joe biden

  1. FAH1223

    Official Biden vs. Trump 2020 General Election Thread (Biden WINS 306 Electoral College Votes)

    Get ready to put all content for this matchup here.
  2. FAH1223

    How will Joe Biden GOVERN? General Biden Administration F**kery Thread

  3. FAH1223

    Joe Biden selects Senator Kamala Harris as his VP Pick

    I'm a Bernie Bro and I sort of see the writing on the wall. For all intents and purposes, Joe is the presumptive nominee. Joe has the institutional support, he has the Joe-Mentum, and the money will be pouring into his coffers. So, similar to Bernie, we have a 77 year old who will need a...
  4. Anerdyblackguy

    And in non shocking news. Pete Buttigieg will officially endorse Joe Biden this weekend

    Pete Buttigieg Will Endorse Joe Biden for Democratic Nomination The news comes one day after Mr. Buttigieg dropped out of the race, and as Senator Amy Klobuchar planned to leave the race and endorse Mr. Biden. Image Pete Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Ind., ended his presidential...
  5. Anerdyblackguy

    Amy Klobuchar to drop out and endorse Joe Biden -NY times

    Amy Klobuchar ends presidential campaign Klobuchar, a three-term Minnesota senator, outlasted more prominent candidates but ended her race. After a disappointing finish in South Carolina, Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar announced Monday she was ending her presidential campaign. Klobuchar's...
  6. FAH1223

    Senator Joni Ernst: GOP could impeach Joe Biden for Burisma and Hunter Biden if he becomes POTUS

  7. mc_brew

    Rate Trump's Presidency....

    so it's been almost 3 years of this dude in office... you know what he is, no need to describe him... the question is, in your opinion, is he doing a good job or a bad job... would you vote to give this dude 4+ more years or do you think this experiment needs to end in january 2021..... spit...
  8. SirReginald

    ‘A Dream Ticket’: Black Lawmakers Pitch Biden-Harris To Beat Trump

    Nobody wants this shyt :snoop: Biden won't win the primary. It'll be either another establishment like Buttigieg/Beto O'Rourke or the last three will be Warren, Sanders, and Andrew Yang. Then, it'll be a contested convention. TLDR The Congressional Black Caucus may have found an answer to...
  9. King Static X

    Joe Biden: "I actually like D. Cheney"

    This is disqualifying. Joe Biden needs to sit his old white ass down and ride into the sunset:francis:.
  10. loyola llothta

    Joe Biden Launches Campaign with Charlottesville Condemnation after Supporting Neo-Nazis in Ukraine

    Joe Biden Launches Campaign with Charlottesville Condemnation after Supporting Neo-Nazis in Ukraine While working behind the scenes to shape the post-Maidan Ukrainian government to their liking, powerbrokers in Washington — Biden included — have done all they could to downplay the U.S. role...
  11. SirReginald

    Joe Biden To Make His 2020 Announcement Next Week (CNN)

    I don't think he's going to run. What I think will happen is like I said before, he goes on his Neo-Liberal tour promoting Neo-Liberalism and bashing Trump or just endorse the Young Up and Comer Beto. The Dems need to focus on letting Bernie shine, Buttigieg do his thing, and let Andrew Yang...
  12. SirReginald

    Yall Think Joe Biden Finna Run For President In 2020?

    I think with this scandal he's out before he even started. What I think will happen is that he'll endorse Beto or Harris. Dude is just campaigning without announcing a run to promote Neo-Liberalism.
  13. FAH1223

    The Case Against Joe Biden

    Great interviewS Amy Goodman/Democracy Now! :salute: And from 2015: :damn:
  14. mc_brew

    Joey B! --- Official Biden 2020 Presidential Campaign Thread

    really.... do we want another establishment dem to carry the mantle.....? some folks do..... so i present to you, the official joey b presidential watch thread... i don't think he throws his hat in the ring though.... where would biden be if he did...? according to the polls he would be...
  15. Black Panther

    Broadway Joe Considering His Options

    Biden leaves options on table for another White House bid Biden gonna take Trump behind the gym :smugbiden:
  16. J

    Joe Biden Still At It

  17. FAH1223

    Joe Biden: "I'm going to run in 2020"

    He'll be 77 in 2020. Probably bullshytting. :smugbiden:
  18. SirReginald

    BREAKING: Uncle Joe Might Run For President In 2020 (Jay Z Should RUN)

    Crazy part, I align with him more. I've taken political tests and always aligned with Biden :smugbiden: