WashingtonPost: Harris & Warren ignore DOJ report on Mike Brown

May 6, 2012

“Harris tweeted about the fifth anniversary of the “murder” of Michael Brown. Within minutes, Warren followed, saying “Brown was murdered by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri.”

Both appear to be echoing a narrative that emerged shortly after Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson shot and killed Brown, 18. The legal definition of murder varies according to jurisdiction, but generally it means killing someone with malice aforethought.

In November 2014, a grand jury decided not to indict Wilson after finding that witness reports did not match with evidence. On March 4, 2015, the Obama administration’s Justice Department issued an 86-page investigative report, based on testimony from 40 witnesses and a review of forensic evidence, on the shooting that concluded “there is no credible evidence that Wilson willfully shot Brown as he was attempting to surrender or was otherwise not posing a threat.”

The same day, the Justice Department also published the results of its investigation into the Ferguson Police Department, which highlighted systemic exploitation and racial profiling of black residents in Ferguson, such as racial disparities in traffic stops even though black drivers were less likely to be found with contraband.

Harris and Warren appear to accept the results of one report and not the other.”

Kamala & Elizabeth are clearly right on this issue, I don’t know why WaPo is going out of their way to claim Mike Brown wasn’t murdered :dwillhuh:
