Where were Kobe's parents?


Jun 8, 2012
just sounds like she/they have been on petty bullshyt ever since vanessa showed up. maybe they wanted him to marry a black woman, and they are forever gonna hold a grudge against him just off that alone. but it's been like 15 years now. time to get over that bullshyt cuz that ship has been sailed.
you can't really be mad at kobe for marrying an other. at least she's a brown if you want to get technical. kobe's life is much different than most of the nba black american dudes who were born and raised here their entire lives. this guy to me is part italian. thats because he grew up there for awhile. he loved it there, spoke the language learned and liked the culture. thats a eurocentric culture. then he lived in philly, but the burbs mostly only came to the hood to hang with his grandmother is what i recall him admitting. sure he's black. and sure he indentifies with blackness but you cant fault the man for being partially eurocentric and thinking its ok to get an other because if he would've stayed in itlay odds are he would've married some hot italian chick. and his parents of all people should know this. Jelly bean and moms were from the US born, raised and only went to europe because jelly bean wanted to get doe overseas while playing ball. its not the same for them.


Jun 8, 2012
it's funny the same dudes talking about how non-black women just use black athletes for money are defending kobe. vanessa whole fam eating off kobe while his sisters look like they struggling at 9 to 5's
and why does his sisters look like that? and who is this "WHOLE FAMILY of Vanessa's" you speak of aside from her mother his mother in law?????

are you saying he never helped his family out? thats a lie because his mom admitted that he helped them out multiple times. so stop it.

were the fam haiting on his wife early on? that was the rumor. if you hate on a mans wife for too long eventually he will kick you to the curb if he decides to stay with her. which he has. now they had their reasons for not liking that idea. but vanessas was a kid. so it aint on her. maybe they didnt like her mother or something. who knows. so i cant even call her a golddigger yet since the chick wasnt even removed from highschool when they met at that video shoot.

pete clemenza

May 1, 2012
Now that I think about it.. I know Kobe wasn't about entourages, was a loner, and all that sh*t but did he ever have a good friend from high school or a cousin or uncle that rolls with him or hangs out from time to time? Did he have his own 'Maverick Carter' or some sh*t like that? That is kinda wild that you don't have any blood-family present on your last game played after a 20 year NBA career :patrice:


Jun 8, 2012
I figure they thought he was doing too much in how he was helping Vanessa's fam. They thought that he married her too early, then he buying houses and stuff for her family, and I'm sure his mama was looking at Vanessa like :martin: and felt some type of way even if Kobe was consistently holding them down.
i can vibe with that. but again this aint on vanessa. she was 17 yrs old when they met. she wasnt old enough to have her golddigging card. so whatever kobe did. HE DID that. not her or her family. thats what he wanted to do. and you know why? odds are vanessas family was working class at best. ask yourself was Mama Bean a working class mom? HELL NO> she was living off of jelly beans nba checks and overseas fiba checks for years. so she doesnt know anything about that barely making it life. zero about that life at least not as an adult.

thats why i can see how kobe would help out his broker family first than kick more and more in for his blood fam who had money and he has hooked them up too.

like at what point does mom and his fam stay out of the man's business and stop pocket checking him. i understand you want to make sure your son isnt going for the okie doke. you told him twice. if he doesnt listen. let him be. he's grown now. thats his mistake to make. is kobe broke? HELLZ no. will he go broke if he left his money in the bank and gave vanessa and her side of the fam 80 mil right now? NOPE.

so what are we really talking about here? nothing. thats how the fam should've felt about it.


Jan 25, 2016
Need Kobe to teach me the ways of being so cold emotionally. nikka didn't even come close to crying during all the shyt yesterday.

A nikka like me fell out with my ex/bm and I'm :mjcry:

This nikka Kobe don't get along with his parents and is :sas1:

The heart and killer instinct of a champion :wow:

if he has a son one day, Kobe would probably come out of retirement in his late 50s just to try to son him on the court.


Jun 8, 2012
Now that I think about it.. I know Kobe wasn't about entourages, was a loner, and all that sh*t but did he ever have a good friend from high school or a cousin or uncle that rolls with him or hangs out from time to time? Did he have his own 'Maverick Carter' or some sh*t like that? That is kinda wild that you don't have any blood-family present on your last game played after a 20 year NBA career :patrice:
he had homies but kobe said it himself. he was a shaky to bad friend due to his obsession with basketball and being great and winning. he kept it 1000 with that. this is what you give up if you want to be a legend. you give up family, friends, etc. not just any legend. like A top 5 all time legend.

but you keep saying no blood relatives. blood has nothing to do with anything. who's cool with you is all that counts. there's people with fam that are blood but treat them like crap. kobe had his two daughters (blood) there. kobe has his wife of how many years? right by his side. vanessa and him been together so long they are best friends at this point. there is no one taking her spot unless they call it quits. that is his REAL Family.


Aug 30, 2014
he had homies but kobe said it himself. he was a shaky to bad friend due to his obsession with basketball and being great and winning. he kept it 1000 with that. this is what you give up if you want to be a legend. you give up family, friends, etc. not just any legend. like A top 5 all time legend.

but you keep saying no blood relatives. blood has nothing to do with anything. who's cool with you is all that counts. there's people with fam that are blood but treat them like crap. kobe had his two daughters (blood) there. kobe has his wife of how many years? right by his side. vanessa and him been together so long they are best friends at this point. there is no one taking her spot unless they call it quits. that is his REAL Family.
Vanessa is his friend.

And you can't blame Vanessa family. A cute young non black daughter that a black athlete is probably going to be attracted to her peeps saw that as an opportunity. Her whole family set because of her. Kobe chose to marry who he wanted, black family and black love don't usually last long when people get wealthy for various reasons so it is what it is :yeshrug:


A Thick Sauce N*gga
Apr 30, 2012
i can vibe with that. but again this aint on vanessa. she was 17 yrs old when they met. she wasnt old enough to have her golddigging card. so whatever kobe did. HE DID that. not her or her family. thats what he wanted to do. and you know why? odds are vanessas family was working class at best. ask yourself was Mama Bean a working class mom? HELL NO> she was living off of jelly beans nba checks and overseas fiba checks for years. so she doesnt know anything about that barely making it life. zero about that life at least not as an adult.

thats why i can see how kobe would help out his broker family first than kick more and more in for his blood fam who had money and he has hooked them up too.

like at what point does mom and his fam stay out of the man's business and stop pocket checking him. i understand you want to make sure your son isnt going for the okie doke. you told him twice. if he doesnt listen. let him be. he's grown now. thats his mistake to make. is kobe broke? HELLZ no. will he go broke if he left his money in the bank and gave vanessa and her side of the fam 80 mil right now? NOPE.

so what are we really talking about here? nothing. thats how the fam should've felt about it.

Exactly that, i mean he hooked his mom up but at the same time if he has married this woman how can he be laid up in a nice ass mansion and his mother in law still working and living like nothing changed.

Ive taken care of my pops plenty since i landed a decent job, just things like new bedroom and living room furniture, new roof for the house, etc.... But right now me and my wife are looking to buy her mom a new house. Its not because we like her better or anything, its because she lives in a spot that should be condemned. When i spoke to my dad about it he didnt get mad or anything, in fact the first thing he did was school me on home buying tips.


Jun 8, 2012
Vanessa is his friend.

And you can't blame Vanessa family. A cute young non black daughter that a black athlete is probably going to be attracted to her peeps saw that as an opportunity. Her whole family set because of her. Kobe chose to marry who he wanted, black family and black love don't usually last long when people get wealthy for various reasons so it is what it is :yeshrug:
Naw, it aint IS what it is. its not black love black family with kobe i said this before.

kobe is part italian by the fact he grow up in a completely different culture then African americans who are born in the states and stay here their entire childhood until adult hood (like kobe's moms and pops). if they want to be mad. blame jelly bean for going overseas and changing his sons outlook on life. if his son would've stayed in the US odds are kobe would be married to a sista. He loved his mother, sister and grandmother. he didnt have mother issues or daddy issues. he wasnt on no c00n train nonsense. what changed him is literally him living in a Eurocentrix culture as a kid growing up. he loved italy. listen to him talk about his time there as a child. LOVED it. that means he loved that culture. there's a reason he's speaking multiple languages like he's some UN ambassador. Dude is not your average lebron or jordan. where they grow up in the states all their lives, go to college get introduced to some white chicks and fall in love with that white life. bron lucky he never hit the college spot. kept him grounded to the sistas probably.

and even after all that culture he still got a mexican chick. not some spanish chick from spain. not some italian white girl. not some random hot white chick. nope. he got him a hot mexican girl. so if you take all that into consideration kobe did better than one would think in his lady choice.

kobe aint julius randle. kobe aint nick young. so yeah he gets a semi pass for that one.


Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment

That and Kobe's money is the basis of this pitiful feud. Kobe's mother fell out when Vanessa and Kobe first got together and have been ever since. She sold all of his old jerseys, shoes, and trophies out of spite because Kobe wouldn't purchase her ANOTHER house as big as the one he bought for Vanessa's mother. It's well documented. Joe Bryant is bytch made for allowing his wife to act like that towards their son, even if they feel that what Kobe did was wrong.

Point blank, Kobe's mother is jealous that Joe cannot provide the same lifestyle that Kobe is giving Vanessa being an EX-NBA player.... and the fact that he married that Mexican chick.

All things aside, his mother has a reason to be mad. Buying his Mexican mother in a law an ocean front mansion and not doing the same for his mother is very flawed. Especially when his mom raised his black ass and his Mexican mother in law wouldn't speak to his ass or want her daughter with him if he was broke or a regular average joe. I see why his mom got a problem with that. She put in all the work to raise him and some guala guala burrito eating bytch laying up on easy street :dahell: I guess cuz she Mexican you don't see the big deal. I bet if it was some c00n athlete buying his white mother in law all that and not his actual black mom, you'd see it more clearly.


A Thick Sauce N*gga
Apr 30, 2012
All things aside, his mother has a reason to be mad. Buying his Mexican mother in a law an ocean front mansion and not doing the same for his mother is very flawed. Especially when his mom raised his black ass and his Mexican mother in law wouldn't speak to his ass or want her daughter with him if he was broke or a regular average joe. I see why his mom got a problem with that. She put in all the work to raise him and some guala guala burrito eating bytch laying up on easy street :dahell: I guess cuz she Mexican you don't see the big deal. I bet if it was some c00n athlete buying his white mother in law all that and not his actual black mom, you'd see it more clearly.

His mom is married to a professional athlete and Kobe was taking care of her for years, she has known nothing but easy street for the last 40 years at least! His mom on some petty shyt, everyone has already admitted that Kobe has given them millions in the form of homes, cars, and money but for his mom it still isnt enough. What kinda parent looks to run their kids pockets based on what they did for someone else.......after they are already well taken care of?


Aug 30, 2014
Naw, it aint IS what it is. its not black love black family with kobe i said this before.

kobe is part italian by the fact he grow up in a completely different culture then African americans who are born in the states and stay here their entire childhood until adult hood (like kobe's moms and pops). if they want to be mad. blame jelly bean for going overseas and changing his sons outlook on life. if his son would've stayed in the US odds are kobe would be married to a sista. He loved his mother, sister and grandmother. he didnt have mother issues or daddy issues. he wasnt on no c00n train nonsense. what changed him is literally him living in a Eurocentrix culture as a kid growing up. he loved italy. listen to him talk about his time there as a child. LOVED it. that means he loved that culture. there's a reason he's speaking multiple languages like he's some UN ambassador. Dude is not your average lebron or jordan. where they grow up in the states all their lives, go to college get introduced to some white chicks and fall in love with that white life. bron lucky he never hit the college spot. kept him grounded to the sistas probably.

and even after all that culture he still got a mexican chick. not some spanish chick from spain. not some italian white girl. not some random hot white chick. nope. he got him a hot mexican girl. so if you take all that into consideration kobe did better than one would think in his lady choice.

kobe aint julius randle. kobe aint nick young. so yeah he gets a semi pass for that one.
That's why I said it is what is......

And being raised in America is only a small part of it. You mentioning that LeBron lucky he didn't go to college so that kept him "grounded" to sistas proves my point....plenty of nikkas from the hood make it big and get with non black women. Being raised in America or in the hood doesn't make you only attracted to black women.

As a black person the more options/money you have the less you'll stick with black. No need to write essays on it.