Whistleblower Leaks Trove of Documents on Drones & U.S. Assassination Program


Retired troll
Jun 16, 2014
baby, that was the old me

Oh wow. You CAN NOT be serious with this shyt. I'm supposed to be upset with this?


Reduce casualties all you want, but these MFers ain't innocent in any sense of the imagination.

I hate for innocents to get hit...but you can't have your cake and eat it too. You want terrorists taken care of? Well you tell me how you want it to get done.

What "terrorists"?:skip:

¢apitali$t Migraine

Kneel Before Zod, Muthafücka
Aug 22, 2015
Within the special operations community, the source said, the internal view of the people being hunted by the U.S. for possible death by drone strike is: “They have no rights. They have no dignity. They have no humanity to themselves. They’re just a ‘selector’ to an analyst. You eventually get to a point in the target’s life cycle that you are following them, you don’t even refer to them by their actual name.” This practice, he said, contributes to “dehumanizing the people before you’ve even encountered the moral question of ‘is this a legitimate kill or not?’”


Boo. fukking. Hoo.

Some of these a$$holes had it coming. Should there be some transparency? Sure.

But miss me with all this emotional woe-is-the-sad-analyst bullshyt.

@¢apitali$t Migraine come get these dudes man :snoop:

Nothing will convince them. The best way I can explain our previous moves on the world stage is that we had a "time machine" that allowed us to see what the world would be like if we let the other side have ctrl of resources. We did the best we could to stop that scenario from occurring under the constraints of American concepts of checks, balances, and a vague sense of "morality". The delusion Westerners share is symptomatic of the grossly excessive lifestyle they lead thanks to the "atrocities" they decry daily. This delusion is so strong it leads them to work against their own interests in an effort to gain favor with a God they don't even believe in. The beleaguered conscience of the overindulged average American will be the hand that ultimately leads them to the slaughter.

That "time machine" is algorithmic technology combined with vastly superior methods of espionage, which allows one to predict a country's policy decisions over a given period of time in accordance to their needs. It allows one to see into the future, and if a person possesses a particular lvl of intellect they can glimpse behind the veil of propaganda into the true past. Much like one can get a slight glimpse of the true intentions of Allied leaders in World War II by taking an honest look around them in 2015, and nothing is more honest than hard data on distribution of resources and real estate.

Imagine Arab conquerors making peace treaties based solely on trade interests with African nations during the so-called Dark Ages, and embedding Africans and Arabs among the cracker populations in Europe during that time. European advances in society would be closely monitored and guided by their rulers and when crackers had built a significant and efficient enough infrastructure throughout the "continent", the plan would come to fruition.

The order would go out for Arab and African armies to mobilize and slaughter most of the cracker ass cracker population in Europe, and leave the rest as slaves to be used by the ruling Arab and African class and traded to Asia for their own purposes. Asia would be allowed a predetermined share in African and Middle Eastern resources in exchange for total cooperation in the cracker slave trade. The world would clearly be a better place, and all it took were some grand "atrocities" by some men with vision of foresight and vastly superior knowledge to summon the courage to make the hard decisions.

People are being assassinated now because this is a Holy War being waged worldwide. Orthodox Islam is a religion of peace, but various hadiths turn it into a religion of conquest, subjugation, and death. Unfortunately, the followers of this b*stardization of Islam just happen to be sitting on the juice that makes the world go round, and they have their own ideas about how those resources should be divvied up. Ideas that could result in the subjugation and deaths of hundreds of millions of compassionate, spoiled, ignorant Westerners who live in a bubble insulated by layers of illusion. The people who are being whacked out must be hit, and collateral damage is a non issue due to the stakes of the game. Most of these kids hide behind moral indignation (hypocrisy, or laughable lack of self-awareness, really) to mask their lack of a feasible plan to get the enemy to come to the table and listen to reason and work against their own interests as they are so desperate to do themselves.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Nothing will convince them. The best way I can explain our previous moves on the world stage is that we had a "time machine" that allowed us to see what the world would be like if we let the other side have ctrl of resources. We did the best we could to stop that scenario from occurring under the constraints of American concepts of checks, balances, and a vague sense of "morality". The delusion Westerners share is symptomatic of the grossly excessive lifestyle they lead thanks to the "atrocities" they decry daily. This delusion is so strong it leads them to work against their own interests in an effort to gain favor with a God they don't even believe in. The beleaguered conscience of the overindulged average American will be the hand that ultimately leads them to the slaughter.

That "time machine" is algorithmic technology combined with vastly superior methods of espionage, which allows one to predict a country's policy decisions over a given period of time in accordance to their needs. It allows one to see into the future, and if a person possesses a particular lvl of intellect they can glimpse behind the veil of propaganda into the true past. Much like one can get a slight glimpse of the true intentions of Allied leaders in World War II by taking an honest look around them in 2015, and nothing is more honest than hard data on distribution of resources and real estate.

Imagine Arab conquerors making peace treaties based solely on trade interests with African nations during the so-called Dark Ages, and embedding Africans and Arabs among the cracker populations in Europe during that time. European advances in society would be closely monitored and guided by their rulers and when crackers had built a significant and efficient enough infrastructure throughout the "continent", the plan would come to fruition.

The order would go out for Arab and African armies to mobilize and slaughter most of the cracker ass cracker population in Europe, and leave the rest as slaves to be used by the ruling Arab and African class and traded to Asia for their own purposes. Asia would be allowed a predetermined share in African and Middle Eastern resources in exchange for total cooperation in the cracker slave trade. The world would clearly be a better place, and all it took were some grand "atrocities" by some men with vision of foresight and vastly superior knowledge to summon the courage to make the hard decisions.

People are being assassinated now because this is a Holy War being waged worldwide. Orthodox Islam is a religion of peace, but various hadiths turn it into a religion of conquest, subjugation, and death. Unfortunately, the followers of this b*stardization of Islam just happen to be sitting on the juice that makes the world go round, and they have their own ideas about how those resources should be divvied up. Ideas that could result in the subjugation and deaths of hundreds of millions of compassionate, spoiled, ignorant Westerners who live in a bubble insulated by layers of illusion. The people who are being whacked out must be hit, and collateral damage is a non issue due to the stakes of the game. Most of these kids hide behind moral indignation (hypocrisy, or laughable lack of self-awareness, really) to mask their lack of a feasible plan to get the enemy to come to the table and listen to reason and work against their own interests as they are so desperate to do themselves.
Yo read this shyt and the comments:

Stripped of British citizenship and killed by an American drone

This is the 7/8th installment of the Drone Papers series and it highlights why I think this is all a non-issue.

They're killing actual terrorists. Dudes who had it coming and yet we're supposed to feel sorry for these radicalized a$$holes merely for emotional reasons.

We can discuss problems with SIGINT.

We can discuss problems with collateral damage

We can discuss problems with due process.

But what it appears to me is that the US is doing Africa and the Levant a great service eliminating these tyrants.

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
I'm 95% sure Napoleon is a government agent who gets paid for his propaganda psy ops he posts on here. No one can be this much of a shill on command, in every single thread on these issues, unless they get paid. Can they? :what:

Not only that, but he makes up an alias and posts absolutely ridiculous posts, and daps every single one of them from his main account.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I'm 95% sure Napoleon is a government agent who gets paid for his propaganda psy ops he posts on here. No one can be this much of a shill on command, in every single thread on these issues, unless they get paid. Can they? :what:

Not only that, but he makes up an alias and posts absolutely ridiculous posts, and daps every single one of them from his main account.
Man get out your feelings.

1. I support minimizing collateral damage
2. I support reforming a legal process IF POSSIBLE to grant more transparency to stating what charges these guys are facing
3. I support more capture over kill missions

HOWEVER...most of these guys are outright as bad if not worse than they're portrayed to be. Lets not mince words here.

Just because I'm not all flowers and candy on my views on foreign affairs doesn't mean I don't have my own problems with this shyt.

Not to mention, The Intercept is out here crying foul that bad guys got what they had coming to them only because innocent people were killed and that they didn't have "their day in court"...well guess what fam, its not that easy to just slap cuffs on these guys nor is it to reveal the covert sources and methods used to track these despicable human beings that are targeted.

¢apitali$t Migraine

Kneel Before Zod, Muthafücka
Aug 22, 2015
Yo read this shyt and the comments:

Stripped of British citizenship and killed by an American drone

This is the 7/8th installment of the Drone Papers series and it highlights why I think this is all a non-issue.

They're killing actual terrorists. Dudes who had it coming and yet we're supposed to feel sorry for these radicalized a$$holes merely for emotional reasons.

We can discuss problems with SIGINT.

We can discuss problems with collateral damage

We can discuss problems with due process.

But what it appears to me is that the US is doing Africa and the Levant a great service eliminating these tyrants.
Oct. 15 2015, 2:50 p.m.
To anyone who gives comfort to the enemy: you can run, but you can’t hide.

We didn’t give every German soldier a civilian trial before hostile action toward them in WWII; jihadis are every bit as lethal to western civilization as the less cowardly uniformed combatants from past conflicts. But since they can’t play by the rules of armed conflict then they don’t deserve the protection afforded uniformed combatants.

