Unpublished chapters of The Autobiography of Malcolm X sold at auction

Oct 22, 2017
You can actually read some of what was written (and some of Alex Haley's notes on the page).

The link to the story is here.

Sorry if this is a duplicate; I searched Malcolm's name in this forum before I posted this.

An excerpt:

The manuscript for the published book shows the push and pull between Haley’s revisions and queries and Malcolm X’s, which were generally in red ink. In some places, Haley urges him to pull back on the soapbox pronouncements or to tone down the fierce denunciations of white people.

In others, he affirms Malcolm X’s comments, as in a passage describing corruption in “some of America’s topmost white circles,” where he pencils in “I know!”

As for “The Negro,” it begins with a blast: “The Western World is sick. The American society — with the song of Christianity providing the white man with the illusion that what he has done to the black man is ‘right’ — is as sick as Babylon. And the black man here in this wilderness, the so-called ‘Negro,’ is sickest of them all.”