You know how people always say rap fans are the only ones to have stan wars..


May 6, 2012
..instead of just appreciating the greatness of all the different artists?

I beg to differ.. :pachaha:See this article below.

Top 15 Greatest Composers Of All Time - Listverse

I was just reading the above article on someone's list of the greatest composers of all time and when I turned to the comment section I couldn't stop laughing at recognizing the stan wars between fans of Beethoven, Mozart, Bach etc. These supposedly sophisticated music lovers turn into little children when debating who are the greatest of all time. :laff:

Bach stans are snobs who are adamant he's in a class of his own (kinda like Pac stans I guess but I'm a Pac fan myself :manny:) and seeing Mozart vs Beethoven stans go at is like reading Nas vs Jay-Z stan discussions. :russ:

Here's what 'Diana' says in response to 'Mike' (:mjlol: ).

Are you kidding me??Google for top-10 greatest piano concerts ever and you will see that Mozart has 7 Piano concertos in that lists

.Mozart has the GREATEST PIANO Concertos ever.He has MORE BEST PIANO Concerts than any other composer and he wrote MORE piano concertos than any composer(27).Beethoven wrote only 5 piano concertos and they SUCK compare to Mozart's piano concert.His concerts are among the greatest humanity achievements.Beethoven is nowhere close to Mozart

Im glad to see Beethoven BELOW Mozart,right where he belongs.Mozart is by a country mile BETTER than Beethoven and this is not a personal opinion.

Mozart is the BEST Melodist ever.Beethoven
is not even a melodist.Mozart wrote 24 operas,some of them best operas
of all time.Beethoven wrote only 1 opera that doesnt even appear at
Top-30 greatest operas where Mozart has 5 OPERAS

'Erik' (:mjlol::mjlol:) comes in :cape: for Bach and Beethoven:

Mozart's legacy is watered down just a tad by his many unsubstantial works of art don't you think? Certainly not enough to drop him below #3 for all of those reasons and more that you mentioned above. But his consistency wasn't quite on par with a Bach or Beethoven in my opinion, even if his greatest works surely were.

Hit 'em with the 'That's a few hot symphonies every ten year average' line. :deadrose:

Like you said.''In my opinion''But there is one problem.Your opinion doesNOT matter at all because in this site,just like in Music History Bach and MOZART are considered the GREATEST COMPOSERS and Music History is the ULTIMATE SOURCE

Beethoven will always be the N 3,always BELOW Mozart,al\ways under the shadows of Mozart.
The capitalization comes out in more and more posters as the discussion goes on. :russ:

Remember, these are grown people. Imagine this is your accountant typing away at the keyboard right after lunch before he gets to handling your financial business. :heh:

Are you serious? Bach has a few "unsubstantial" and derivative works and Beethoven has MORE unsubstantial works of art than both Mozart and Bach - that you would make such a statement without citing comparative examples of your point suggests you have hardly culled the depths of Mozarts oeuvre. Virtually all of Mozart's so-called "unsubstantial" works are works that he explicitly provided room for improvisation. He was churning out works based on weekly commission and the aristocracy of the milieu wanted the 18th century equivalent of party jams (pop songs, if you will). Mozart thus created many pieces with improvisational gaps in them for this exact reason. As far as geniuses go, Mozart produced by age 35 what 3 composers couldn't produce in a 100 year life.

Bach is the best, not an opinion it is a fact.
You are not serious ?? Too not include Beethoven in the top three is ridiculous, and not having him in either of your lists is simply ignorance !

It's kinda sad that this hero worshipping and caping/haterating is so pervasive in so many facets of our culture but it's definitely there beyond rap, sports and the Coli y'all. :francis:

To be fair, I wonder how much of this is down to a bunch of younger millennials arguing with older folk on that site. There are some who seem to be more levelheaded and who acknowledge that all are great in their own right. Y'all think this type of bragging, worshipping and caping is just common to human nature and has always been this way or has it gotten worse with the latest generations? :jbhmm:

Rap > classical music as an expressive art form. Not opinion, but fact. :lolbron:


Oct 19, 2012
that you would make such a statement without citing comparative examples of your point suggests you have hardly culled the depths of Mozarts oeuvre.
"Do you fools listen to music or do you just skim through it?" :wow:


Feb 20, 2017
I don’t know anyone that says that. It’s like that in all forms of entertainment

10 years ago if you frequented any boxing or basketball forums, it was like going to see a cult of Mayweather/Pacquiao/Lebron/Kobe worshippers constantly going at each other, making the same arguments over and over again.