White americans are the most mediocre ppl on earth/i hate when they talk to me about nikka shyt man


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
I remember when I was a kid and they indoctrinated us with this belief that whites were super intelligent, hard working, noble people. Its funny now at age 29 looking back in the past. They really had us as kids believing that they were superior. They had the wealth, the best jobs, the authority, the media, EVERYTHING! as a child they seem almost like these god like figures

Now fast forward u start to work with them and realize that they're totally mediocre, borderline lazy, have no passion or drive but yet somehow still get the best opportunities. These motherfukkers are lazy as shyt yet everywhere they move new real estate is developed and they some how can magically afford these high rents... working where? and doing what for a living? contributing to the earth how?

I met maybe 2 white people in my life that deserved to have their job. I used to work at office depot and these cac kids were fukking useless. They could barely chew gum and tie their shoes. Mean while the black people were highly accomplished with skills, degrees etc....performing the duties, yet were making min wage and bumbling cacs were our managers giving orders. interesting

That's why jobs are for suckers. Do u want to give all your passion, ideas and skills to make some fat bytch that look like roseann barr job easier, while she collect a good pay check?

White people are mediocre. These goofy motherfukkers don't know shyt about life, about society. Talk to the avg cac your age or even older. What gems do they drop? what philosophical creative thoughts to they have? These motherfukkers are like the nikkas that sit home and play 2k all day talking shyt over the mic with a 2345-3 record because they dedicated their life to a video game. except for they got white privilege to keep them employed with a 60k job.

In order for a black man to get that same job, this brother gotta be a fukking monk, a genius, philosopher, a scholar and still be the best in the building. And that's just for a shyt job most of the time.

It must feel good to know that all you have to do is have white flesh and u have access to the best of everything

I hate when they assume that I'm into nikka shyt because I'm black. Asking me about fukking basketball and rap. Motherfukker I don't give a fukk about you, basketball, or rappers...talk to me the same u would talk to a Harvard grad. I'm a man of principle and intelligence. I'm not you, you like that shyt because you're a loser that couldn't make it in a system that was rigged in your favor. Talk to me like I have a fukking brain. I'm not your token "down" nikka buddy bytch

Yeah man, I hate wiggers the most. The ones that couldn't make it in cac land so they decided to slum it up with indoctrinated nikkas. Because nikkas love cacs. They'll allow a loser cac to be the H.N.I.C in their circle because hes white. Bedwenches will worship a loser cac because hes white. nikkas love throw away cacs. Me? I pretend they don't exist. If you're a cac, im not even looking at u unless you're getting money and actually have some economic value for me.

This cac at 7/11 was acting like he didn't want to bag my box of chicken. I waited and made sure he bagged it. Oh yeah mothafukka you're gonna bag my shyt, you damn right I'ma make you bag it. If I buy a pack of gum, you're bagging that shyt to mothafukka off general principle. Yeah im petty.. i don't care about his look of discomfort. Mothafukka lucky I don't make u lace my vans for an extra 20 bucks. I know he needs it ol min wage working mothafukka
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African American Queen
Jul 16, 2013
Locker room
I question how your parents raised you for thinking that they were superior :mjpls:

But let me finish reading your essay...


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
I question how your parents raised you for thinking that they were superior :mjpls:

But let me finish reading your essay...
im talking about the school systems indoctrinating the kids

btw dont u got natural hair? spectrum piercing also right?

Zak Bible

Dec 11, 2016
I remember when I was a kid and they indoctrinated us with this belief that whites were super intelligent, hard working, noble people. Its funny now at age 29 looking back in the past. They really had us as kids believing that they were superior. They had the wealth, the best jobs, the authority, the media, EVERYTHING! as a child they seem almost like these god like figures

Now fast forward u start to work with them and realize that they're totally mediocre, borderline lazy, have no passion or drive but yet somehow still get the best opportunities. These motherfukkers are lazy as shyt yet everywhere they move new real estate is developed and they some how can magically afford these high rents... working where? and doing what for a living? contributing to the earth how?

I met maybe 2 white people in my life that deserved to have their job. I used to work at office depot and these cac kids were fukking useless. They could barely chew gum and tie their shoes. Mean while the black people were highly accomplished with skills, degrees etc....performing the duties, yet were making min wage and bumbling cacs were our managers giving orders. interesting

That's why jobs are for suckers. Do u want to give all your passion, ideas and skills to make some fat bytch that look like roseann barr job easier, while she collect a good pay check?

White people are mediocre. These goofy motherfukkers don't know shyt about life, about society. Talk to the avg cac your age or even older. What gems do they drop? what philosophical creative thoughts to they have? These motherfukkers are like the nikkas that sit home and play 2k all day talking shyt over the mic with a 2345-3 record because they dedicated their life to a video game. except for they got white privilege to keep them employed with a 60k job.

In order for a black man to get that same job, this brother gotta be a fukking monk, a genius, philosopher, a scholar and still be the best in the building. And that's just for a shyt job most of the time.

It must feel good to know that all you have to do is have white flesh and u have access to the best of everything

I hate when they assume that I'm into nikka shyt because I'm black. Asking me about fukking basketball and rap. Motherfukker I don't give a fukk about you, basketball, or rappers...talk to me the same u would talk to a Harvard grad. I'm a man of principle and intelligence. I'm not you, you like that shyt because you're a loser that couldn't make it in a system that was rigged in your favor. Talk to me like I have a fukking brain. I'm not your token "down" nikka buddy bytch

Yeah man, I hate wiggers the most. The ones that couldn't make it in cac land so they decided to slum it up with indoctrinated nikkas. Because nikkas love cacs. They'll allow a loser cac to be the H.N.I.C in their circle because hes white. Bedwenches will worship a loser cac because hes white. nikkas love throw away cacs. Me? I pretend they don't exist. If you're a cac, im not even looking at u unless you're getting money and actually have some economic value for me.

This cac at 7/11 was acting like he didn't want to bag my box of chicken. I waited and made sure he bagged it. Oh yeah mothafukka you're gonna bag my shyt, you damn right I'ma make you bag it. If I buy a pack of gum, you're bagging that shyt to mothafukka off general principle. Yeah im petty.. i don't care about his look of discomfort. Mothafukka lucky I don't make u lace my vans for an extra 20 bucks. I know he needs it ol min wage working mothafukka

Actually read all that

No lies told
