WikiLeaks cancels highly anticipated Tuesday announcement due to 'security concerns

Jimi Swagger

I say whatever I think should be said
Jan 25, 2015
Turtle Island to DXB
Someone must really be on his ass or Assange's leak will be equivalent to Dr. Dre's Detox album release :stopitslime:

‘October Surprise’ Thwarted? Wikileaks Cancels Highly Anticipated Tuesday Announcement Due to ‘Security Concerns’

By Heat Street Staff|12:56 pm, October 2, 2016


Wikileaks has abruptly canceled a much-anticipated announcement on Tuesday, according to NBC News. The announcement had been expected to be founder Julian Assange’s long-promised document dump on Hillary Clinton.

NBC’s Jesse Rodriguez reported that the Tuesday announcement — which was to come from the balcony of London’s Ecuadorian Embassy, where Assange has sought sanctuary for years – was canceled due to “security concerns”

Wikileaks has not said when it will now make its “announcement”.

Assange appeared on Fox News last month, repeating his assertion that Wikileaks has damaging documents on Clinton and suggested WikiLeaks may soon release “teasers”. More than three weeks later, that release has yet to take place.

Clinton’s more fervent opponents have hoped for weeks that the promised document dump would be an “October surprise” – damaging and revelatory emails or the like — and inflict a mortal wound on her campaign. There’s no evidence however that such damaging information even exists.

It was only this summer that Assange’s group leaked thousands of embarrassing emails from the Democratic National Committee which showed their disdain for Bernie Sanders’ insurgent campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination. The uproar over the disclosures forced DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to resign in disgrace on the eve of the Democratic National Convention.

The political provocateur and bomb-thrower Roger Stone, a fervent Donald Trump supporter, predicted Sunday morning that Wikileaks’ revelations would doom Clinton’s campaign.

It’s unclear if Stone was aware that Wikileaks, according to NBC News, has canceled their Tuesday announcement.

Assange and his supporters have long claimed that his personal safety is at risk due to the danger he (supposedly) represents to Clinton’s presidential ambitions. In August, liberal commentator Bob Beckel suggested in a TV appearance that Assange be murdered, proclaiming that someone should “shoot the son of a bytch!”


Assange himself has also recently hinted publicly that low-level DNC staffer Seth Rich, who was murdered this summer in Washington DC, had been the source for Wikileaks’ document dump on the DNC. And that Rich’s alleged role in the leaks was linked to his death.

There has been no evidence linking Rich to the leak and no evidence that his murder was anything more than a botched robbery.

Nonetheless, the cancellation of Tuesday’s Wikileaks announcement already has anti-Clinton conspiracy theorists working up a frantic stew of speculation.

Hood Critic

The Power Circle
May 2, 2012
This doesn't even make sense, Assange's life is always in danger - what makes this time any different? We don't want to hear his self righteous drivel, release the documents and keep it f*cking moving. If we're to believe your motivation is that to keep the public "in the know" - why is it everything we get from you has to be paraded and secret sauce added? Share an encrypted file on a bunch of public trackers and point interested parties to where they need to go.

This tells us that the "leak" is weak and would be overshadowed by evidence of Donald being a second/third rate businessman. Assange is on borrowed time anyway he's a live to unknowingly aid the same machine he's supposed to be fighting. Once he's of no use they're going to lose him during a major global news cycle.

Joe Chink

May 19, 2012
This doesn't even make sense, Assange's life is always in danger - what makes this time any different? We don't want to hear his self righteous drivel, release the documents and keep it f*cking moving. If we're to believe your motivation is that to keep the public "in the know" - why is it everything we get from you has to be paraded and secret sauce added? Share an encrypted file on a bunch of public trackers and point interested parties to where they need to go.

This tells us that the "leak" is weak and would be overshadowed by evidence of Donald being a second/third rate businessman. Assange is on borrowed time anyway he's a live to unknowingly aid the same machine he's supposed to be fighting. Once he's of no use they're going to lose him during a major global news cycle.

We've got a HRC astro-turfer, folks.

Dr. Acula

Jul 26, 2012
It's seems that Wikileaks as of late has taken a more active role in how they present themselves and material as if they're hyping up a boxing match compared to when they first started out they would simply release information and let the news media make it a story.

Definitely makes me feel they are overselling their releases instead of letting the release talk for themselves in order to feed anti Clinton readers.