Vatican cops bust drug-fueled gay orgy at home of cardinal’s aide


IC veteran
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May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI

Vatican police raided a drug-fueled gay sex party at the apartment of an aide to one of Pope Francis’ key advisers, according to an explosive new report.

The Holy Father is “enraged,” since the home, inhabited by Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio’s secretary, belongs to the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith — the arm charged with tackling clerical sex abuse, Italian paper Il Fatto Quotidiano reports.

Cops raided the apartment in late June after neighbors complained about multiple people visiting the apartment and acting strangely.

Inside, police said they found men getting high and getting it on, the paper reports.

They arrested the priest after taking him to a clinic to detox from the drugs he’d ingested — presumably on drugs charges, as gay sex isn’t illegal in Vatican City. He is now on a spiritual retreat in a convent in Italy, the paper reports.

Coccopalmerio had recommended his secretary for a promotion to bishop, but the prospects aren’t looking good following this incident and two previous alleged drug overdoses, according to an International Business Times report.

Pope Francis may force the cardinal into retirement, the Italian paper reports.

The scandal comes just a week after the Vatican was rocked by sex abuse allegations against high-ranking Cardinal George Pell.


IC veteran
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May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI

1. Capozzi Was Reportedly Brought into Detox & Spent Time on a Retreat
Il Fatto Quotidiano reported June 28 that police raided the apartment in the palace of the former Holy Office, the same place where former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, before becoming Pope Benedict XVI, lived while he was the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

When they entered, they caught Capozzi and others red-handed performing a gay orgy while under the influence of unspecified drugs. He was removed by authorities and hospitalized at the Roman Pius XI clinic so that he could detox. After that, reports say that he had a short period of retreat at a nearby monastery and then spent time at the Gemelli Hospital in Rome.

It’s believed that Capozzi faces charges, presumably for the drugs, though news of that has remained mum.

2. Neighbors Had Complained About People Coming & Going From the Apartment
The police were tipped off as to the ongoing illicit activities in the apartment by neighbors, who complained about different people coming and going from the entrance of the apartment in the evening hours.

Many have questioned what the others were doing in the apartment in the first place, as it’s typically only reserved for “superiors, prefects, presidents or secretaries of the Roman Curia,” iL Fatto Quotidiano reported. The entrance of the building opens out onto the square of the Holy Office, located on Italian territory outside of the control of the Swiss Guard and Vatican police.

It’s also believed that the unknown drugs were brought to the apartment using a luxury car, which had a license plate of the Holy See. That allowed for the vehicle to transport the drugs without raising suspicion or being stopped by police.

3. Capozzi Was Ordained in 1992

Pope Francis delivers his speech to the crowd from the window of the apostolic palace overlooking St Peter’s square during the Sunday Angelus prayer, on July 2 in Vatican.

According to his biography, Capozzi was born in Salerno, a city and comune in Campania located on the Gulf of Salerno on the Tyrrhenian Sea with a population of over 130,000 people as of 2014.

On December 19, 1992, Capozzi was ordained as a priest in Amalfi and continued his work in the Roman Catholic church from then on.

In May 2007, Capozzi was appointed to be a chaplain of then Pope Benedict XVI, which earned him the title of Monsignor.

As Coccopalmerio’s secretary, Capozzi was tasked with answering calls and inquiries placed to the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, a congregation that Coccopalmerio is the president of.

When reports started to surface that it was Capozzi who committed the act, Italian media came calling.

La Citta, a newspaper of the city of Salerno, called his office for an interview and were greeted by a voice saying: “Hello? Do not give interviews, thank you,” before being hung up on.

4. Pope Francis is Said to be ‘Enraged’ & May Force an Early Retirement of Coccopalmerio

YouTubeCardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio

When news of the transgressions were heard by Pope Francis, sources said he became “enraged.” It’s rumored that with the old age of Coccopalmerio, who’s 79, Pope Francis has decided to “accelerate his retirement.”

The typical age of retirement of cardinals is 75-years old, but Coccopalmerio has served under Pope Francis for some time and is a member on numerous congregations.

One source told Il Fatto Quotidiano that Capozzi was proposed by Coccopalmerio to become a bishop recently, but it hadn’t happened yet.

“Luckily they have not made a bishop, now what would have happened?” the source told the newspaper.

5. The Raid Comes Just Days After an Australian Cardinal Was Charged with Sexual Abuse

Australian Cardinal George Pell looks on as he makes a statement at the Holy See Press Office on June 29 after being charged with historical sex offences.

There has been no shortage of scandals to rock the Vatican, and when Pope Francis’ papacy began in 2013, he worked to rid the church of the reputation it’s earned recently, as well as reforming numerous policies.

However, a senior official at the Vatican was charged with multiple sexual assaults of a minors June 29 in Australia and is now set to appear in a Melbourne court later in July.

Cardinal George Pell, who is considered to be the third-most senior official at the Vatican, was charged in court with “multiple historical sexual assaults.”

For years, Pell had been in the news in Australia involving allegations that when he was the Archbishop of Melbourne, he covered up the sexual abuse of others.

The Catholic archdiocese of Sydney released a statement after the charges were filed that said Pell intended to “return to Australia as soon as possible to clear his name.”

In 2016, Pell said to an abuse commission that he regretted not doing more to protect the sexual abuse victims.

Investigators have previously traveled to Rome to discuss sexual assault allegations, including those that said he inappropriately touched children while swimming next to them.

Pell addressed the media June 29 in Rome and denied all the allegations.

“There has been relentless character assassination and for more than a month, claims that a decision on whether to lay charges was imminent,” Pell said. “I’m looking forward, finally, to having my day in court.”

Luigi Capozzi: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Meta Reign

I walk the streets like, ''say something, n!gga!''
Jun 9, 2012
Franklin ave.
I love how these Vatican officials, including the Pope act all shocked when shyt like this goes down.

"THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! I had no idea there were gay orgies happening next door to me every Thursday at 8pm and the cocaine imported there was of the highest quality!"


Nov 19, 2016
I love how these Vatican officials, including the Pope act all shocked when shyt like this goes down.

"THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! I had no idea there were gay orgies happening next door to me every Thursday at 8pm and the cocaine imported there was of the highest quality!"
I dunno. That's pretty hard to track if they aren't snitching.

The Fukin Prophecy

RIP Champ
May 1, 2012
Being catholic is now disgusting
It's always been disgusting...

This fakkitry and child abuse didn't just begin the last decade...They been doing this shyt for centuries and covering for themselves because they had a lot of influence to do it especially in the states...

The churches dirty demonic ways finally got brought to light because that's what happens when these demonic religions lose influence over people...
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