Woman Asks : Is My Attraction to White Men Problematic? (PHOTOS)


Bedwench & Armchair Militant Killer
Jun 20, 2013
I can agree on the individual merits compared to the collective accomplishments. Don't you feel like a traitor even agreeing with her? I can't speak about your family, but my family is straight up old school black. I had ancestors that fought wars -Civil War, World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, currently serving now. For her to disparage my ancestors when their ass was on the line fighting for OUR(not just her) freedom and that's the thanks they get? I'm not saying all the men in my family have done right just about 90% of them. Education, career, marriage, children. Damn near 100% of my peeps are still married to their first spouse. Guess what? Their kids are married, educated doing the same shyt.

So why should any black man who's family story resembles mine (plenty) be allowed to have someone straight shyt talk and disrespect them? But if we did want to take it there, why aren't they allowed to be questioned? Why are the actions of half the race magnified while absolving the other half of any culpability? I'm not allowed to criticize or judge them on their behavior, decisions and actions without being called a black woman hater, misogynist (misogynoir as they put it) and every thing else. So where the hell does she get the right to do that?

Why is it acceptable to assassinate my character and slander me as a black male when I've done none of the things they've alleged? Should I shut up and just take it while they spread lies and falsehoods about me? Denigrate the achievements of black men in the country (if we really want to add up...black males put in way more work), parroting the same white supremacists talking points? If I didn't stand up and push back I would be defeated....and I'm not. And I know there's millions of brothas like me catching hell but still putting in good work everyday.

Is it fair to make us Jesus? Responsible for all the ills of the black community? Why aren't their actions ever questioned? Who do they affiliate with? Why they're always given a platform to shyt on black men and the black community? Was it black men that left the Civil Rights Movement and ran off with white men? How is it that you accept their judgement when your judgement means piss to them? How do you raise strong men with women(some) that hate you? Do you really believe they'd even allow a crop of strong black men to even be raised?

All in all, both genders have fukked up. It's impossible for it to get to this point without it. Funny thing is the only group I've really ever heard about accepting culpability are the men. Is the answer to that hyper misogyny like women who live in India or Saudi Arabia live under? Or should people stop throwing stones in glass houses?

they dont want to hear all this truth :ohlawd:

Real talk, a lot of BW on this tip sound exactly like white supremacists. They use the same talking points that white supremacists put forward i.e. stats about black male incarceration, colonization, education, unemployment, failure to overturn slavery as "proof" of black inferiority, black women take these points and absolve themselves of responsibility by saying "black men are supposed to lead" and reshape that argument to "prove" black male inferiority.

fukk these bytches.

theyre black white supremacists. treat them accordingly:yeshrug:

And people keep claiming all of this is made up and secretly it's gotta be about hating women or some other bullshyt. I never considered them enemies, they announced themselves as my enemy. Therefore I'll respond in kind. :yeshrug:

smart man. alot of black men are finally starting to open their eyes to their bullshyt and hatred. like you said they arent anything short of being our enemies.
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Aug 17, 2014
In all seriousness, she's not ugly. I mean, she's not the most beautiful woman in the world...but she's definitely not ugly. She could get a Black man, so I'm not buying that shyt. ANY black woman can find a black man who likes her. Don't let them ever tell you different. I see fat, frumpy, homely looking black chicks with brothas. This is how I know any bw who says this is either lying or just oblivious.