Who is this foolish "Paul Sperry" who writes for the New York Post?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Read this just now and this man is ridiculous. Why is the NY Post allowed to print such trash?

Trump scraping Obama-era rule that turned schools into warzones

Obama encouraged schools to close the racial gap in school suspensions and arrests. Black children were getting suspended three times more often than White children, and Obama tried to get them to do something about it.

So Paul Sherry claims that because schools were being asked not to suspend and arrest all the Black kids anymore, Obama's rule resulted in "violence and chaos mushrooming out of control in urban districts." There was ONE murder and ONE shooting in New York schools (Sherry doesn't mention that the shooting was a single shot fired into the ground), and Sherry implicitly blames both of them on Obama's policy. What, if the kid had been suspended earlier, he would have learned that murder was wrong and reformed his ways?

Sherry also blames the 21 forcible sex offenses in NY schools on Obama. He doesn't mention that there were far more such offenses (29) back in 2007 under the Bush administration, or question why the rates of such offenses were so much lower during the Obama years than the Bush years. He also ignores that the #MeToo campaign of last year likely would have made girls more likely than ever before to report sexual assaults against them.

Throughout the article, Sherry implicitly suggests that Black students are to blame for all crime. Was it a Black student committing that murder, a Black student shooting that gun, Black students committing all those rapes? We don't know, he doesn't give any evidence. Yet the whole article suggests that not suspending Black kids far more often than White kids causes "war zones."

Large shares of teachers now say they feel unsafe, as more and more students physically attack faculty and staff, according to school-climate and teacher surveys from dozens of districts, including Buffalo, Syracuse, Philadelphia and Denver.

Last week, a delegation of parents, teachers, students, police and at least one school board member from Baltimore shared horror stories with US Education Department staffers about how the federal guidelines have handcuffed administrators and police from disciplining violent bullies.

“These policies are highly dangerous,” said one of the parents, Nicole Landers, who has three children in the Baltimore system. “They are turning our schools into war zones.”

Recent high school shootings have thrust school safety and discipline further into the spotlight. Teachers and parents have pushed Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to repeal the rule, while Democrats and civil-rights groups paint efforts to take away the regulation, which they call “a critical tool” for protecting African-American students from discrimination, as racist.
Wait, so if you're encouraged not to suspend/arrest Black students at a rate three times higher than white students, that restraint will make you feel unsafe? It's not like they banned the suspension of Black students, they're just asking schools to take measures to reduce it, and even that makes a few random teachers "feel unsafe."

Sperry casually drops in "recent high school shootings" to the initiative for suspending more Black kids. Because school shootings are predominantly carried out by Black...oh, wait. :usure:

I coached and taught in predominantly Black schools for years, never once had to have one of our kids suspended or arrested, never once felt "unsafe." :mjlol:

Sperry's sole evidence that Obama's attempt at reform was responsible for any issues were quotes from another far-right think tank "expert", Max Eden.
After Mayor de Blasio adopted the more lenient school-discipline standards in early 2015, including the recommended “restorative justice” counseling, “more schools saw fighting, disrespect, drugs, gang activity,” Eden said.
I love how "disrespect" was just tossed in with fighting, drugs, and gang activity. :mjpls:

Max Eden is the same guy who tried to blame the Parkland shooting on Obama's "lax" school discipline policies even though the shooter had been SUSPENDED AND EXPELLED from the very school he shot up. Apparently, Eden thinks that the failure to arrest and imprison the kid for an in-school fight is somehow Obama's fault AND somehow led to the shooting. :dahell:

He even argues that the shooter wouldn't have been able to get a gun if he had an arrest record, even though these same conservative think tanks are constantly telling us that gun control is useless because any criminal can get a gun anytime he wants. :mindblown:

Just a total trash, dog-whistling article. :scust:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Reading up on Sperry and unsurprisingly, race-baiting and dog whistles is his standard M.O.

In "Obama collecting personal data for a secret race database" Sperry writes "Obama is … creating a diversity police state where government race cops and civil-rights lawyers will micromanage demographic outcomes in virtually every aspect of society. The first black president, quite brilliantly, has built a quasi-reparations infrastructure perpetually fed by racial data that will outlast his administration.”"

In "Why the Obama administration sees racism everywhere" Sperry credited the Obama administration with "fueling" Black people's fears of racism and suggested that protests against police brutality are a bunch of crap. He said Obama's purpose is, "To rile young African-Americans up about the specter of a still-racist America."

In "Eric Holder believes all cops are racists, targets ‘unconscious bias’" Sperry states that training police to stop racially profiling people will put their lives in danger and suggests that racial profiling doesn't occur and unconscious bias isn't real. He quotes Sheriff David Clarke for proof that cops aren't biased and suggests that Black people are simply more violent: "the link between blacks and crime is statistically strong — African-Americans commit 53% of all murders and are 10 times more likely to commit violent crimes than whites."

In "You’re now a racist if you say schools need to be safer", Sperry :cape: for a teacher who had been suspended for saying that his inability to suspend as many Black kids as he wanted had led to his school to be full of "whoring trains", fights, drug sales, etc. Sperry referred to the teacher's statement as "mild opinions."

In "Judges, Juries Keep Acquitting the Cops Being Called Racist" Sperry gloats that police officers who kill Black people are consistently getting off, somehow coming to the conclusion that that proves racism doesn't exist. :mindblown:

In "10 Reasons You Should Not Waste Your Money On Film ‘Inside Job'" Sperry claims that "socializing mortgages" by giving too many of them to poor minorities is what caused the subprime mortgage crisis, a narrative that has been debunked by every serious study of the issue.

In "Perez Framed Lenders As Racist In $600 Mil Shakedown" Sperry tried to claim that Obama's Assistant AG Perez was a liar in how he prosecuted discriminatory loan practices and suggested that discriminatory loan practices don't even exist.

In "When the Profile Fits the Crime" written 13 years ago, Sperry argued that law enforcement should racially profile young Muslim men, especially ones that pray, wear perfume, or have a haircut, because these are the kind of people who commit terrorist attacks. Hmm, how has that panned out since then?

In "The military’s blinders" Perry basically suggests that Muslims shouldn't be allowed in the military because radical Islam could turn any of them against us at any time. He admits that some Muslims are patriots but says "But how does the military know which Muslims will put allegiance to country ahead of allegiance to Allah as interpreted by radical Islam?"

In "Soldiers Of Allah Or Of America: Does Military Know — Or Care?" Sperry doubles down on the same argument that any Muslim in the US military might actually be a secret anti-American agent.

In "This town is proof that Trump’s wall can work", Sperry claims that a reduction in crime in El Paso is due solely to a wall being built there, deceptively omitting the fact that the "pre-wall crime peak" he keeps referring to occurred years before anyone even started building a wall and the decline in crime started way before the wall was built (he does admit that crime started rising again a few years after the wall went up). He also drops the word "racist" a few times just to accuse anyone against the wall of playing the race card.

In "‘Civil Rights’ Groups Fearmongering Over Trump “Hate Crimes” Backed Hillary" he tries to create the idea that groups worried about the increase in hate crimes that followed Trump's election are simply political hacks who are upset that Hillary lost.

In "Muslim Terrorists Infiltrating Law Enforcement" his claims that terrorists were infiltrating law enforcement were heavily based on two violent attacks that were caused by guys who had previously worked as security guards (though there was no evidence they had actual connections to terrorist organizations) and one that was caused by a guy who had "aspired" to be a police officer.

In "Why the ‘Lone-Wolf’ Terrorist is a Myth" Sperry tries to argue that there are no lone wolf Muslim terrorists, but because many of them have prejudiced or pro-Muslim family members, that the entire Muslim community can be seen as supporting them. (I'm sure the recent incidents involving the siblings of several White school shooters will prompt him to write a similar article about White people.)

In "How Obama is bankrolling a nonstop protest against invented outrage" he argues that "Barack Obama’s presidency has been pockmarked by rioting, looting and protests" and "Obama is returning the favor of his Alinsky masters, training and cloning an army of social justice bullies to carry on his revolution to “fundamentally transform America.”"

He repeatedly writes articles accusing Muslim politicians of being a secret tool of the radical Islamists, including Huma Abedin, Hamza Abdelgany, and Keith Ellison.

Paul Sperry's book The Great American Bank Robbery is subtitled, "How Race-based Lending and Other Multicultural Schemes Make Us All Poorer." Enough said.

Paul Sperry's book Infiltration claimed all the way back in 2005 that radical Muslims had penetrated the American political establishment and law enforcement and were actively working to stop the War on Terror and institute Sharia Law. He also positively quotes people who refer to Muslims as "animals" and repeats the claims that American Muslims were publicly cheering the fall of the Twin Towers.

Paul Sperry's book Muslim Mafia claimed in 2009 that the Council for American Islamic Relations is a front for the Muslim Brotherhood and exists solely to wage international jihad on America. His co-author for the book has called Obama a "Muslim" and a "crack-head" and still believes that Saddam really did have WMDs but hid them super well.

This guy must be having a field day with Trump in power. :heh:

Should point out that others have called out Sperry for posting meaningless and misleading statistics:

Lies (or Stupidity), Damned Lies (or Stupidity), and Statistics

And Colbert I. King points out how dumb Sperry's pro-profiling arguments are:

Colbert I. King - You Can't Fight Terrorism With Racism
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Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
I've seen the name before dude is a shill and scumbag.

DeVos has been getting ripped about this lately, I wouldn't be surprised if he was paid but it aligns perfectly with their white victimhood and racism.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
If you’re reading the post, you lost big time.

I rarely see the NY Post, that's why I wasn't familiar with how bad it was. This article just showed up on my Google News Feed. I knew that they were sensationalist and loose with the truth and leaned conservative, I didn't know that they employed this level of race-baiting.

I've seen the name before dude is a shill and scumbag.

DeVos has been getting ripped about this lately, I wouldn't be surprised if he was paid but it aligns perfectly with their white victimhood and racism.

I doubt he was paid because it looks like this has been his thing for a long time. He had articles going back to a year before Trump was even in office saying the same thing. It's like if anyone sees any evidence of racism, anywhere, he jumps in to say, "Nothing to see here!" and tries to argue that no White people or institutions could be racist and that Black people and Muslims are just violent and to blame for all the problems they face.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
The funniest part about his articles is that if Obama was really the way he describes him, most of us would like him a lot more. :pachaha:

He portrays Obama as some super race-conscious ideologue fixated on ending discrimination in every facet of society and raising the status of Black people, rather than just another mainstream, corporation-serving Democrat who happened to be more competent than usual. :beli: