which one of you is mrpimpgoodgame on instagram?


Your objective semi-troll
May 9, 2012
So this all went viral today? Overnight star.


Article below:

Just a few days ago, 37-year-old Benny Winfield Jr. of Houston, Tx., was living a quiet life working as a customer service representative at a medical supply company. But Winfield’s Instagram account, @mrpimpgoodgame, has blown up overnight, gaining thousands of followers who love looking at his nearly identical selfies.

Winfield talked to Metro about what it’s like to have what blogs call “probably the best Instagram account you’ve ever seen” and “the Instagram account to end all Instagram accounts.”

Metro: How do you feel about your newfound fame?

Benny Winfield Jr.: I’m kind of still in awe. I’m just trying to get a wrap on this. I’m enjoying it but at the same time I can’t believe this is happening, you know.

How did you find out you were getting so much online attention?

What happened was Julia Beverly, who runs Ozone Magazine – she put on her Twitter account that some creepy ass dude called Good Game was following her. So what happened was I got flooded – I got 2,000 requests – and I’m like, ‘Where is this all coming from?’ And then I did some research on Twitter. Someone told me someone put my picture on Twitter and it was trending so I said, ‘Okay, let me do some research,’ and it came to Julia Beverly, I think in July. So, if she had never said anything, there would be no mrpimpgoodgame.

Where did you get the name mrpimpgoodgame?

It’s like my alter ego. It comes from a pimp named Good Game. I have like two alter egos. One is called Pimp Snooky, from ‘Pimps Up, Ho’s Down,’ a documentary on pimpin’. I liked his philosophy so I took his persona. I can be one or the other depending on how I feel. One day I can be Pimp Snooky, another day I can be Pimp Good Game.

What do you plan to do now that you have so many fans?

I’m going to start selling shirts; keep it moving.

Can you give us some tips on taking the best selfies?

You know, you can probably take it in your bedroom or in your living room. You can take it in your car.

What do you use to take your selfies?

I use an Android – a Motorola Maxx.

Flash or no flash?


Teeth or no teeth?

Um sometimes, teeth, sometimes no teeth. Depends on my mood. I’m probably having a good day if I’m using teeth.

What’s the best angle?

Sitting up. I just hold my camera right in front of me.

Do you have a message for your fans?

What I will say is, don’t be scared to live out your dreams.

What’s your favorite selfie?

My favorite photo is the one where I put my shirt on my head.

Will we ever see photos besides your face on your Instagram account?

No, that’s it. If I put anything else on my account, I’m going to lose followers so I have to continue what I started. It just has to be me on my account. I may start another account because I might meet celebrities, so I’ll have an account for when I meet celebrities. But I’m not putting anybody else on my account for now.

- See more at: http://www.metro.us/newyork/enterta...ional-instagram-account/#sthash.mj1KYtkR.dpuf

How long before all the Instagram model hoes start trying to get in touch with him so they can "network" :jawalrus: He's about to :eat:

No Homo

May 14, 2012
Jigga with the Roley and the Vest
Where did you get the name mrpimpgoodgame?

It’s like my alter ego. It comes from a pimp named Good Game. I have like two alter egos. One is called Pimp Snooky, from ‘Pimps Up, Ho’s Down,’ a documentary on pimpin’. I liked his philosophy so I took his persona. I can be one or the other depending on how I feel. One day I can be Pimp Snooky, another day I can be Pimp Good Game

this n!gga :dead: