We know Prodigy's the GOAT but 50 had some good kickoff lines back in the day


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
Was thinking about this the other day. Obviously Prodigy is the king. "There's a war goin on outside..." "I got you stuck off the realness..." "The saga begins..." "I break bread, ribs, hundred dollar bills." We can go on for days.

50 had some good ones though, and although P could hook you right off with just a few words, 50 was good with kicking off verses, going all the way back to Power of the Dollar. Not saying he was the best or anything, but he had some simple, yet dope lines.

"We all gonna go, and I'd hate to go fast. Then again I don't think it'd be fun to stick around and go last."

"They say you can never repay the price for taking a man's life. I'm in debt with Christ, I done did that twice."

"I must've broke a mirror at 3 and had bad luck for 7 cause pop left and mommy died before I turned 11."

"Momma said everything that happens to us is part of God's plan, so at night when I talk to Him, I got my gun in my hand."

"I been to the pearly gates they sent me back. The good die young, I ain't eligible for that."