mass effect

  1. Hathaway

    1st Person RPGs Are Not Immersive For Me

    I don't know when I became like this. I grew up on Halo, the premiere 1st person shooter of our generation but as I got older and started playing games like The Witcher, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, etc, I fell in love with these 3rd person, customizable character styled games. It's the only type...
  2. Archangel

    Just played through the 1st two Dragon Age games brehs

    I'm a bioware head so after completing my 118th playthrough of the Mass Effect trilogy, I decided to give Dragon Age a shot since I never played it. Pretty dope I must admit. DA Origins has aged horribly. Much like Mass Effect 1, it was a chore getting through the game but the story kept me...
  3. Easy-E

    We should've seen this EA/Mass Effect fiasco coming

    Andromeda came out eight months ago But, 5 years ago Javek being first day DLC for $10.00 He's a got damn Prothean ie the ancient race with intimate knowledge on how to deal with the series' villian The ending including a promise of for DLC :mjlol: Tali's face To making playing...
  4. Afro

    Coli breh holding it down

    :wow: I see you homie :salute: The actual thread Racial diversity amongst humans in andromeda? | New BioWare Social Network Fan Forums It's a long one and you can guess how it went. White folk sayin dumb and ignorant shyt as usual. Black posters just shaking their heads.
  5. He Who Posts Well

    Official Mass Effect Discussion Thread - Um...happy N7 Day

    New video with everyone who had a part of the original trilogy talking about the game ------------- Come here to discuss one of the best RPGs of all time. I have been playing the PC game. I finished up part 2 and I am about 75% done with 3. . :whew: Also, post pictures of you Shepgawd or...
  6. Easy-E

    Decisions you've never made in multiple playthru's of the Mass Effect series (Spoilers)

    I've beaten each indivudual game like 20x and; I never pick Samara's daughter over her I always let Mortin cure the genophage Bonus I've only let the ppl in Zaaeed's DLC die to hunt down dude only once
  7. Archangel

    Spin: If You Could Live in Any Video Game World.....

    Got this idea from @Gator Reloaded . If you could live in any video game world, which one would you choose? I'd choose the Mass Effect Universe: The Citadel :whoo: Ilium :gladbron: Asari Homeworld Thessia:whew: Salarian Homeworld Sur'Kesh :leon: Beautiful Asari :to: Many...
  8. Easy-E

    Worst changes made in a series from game to game.

    NBA 2K - The Rookie showcase versus actually making you go through the combine and playing summer league in 2K11. I thought the idea was so ill, when 11 dropped, and you were really invested in your guy playing. Now, you just buy the points. :scusthov: having go online just to put a wristband...
  9. Kamikaze Revy

    Mass Effect: Andromeda

    Order: Mass Effect Andromeda Deluxe - Xbox One | Mass Effect Andromeda Deluxe - PS4 Mass Effect Andromeda - Xbox One | Mass Effect Andromeda - PS4 | Mass Effect Andromeda - PC Today we debuted the first cinematic trailer for our next game, Mass Effect™: Andromeda. While we are still...
  10. Ruck

    Mass Effect discussion thread

    Welcome, alliance friends. Let us discuss one of the goat franchises in gaming history. I want to know as many details from your journey saving the galaxy. Reps given if you played and answer all these questions :jawalrus: Name of your shep? Sex? Did you play both genders? Custom or default...
  11. Ineedmoney504

    Mass Effect Trilogy on PS4 & Xbox One Listed by Retailer

    It looks like the Mass Effect trilogy is indeed heading to the Xbox One and PS4, if listings posted by Chilean retailer Zmart Games are anything to go by. First spotted by eagle-eyed NeoGAF user Rushersauce, the listings aren't accompanied by any solid information regarding release dates or...
  12. bogey_j

    The Walking Dead Has Already Surpassed Mass Effect

    in terms of decision-making/consequences. to be fair, the games are more heavy rain than mass effect, and the decisions carrying over from the previous game appear to have some real weight to them. also, unlike mass effect, the limited time given to make snappy decisions keeps you on your toes...