The Geneva Convention is reserved for uniformed combatants; jihadis don’t have or deserve the protection afforded any soldier that observes a code of conduct. It’s universal to give no quarter to non-uniformed combatants, they are spies or terrorists whose only code is treachery.

Why all the weak-minded sympathy? Berjawi was a cog in the wheel of Islamic terror, a jihadi creep. The facts presented are conclusive. He had plenty of chances to reform himself over time but instead consistently chose the path of evil. He forfeited his life when he insisted on repeatedly aiding the enemies of civilization. We just sped his journey to “martyrdom” — isn’t that what he sought?

His death was much easier than any of the innocent victims of Islamic jihad worldwide featured in any of numerous beheading or other twisted videos. Too bad he went so mercifully, he didn’t deserve it.


yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014

It's a lot more helpful to view the page at the link. The actual documents accompany each section. This is just the first article. What's being dubbed as "The Drone Papers" consists of eight articles. The wealth of information here is incredible.

The guy who leaked this had a TS SCI clearance yet decided to move on with the whistle blowing? He deserves to be jailed for life. I legit hope that he wasn't former military...

¢apitali$t Migraine

Kneel Before Zod, Muthafücka
Aug 22, 2015
I'm 95% sure Napoleon is a government agent who gets paid for his propaganda psy ops he posts on here. No one can be this much of a shill on command, in every single thread on these issues, unless they get paid. Can they? :what:

Not only that, but he makes up an alias and posts absolutely ridiculous posts, and daps every single one of them from his main account.
That's a pretty faggy statement. Me and Napoleon actually went to war when I had first joined on here because he's an atheist and I'm not. But u lil nikkas resort to childish bullshyt like this because ur arguments are weak and severely lacking in the logic department. Ur a bunch of hypocrites who operate under the kind of quixotically American far leftist delusion that can only be facilitated and nurtured by an extremely capitalist right wing environment. Ur fukking spoiled and irresponsible, like most Americans aged 18-34 in 2015, and u cocksuckers don't fool me.

U stomp ur feet and beg for socialism because u don't own shyt and u aren't leaders of a goddamn thing. Ur own bytches don't even follow u. It's easy to demand something be dismantled when u haven't invested in it. Just like ur absurd political stances that have zero substance because the most involvement u have in this corporation's political process is maybe kinda might probably voting on Election Day. Jesus Christ, u children are still sitting here talking about daps like that shyt means something, which is emblematic of a balloonhead mindstate. This posed to be HL, not TLR u fukking bozo.

Talk sum psy op, wowsers, motherfukkers have swerved their Toyota Tercels into full-blown paranoid delusions on this bytch. Sittin up pouting cuz ur theories be having more holes in it than goddamn swiss cheese, I'm a thirty one year old nikka with bills and people I'm responsible for in this new world order. And why tf would Napoleon, a nikka with a damn near negative 5,000 rep, sit up n make up an alias to get daps for? Especially an alias with a damn negative rep himself? This is the second person to say this bullshyt, which means there's at least 2 nikkas on here who have smoked themselves retarded before the age of 30.

Dudebros be getting their diplomas from fair Eastside n their degrees from Kaiser University n wanna act like they socioeconomic & political stances in debate are above reproach. U lil shytheads might be the smartest nikkas in the room at ur Narcotics Anonymous meetings but ur shyt don't be making no goddamn sense when applied to the real world.

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
That's a pretty faggy statement. Me and Napoleon actually went to war when I had first joined on here because he's an atheist and I'm not. But u lil nikkas resort to childish bullshyt like this because ur arguments are weak and severely lacking in the logic department. Ur a bunch of hypocrites who operate under the kind of quixotically American far leftist delusion that can only be facilitated and nurtured by an extremely capitalist right wing environment. Ur fukking spoiled and irresponsible, like most Americans aged 18-34 in 2015, and u cocksuckers don't fool me.

U stomp ur feet and beg for socialism because u don't own shyt and u aren't leaders of a goddamn thing. Ur own bytches don't even follow u. It's easy to demand something be dismantled when u haven't invested in it. Just like ur absurd political stances that have zero substance because the most involvement u have in this corporation's political process is maybe kinda might probably voting on Election Day. Jesus Christ, u children are still sitting here talking about daps like that shyt means something, which is emblematic of a balloonhead mindstate. This posed to be HL, not TLR u fukking bozo.

