
  1. O.T.I.S.

    These women/this channel is doing the Lords work when it to men and women accountability…

    Stumbled upon their channel watch Patrice O’Neal reactions (its a black chick and white chick that run the channel btw). I originally just liked to see women get offended by the truth in Patrice’s jokes, but began to like them because during it they had some insightful moments that was actually...
  2. DrexlersFade

    Bill Burr destroys feminists and people complaining about the WNBA :mjlol:

    Continued No other business name in the world one stays open after losing money for a quarter a century and still pay the employees 200k a fukking year and these bytches do is complain. None of you bytch nikkas better not come in her and defend these feminists. Bill Burr one of the GOATS
  3. Homey the clown

    Why do so many people online think Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke is the most sexist song in history?

    If you watch the video on YouTube or just look up the song in general half of the comments are talking about how sexist the song is and how it degrades women. There is even a list of the most sexist songs in history and Blurred lines tops the list. But there are numerous songs that are a...
  4. Benjamin Sisko

    Blatant cowardice and double-standards from black feminists:

    Cowardice because they had all the ammo against Nate Parker but when it comes to a white men, then all of a sudden he's not one of theirs. But white women came hard against OJ, Cosby, Ray Rice, Greg Hardy, Adrian Peterson, but when it's time for black feminists to come against white men now all...
  5. SirReginald

    CACS BEING CACS: HR Director Gets DICCK Shaped Candies & SUES For Emotional Trama (:dahell:)

    Full article in quote :snoop:
  6. The Prince of All Saiyans

    peta & feminists come together

  7. M


    To all the hypocritical feminists out there: You SAY women are equal to men. You WANT equal rights and treatments. Well, IF its equal pay- its equal ass whoopins :manny: No more "I dont hit women" in 2016-- The new rule is "I don't hit women who don't deserve it.":youngsabo: #HOH #GMB