Ugly Men Should Thank God Everyday For Gold Digging Women! “If Women Cared About Looks To The Extent Men Do, You’d Never Get Pussi.”

May 16, 2012
Datings apps and social media are literally one of the most common ways that people meet now, so why wouldn't they count? If they don't count then what is truly the basis of your argument? The physicality doesn't simply disappear because of pictures AND you can put your height in the bio. Women can still SEE you. If being muscular/athletic/etc is truly the most important thing that makes a woman attracted to you, then this challenge would still be a breeze would it not?

Sure you can use angles to HIDE your flaws, but no one in their right mind would hide being muscular. So, if you make a profile featuring a muscular man and highlighting his muscles, surely he would still get more matches than the skinnyfat prettyboy, would he not?

There was literally a video that got posted on here where three brehs were going around a mall asking women which one they would choose. The shorter breh (and he was short as hell) got the MOST women choosing him on the basis of his face. Every chick in the comments even said they picked him because he was the "best looking". Women on thecoli were saying the same thing. I myself have seen plenty of short unfit goodlooking dudes fukk the girlfriends and wives of muscular athletic types who weren't as goodlooking.

If you want to, we can add weights to the challenge -- the muscular only needs to get a certain percentage of the matches that the prettyboy gets. Since height and physicality is the most important thing to women, this should be a cakewalk...

But did they sleep with him? Women say shyt they don't truly mean all the time. Especially when it comes to what men they prefer. If you asked those same girls what they value the most in a man looks, money, or personality, they would all say personality. And we know that's cap. Stop trusting what women say and just look at their actions.

At the end of the day the only way a female can show she's truly into you is if she gives you them guts. Saying you're cute, matching with you on a dating app, or even letting you take her on a date means nothing.

And FTR alot of women nowadays (especially attractive ones) use dating apps solely to funnel simps onto their social media or onlyfans. Or they use simps for food dates. They're not using them to actually find men they like. This why I don't think matches say much of anything.
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May 16, 2012
You got a link to the thread containing the video?

I feel sorry for men like you who think listening to women on what they prefer or want in a man is actually a fruitful endeavor. Instead of listening to what they say look at their actions. That'll teach you more on what women actually find attractive and want than listening to them.

I know @Manolo wanted me to include some anecdotes in this thread cause he thought I had no life experiences so here's another story for yall:

About a decade ago when I was a young lawyer just starting out I worked at this firm in LA. One day some of my colleagues (all white btw) said let's hit up Vegas for weekend to go clubbing. So we ended up getting a table and bottle service at this well known club. Now mind you I'm the only black guy in the group. I end up bringing the two baddest chicks in the club that night back to our table. They were blondes from Germany. Now mind you one of these chicks was arguably the finest white woman I've ever seen in my life. Her friend was fine as well but this chick was a true dime. All night these chicks were all over me. Every other guy in the club was jealous. And I mean every. All the broke dudes on the dance floor who couldn't get bottle service were salty that the baddies were all at our tables. And my white colleagues were also salty the two baddest white chicks chose me instead of them.

So why did the two baddest chicks choose me? Well the first reason is obvious. It looked like I had money. That's always the top attraction trigger for women. If you have money they'll give you a shot over some broke dude. Now there were other guys with money there so why did these two beautiful white women choose me over my white colleagues? Was I better looking? Nope. Remember I said the chicks were from Germany. And I found out later that German girls got a thing for black men. So simply being the only black guy who was getting bottle service at that club that night landed me the two baddest bytches in the club.
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Love is a long road.
Jun 10, 2018
Washington D.C.
I feel sorry for men like you who think listening to women on what they prefer or want in a man is actually a fruitful endeavor. Instead of listening to what they say look at their actions. That'll teach you more on what women actually find attractive and want than listening to them.

I know @Manolo wanted me to include some anecdotes in this thread cause he thought I had no life experiences so here's another story for yall:

About a decade ago when I was a young lawyer just starting out I worked at this firm in LA. One day some of my colleagues (all white btw) said let's hit up Vegas for weekend to go clubbing. So we ended up getting a table and bottle service at this well known club. Now mind you I'm the only black guy in the group. I end up bringing the two baddest chicks in the club that night back to our table. They were blondes from Germany. Now mind you one of these chicks was arguably the finest white woman I've ever seen in my life. Her friend was fine as well but this chick was a true dime. All night these chicks were all over me. Every other guy in the club was jealous. And I mean every. All the broke dudes on the dance floor who couldn't get bottle service were salty that the baddies were all at our tables. And my white colleagues were also salty the two baddest white chicks chose me instead of them.
You have a hall of shame tag and your 17,000 points in the red. I’m not taking anything you say seriously dude. :mjlol:
May 16, 2012
You have a hall of shame tag and your 17,000 points in the red. I’m not taking anything you say seriously dude. :mjlol:

Understandable. This is why I like to stick to using science or objective evidence when making my arguments. But some posters on here think I only speak from some naive red pill talking points view. When in reality I've probably seen and experienced more when it comes to how the most attractive women move than 90% of yall.

Thurgood Thurston III

#LLNB #LLLB #E4R | woooK nypdK
Nov 20, 2017
The kirk to the fields
But did they sleep with him? Women say shyt they don't truly mean all the time. Especially when it comes to what men they prefer. If you asked those same girls what they value the most in a man looks, money, or personality, they would all say personality. And we know that's cap. Stop trusting what women say and just look at their actions.

At the end of the day the only way a female can show she's truly into you is if she gives you them guts. Saying you're cute, matching with you on a dating app, or even letting you take her on a date means nothing.

And FTR alot of women nowadays (especially attractive ones) use dating apps solely to funnel simps onto their social media or onlyfans. Or they use simps for food dates. They're not using them to actually find men they like. This why I don't think matches say much of anything.
Even if they didn't sleep with him, they still chose him when they literally had no reason to. What exactly would they gain from choosing him over the guys? You keep saying look at their actions, but all you can give me are anecdotes and your OPINION. I've given you an actual video.

I've looked at women's actions and I've seen that choose face over body and height

As much you say that women want a man's body so badly over a man's face, you would think that evidence for it would show in my challenge would it not?

Even if you say that matches mean nothing,
Even if you say that the video I posted means nothing,
Even if you say that women themselves saying they value a man's face means nothing,

Obviously, I can't show you a literal video of a woman fukking a man because of his face... and you know that.

All we have are anecdotes.

Understandable. This is why I like to stick to using science or objective evidence when making my arguments. But some posters on here think I only speak from some naive red pill talking points view. When in reality I've probably seen and experienced more when it comes to how the most attractive women move than 90% of yall.
You've given zero objective evidence. And you haven't cited any papers (we can go that route if you'd like. I have papers to back me up)
Actually, I've probably seen and experienced more when it comes to how the most attractive women move than 90% of yall. See, I can make claims just like you.
May 16, 2012
What exactly would they gain from choosing him over the guys?

Women are more socially tuned than us men. They care about how they are perceived by others. So they try to couch their opinions in the way that most makes them look good. It's why they will always say they care more about personality than looks or money. Because if they say they care about looks it will make them look shallow. Or if they say they care about money it might make then look like they're good diggers. So they pick personality because it's the quality that makes them look the best even if it's a total lie. Men on the other hand typically don't care if people think we're shallow so we'll always say looks are most important when it comes to what attracts us most to a woman.

As much you say that women want a man's body so badly over a man's face, you would think that evidence for it would show in my challenge would it not?

I've already given my evidence for why body matters more than face. I cited that fact that in high school and college the guys who got the most girls were the football and basketball players. And the only thing they had in common wasn't good looking faces but physically fit bodies. And most were taller than average. Yes they also had social status but that social status came from the fact they were more physically fit than everyone else.

Physical dominance is the most important attraction trigger for women when it comes to men after money.

Thurgood Thurston III

#LLNB #LLLB #E4R | woooK nypdK
Nov 20, 2017
The kirk to the fields
Women are more socially tuned than us men. They care about how they are perceived by others. So they try to couch their opinions in the way that most makes them look good. It's why they will always say they care more about personality than looks or money. Because if they say they care about looks it will make them look shallow. Or if they say they care about money it might make then look like they're good diggers. So they pick personality because it's the quality that makes them look the best even if it's a total lie. Men on the other hand typically don't care if people think we're shallow so we'll always say looks are most important when it comes to what attracts us most to a woman.

I've already given my evidence for why body matters more than face. I cited that fact that in high school and college the guys who got the most girls were the football and basketball players. And the only thing they had in common wasn't good looking faces but physically fit bodies. And most were taller than average. Yes they also had social status but that social status came from the fact they were more physically fit than everyone else.

Physical dominance is the most important attraction trigger for women when it comes to men after money.
"Because if they say they care about looks it will make them look shallow"

And the girls in the video literally chose him because of his looks.... That was the point I was trying to make. Please re-read the post where I brought up the video.

"I cited that fact that in high school and college the guys who got the most girls were the football and basketball players."

That is not a "fact". That is an anecdote. I can tell you that the prettyboys got the most girls in high school and college and it wouldn't make it a fact just because I said so.

Will Ross

May 5, 2012

Nikka that’s what my ex looked like! Dammit


A man who looks like that will get the same advantages as a “baddie”

The dudes who looked like that in HS and undergrad didn’t need status, education, property, etc to get women. Those are the ones picking some girl up from work IN HER CAR at this very moment. Lmao

That FACE CARD would be accepted EVERYWHERE 🤤

That right there is why some of us, while we understand and appreciate the importance of status and success, will not forgo actual physical attraction.
That’s the kind of man that makes you want to hit the gym 5 days a week to ensure your stamina remains on point.
That’s the kind of man who falls on hard times and you say “It’s aight babe, we in this together”. Lmao

That picture is why the title of this thread isn’t a lie :manny:

A man has to have more than looks
to have the same privileges as a baddie.

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
the fact is fame will make an avg man handsome to most women. A guy like jay z becomes avg to women with fame
May 16, 2012
"Because if they say they care about looks it will make them look shallow"

And the girls in the video literally chose him because of his looks.... That was the point I was trying to make. Please re-read the post where I brought up the video.

"I cited that fact that in high school and college the guys who got the most girls were the football and basketball players."

That is not a "fact". That is an anecdote. I can tell you that the prettyboys got the most girls in high school and college and it wouldn't make it a fact just because I said so.

I guess you didn't understand my point there. Even if a group of females agreed with me and said body was more important I wouldn't listen to them. Because women never tell the truth about their preferences. They're almost always saying what they think people wanna hear. That's why I said if the question was asked what's most important: looks, money, or personality, they would all pick personality and we all know that would be lie.

Just stop listening to women. I don't know why you even care what they have to say given the fact they never tell the truth. Just look at their actions. If you believe women care about face more than body based on your life experiences then more power to you. Start wearing makeup and stop going to the gym.

But last I checked almost no man wears makeup and if guys wanna improve their physical attraction to women they mostly go to the gym and lift weights.