Talk sum psy op, wowsers, motherfukkers have swerved their Toyota Tercels into full-blown paranoid delusions on this bytch. Sittin up pouting cuz ur theories be having more holes in it than goddamn swiss cheese, I'm a thirty one year old nikka with bills and people I'm responsible for in this new world order. And why tf would Napoleon, a nikka with a damn near negative 5,000 rep, sit up n make up an alias to get daps for? Especially an alias with a damn negative rep himself? This is the second person to say this bullshyt, which means there's at least 2 nikkas on here who have smoked themselves retarded before the age of 30.

Dudebros be getting their diplomas from fair Eastside n their degrees from Kaiser University n wanna act like they socioeconomic & political stances in debate are above reproach. U lil shytheads might be the smartest nikkas in the room at ur Narcotics Anonymous meetings but ur shyt don't be making no goddamn sense when applied to the real world.

So not only did you create an alias account, but you made up a point of difference (religion) to try to fool everyone :dead:

Nice try Napoleon, but I'm gonna block this account of yours too :russ:

¢apitali$t Migraine

Kneel Before Zod, Muthafücka
Aug 22, 2015
Man get out your feelings.

1. I support minimizing collateral damage
2. I support reforming a legal process IF POSSIBLE to grant more transparency to stating what charges these guys are facing
3. I support more capture over kill missions

HOWEVER...most of these guys are outright as bad if not worse than they're portrayed to be. Lets not mince words here.

Just because I'm not all flowers and candy on my views on foreign affairs doesn't mean I don't have my own problems with this shyt.

Not to mention, The Intercept is out here crying foul that bad guys got what they had coming to them only because innocent people were killed and that they didn't have "their day in court"...well guess what fam, its not that easy to just slap cuffs on these guys nor is it to reveal the covert sources and methods used to track these despicable human beings that are targeted.
They're getting blowed the fukk off the map cuz once they join a terrorist organization they become enemy combatants, and if their dumb ass happens to be at a wedding, a funeral, or a goddamn Jodeci concert after party, an executive decision has to be made.

¢apitali$t Migraine

Kneel Before Zod, Muthafücka
Aug 22, 2015
So not only did you create an alias account, but you made up a point of difference (religion) to try to fool everyone :dead:

Nice try Napoleon, but I'm gonna block this account of yours too :russ:
fukk nikka u the one presenting weirdo paranoid Alex Jones bullshyt putting my shyt in the mix. Dog, ur a fukking moron. shyt is an embarrassment to black dudes on here, if this was some other board, I wouldn't pay it no mind like how I ignore 80% of my alerts, but this board is supposed to be for grown men and ur sounding like a fukking teenager talking about aliases n shyt just cuz a couple dudebros don't agree with ur shyt. That's how I know u motherfukkers don't get presented with opposing viewpoints in real life, and probably don't even socialize much either. Dudes be taking this msg board shyt way too seriously.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
That's a pretty faggy statement. Me and Napoleon actually went to war when I had first joined on here because he's an atheist and I'm not. But u lil nikkas resort to childish bullshyt like this because ur arguments are weak and severely lacking in the logic department. Ur a bunch of hypocrites who operate under the kind of quixotically American far leftist delusion that can only be facilitated and nurtured by an extremely capitalist right wing environment. Ur fukking spoiled and irresponsible, like most Americans aged 18-34 in 2015, and u cocksuckers don't fool me.

U stomp ur feet and beg for socialism because u don't own shyt and u aren't leaders of a goddamn thing. Ur own bytches don't even follow u. It's easy to demand something be dismantled when u haven't invested in it. Just like ur absurd political stances that have zero substance because the most involvement u have in this corporation's political process is maybe kinda might probably voting on Election Day. Jesus Christ, u children are still sitting here talking about daps like that shyt means something, which is emblematic of a balloonhead mindstate. This posed to be HL, not TLR u fukking bozo.

Talk sum psy op, wowsers, motherfukkers have swerved their Toyota Tercels into full-blown paranoid delusions on this bytch. Sittin up pouting cuz ur theories be having more holes in it than goddamn swiss cheese, I'm a thirty one year old nikka with bills and people I'm responsible for in this new world order. And why tf would Napoleon, a nikka with a damn near negative 5,000 rep, sit up n make up an alias to get daps for? Especially an alias with a damn negative rep himself? This is the second person to say this bullshyt, which means there's at least 2 nikkas on here who have smoked themselves retarded before the age of 30.

Dudebros be getting their diplomas from fair Eastside n their degrees from Kaiser University n wanna act like they socioeconomic & political stances in debate are above reproach. U lil shytheads might be the smartest nikkas in the room at ur Narcotics Anonymous meetings but ur shyt don't be making no goddamn sense when applied to the real world.
wish I could bring you to the atheist side...but this is incredible :banderas: