
  1. Balla

    Can yall help me get out this slump?

    For the past 3 years I have been on and off eating healthy and exercising a lot. It always last at least a month, then I go back to my old habits because I either go on a vacation or I get caught up with work, school work, etc. So I focus on that and get lazy with the gym. So it's been like...
  2. It is a mystery

    How many days of no communication with a woman before @big boss it's over?

    Let's quantify this shyt :leostare:
  3. #1 pick

    The Official Thread: Learning with Qohelet - Day 1

    Each day, I will give you a small task to read and do: I will share tips and ideas so you can improve yourself. I will also talk about job markets and the housing in those markets with the industries that serves them. Since I tend to be IT based, that's what I will cover first. Day 1: I will...
  4. M

    Check Your Privilege: CAC ONLY Gets 30 Days in Jail... ADMITS to MOLESTING and 8 YR OLD BOY, TWICE!

    I wont pretend to know what the fucc is goin on in our judicial system-:francis: I know ppl who have done more time for unpaid tickets/ probation fines...:mjcry: