
  1. LightSkinYeshua

    Trump sending shots at biden on Snapchat

  2. Cuban Pete

    2020 Major Disaster Betting Pool Thread

    :mjcry: Place your bets now, if you got an "other" like zombies or aliens just write it out. fukk this year and anybody that love it
  3. Sankofa Alwayz

    Our Black Queens y’all

    Ran into this shyt on Twitter a few minutes ago It was so many etherous bars dropped, shyt was ridiculous :whew: Some serious Queen Mother shyt
  4. fukkery


    On this some good shyt
  5. Antwon Mitchell

    When I was parking near a street curb earlier today...

    I drove on top of this cac's foot...accidentally :hubie: When it happened I just kept on driving :whew: the man took off his shoe in agony looking at his foot...didn't even notice he was there until I heard a scream :yeshrug: Low-key I kinda laughed when I got home because of the way it...
  6. Jean Jacket

    Savage Auntie Wants ALL the Smoke... "Your Hoe Chose ME".... (Phlash /Jersey) Comedy

  7. Antwon Mitchell

    LMAO, My neighbor heard me and girl getting busy last night...

    So long story short I was coming home from work earlier today and my neighbor shouted my name for me to come speak with her about something and little did I know what it was about, anyways... My neighbor (Ms. Wilson) pulled me to side and said that she heard us having sex last night while...
  8. ADevilYouKhow

    Mick Mulvaney sacked. Exiled to Ireland. Mark Meadows new chief of staff

    Trump picks Mark Meadows as new White House chief of staff — The Washington Post
  9. Antwon Mitchell

    This woman at my job was bragging to another worker about her...

    Throat game being so strong that she can suck a bullet out of a glock...on safety... :francis: Glocks don't have safeties brehettes :mjlol: :mjlol: One bruh at my job was tryna make a move on her but told him she don't date nikkas that wear bifocals :heh: everybody including the boss was...
  10. Roland Coltrane

    from 2010-

    :mjgrin: :ohhh: :patrice: :skip::sas1:
  11. Reality Check

    Spin: Worst Segments on Monday Night RAW

    Pretty terrible take but it got me thinking as to how many other god-awful skits RAW has had that were much worse than the wedding one from last night. Obviously Katie Vick takes the cake But the Vince/Dr. Heiney skit is pretty close as far as terribleness Also have McMahon impersonating...
  12. Let A Fro Be A Fro

    State of South Dakota spends $450,000 on anti-meth campaign only to get trolled by ad agency

    I should have pursued a career in advertising.:mjgrin:
  13. Antwon Mitchell

    The only way you'll get a text back from her is if...

    You pay one of her monthly bills because otherwise she's not interested in replying to your "WYD" texts :francis:. This is something I saw on Facebook earlier today...so bruhs which bill are y'all covering for this beautiful gorgeous woman... Rent: $2,995 Car Note: $600 Light bill: $287 Gas...
  14. RennisDeynolds

    whatever happened to Sean Kingston?

    I know he was an industry punching bag and walking lick, but Last I remember he was somehow roped into the game and meek "beef." He made that post calling game a batty boy and evaporated off the face of the earth brehs :lupe:
  15. Crude Abolitionist

    VIDEO: Austin ISD set to vote on new sex ed curriculum... fukkery ensues. UPDATE: IT PASSED...

    https://www.kxan.com/news/aisd-set-to-vote-on-new-sex-ed-curriculum-monday/ Set for grades 3-8 they want to teach about gender identity and sexual orientation... Teaching 7th graders how to use condoms... The vote is tonight and the demonstrations were peak America.
  16. Jordan fukkery

    Jordan fukkery

  17. NickJacksonGrin


  18. MattJacksonLIT


  19. Fukkery Party

    Fukkery Party
