculative activity and avoid new price fluctuations,” he added.

“Not only producers and exporters, but consumers should also act in a responsible way. Energy security can be safeguarded if we pay attention to others’ interests. We stand for firm compliance with the principles of free trade and fair play,” Putin said.

Meanwhile, also speaking at the event Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev said his country’s energy investments in Turkey would reach $20 billion.

Aliyev said Azerbaijan and Turkey had built energy infrastructure, such as pipelines, to ensure both countries’ energy security.

“On a daily basis, Turkey plays a crucial role in the energy security of the region,” he added.

He signaled that growth in Turkey’s prosperity is important not only for Turkey as a leader in defining energy policy in the world, but also for the rest of the world.

Aliyev highlighted projects, which have been implemented in Turkey, to transfer Azerbaijan’s oil and gas, and said Azerbaijan’s gas will be delivered to global markets via four projects under the South Gas Corridor totaling $45 billion in value.

He hailed the Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP) as playing a crucial role in providing energy security in the region.

“We took the first step for the TANAP in 2012 in Turkey, which is a significant part of the South Gas Corridor, under the leadership of Azerbaijan and Turkey. The TANAP is an important agreement and many countries might become a part of this project,” Aliyev said.

He also suggested that projects to transfer Azerbaijan’s oil via Turkey should be stepped up.


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012

Ball is in Isreal SA Nato court

Turkey is in NATO breh.

Turkey will always be a willing servant and suffer anything to please the USA.
But if you threaten its very existence with the Kurds, they can do and will do anything.Its not just Erdogan, they are all united on this.

Turkey is nearly dependent on hot fast moving funds from investors to keep the economy afloat, and suffers from severe balance of payments deficits, due to large energy imports.

The US has a nuclear option, they can press a button and the Turkish economy comes to a halt, mass protests, and starvation on the streets and you will see the people lynch Erdogan and beg the Americans for forgiveness.

On the other hand, the Russians are a major trade partner and the sanctions devastated large sectors of the Turkish economy.
Turkey depends on Iranian and Russian oil and gas for energy. It gets cheap oil and gas from them and they cannot afford Qatari or American LNG imports. If they cut off the gas, the Turkish economy goes to hell.

Now neither side has reason to destroy Turkey for now,

Erdogan needs to balance both sides, play both sides. He wasn't doing a good job of it, its hard having the US as your pimp, he is very demanding. :russ:
Putin understands, so even though he abhors Erdogan, and so do the Russian public, Putin is removing alot of the sanctions, and pumping money into Turkey to keep it afloat. Additionally, China and Russia hardly do anything major alone anymore, there are large Chinese funds available for Turkey. They want to keep Turkey alive for the future, If they can wean the Turkish economy off the hot money, supply them with cheap oil, build the nuclear power plants as agreed. Then Turkey might in the future be strong enough to leave its master and become an independent country.

Till then Erdogan needs to continue playing both sides... stay alive.

In the middle of this comes Putin, playing facilitator.

Its interesting how Putin holds major the cards in the Middle East. The Israelis are confident that he will take care of their interests, they hedged their bets with the Syria fiasco.

if it worked to plan, you will have a Somalia in Syria, with dozens of state-lets and continued civil war indefinitely, allowing Israel to develop the oil and gas fields in the Golan and annex the bordering Houran region full of Druze who'll assimilate plus some of the best farmland in Syria and even larger oil and gas fields than the Golan.

If the plan goes belly up, Russia will guarantee things don't go out of control, all they have to do is "stay away from Hezbollah"
and ditch the Lebanon invasion plan.

The Iranians now trust and rely on Russia for its security, Russia and China helped axe the international sanctions.


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
Guess they didn't take the killing of their pilots too badly


Erdogan changed his tune, said the Turks would compensate the family of the pilot who got killed and will investigate and prosecute those who did the attack.

Amazing what 7 months of sanctions will do with one of your biggest trading partners.

Also, Turkey NEEDS that cheap gas and this pipeline. Plus the nuclear power plants that Beijing and Moscow are building.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Erdogan changed his tune, said the Turks would compensate the family of the pilot who got killed and will investigate and prosecute those who did the attack.

Amazing what 7 months of sanctions will do with one of your biggest trading partners.

Also, Turkey NEEDS that cheap gas and this pipeline. Plus the nuclear power plants that Beijing and Moscow are building.

they're all on borrowed time

hopefully the next governments that form are more responsible particularly in the case of Russia(nukes)