We off of porn for 2018 & beyond brehs

Memorial Stadium Piru

Feb 8, 2017
Big Red
I've made so many tremendous strides in my life since I decided to quit:blessed:

-Extremely sociable/talking to other people doesn't feel like a chore now

-Talking to girls feels natural & no more butterflies in my stomach. I'm more witty and can say things on the fly now.

-Appreciating the simpler things in life now. I find immense beauty & happiness in just going for walk and looking at trees & flowers, or going to a park and looking at the pond and hearing the whistle of the wind, or just going to the mall & people-watching.

-Finding new productive hobbies because my time isn't filled with watching porn anymore. I spend a lot of time talking to my Creator via intimate prayer, read the Bible, biblical devotionals & other books on theology, read books about black/African history, brainstorm business ideas, write R&B/gospel/soul songs, make beats on FL Studio & my Roland JD-XI, play basketball, lift weights, walk around town & take in the sights, go to Barnes & Noble and read/buy books, go fishing at the pier and Biscayne National Park & hang out with friends & family.

-Music, while it technically doesn't sound different, the mood of the beat/instrumental & the lyrics being sung/rapped really hit me in the soul & make me think and sometimes get emotional. I was listening to Jodeci-Forever My Lady in my room last night and started crying while listening to the lyrics and thinking about being married to my future wife and us being madly in love, holding her hand, candlelit dinners, burning candles in the room, some quiet storm playing, and the smell of her sweet perfume and lotion as we were making sweet, passionate love & her being pregnant and the special, beautiful moment of me & the love of my life having our 1st child together, and the baby being a tangible product of the sweet, romantic love me & her share, and just French kissing her for hours while she lays on the hospital bed after the baby is in the incubator & the doctors/nurses leave the room, because I love her so much and can't put in words how much I cherish and appreciate her for choosing me to have her first child with.

-Feeling more motivated/energized in life overall, in terms of school/work/the gym/church/volunteering in the community

Ultimately, there's no way in HELL I'm going back to the way things used to be. This feels so amazing, I'm on da next level, word to Mr. Serv-On.:jawalrus: