
  1. Jimi Swagger

    Three Letters That Former Slaves Sent To Their Masters

    These notes shine a light on the complex relationships that slaves had with their masters. After escaping or being liberated, most former slaves were probably more than happy to never speak to their erstwhile masters. After all, what would you say? Though little evidence of this...
  2. HopeKillCure

    Next Time Someone Tells You, "Bu Bu But Trump Won The Electorial College"

  3. Jimi Swagger

    African Union criticises US for ‘taking many of our people as slaves’ and not taking refugees

    Trump has suspended all US refugee programmes and banned immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries, three of which are AU members The head of the African Union has criticised Donald Trump’s ban on immigration from some Muslim-majority countries, saying it presents “one of the greatest...
  4. Yehuda

    Oldest Cemetery of African Slaves Found in Canary Islands

    Oldest Cemetery of African Slaves Found in Canary Islands
  5. JahFocus CS

    13TH (Netflix doc) Discussion Thread

    I finally got around to watching this today and :wow:. I believe the documentary deserves its own thread. I highly recommend that everyone take 100 minutes to view it. The way it traces the exploitation of Black labor and bodies and the origins of the myth of Black criminality from late-stage...
  6. JahFocus CS

    This Vast Southern Empire: Slaveholders at the Helm of Foreign Policy

    This Vast Southern Empire — Matthew Karp | Harvard University Press Book discussion between author Matthew Karp and renowned historian Eric Foner:
  7. Archangel

    Is the Star Spangled Banner really racist?

    Was researching this when the entire Kaepernick ordeal went down and read on here about the other lyrics from the song. Particularly: And where is that band who so vauntingly swore That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion, A home and a country should leave us no more! Their blood has...
  8. Behind-the-wheel

    Sneaky cacs tryna reinstitute indentured servitude...

    I know a sista that started out babysitting for this cac family right. A few months on the job they approach her and say that they've seen her struggling and they "GIVE" her a used car so she can get back and forth easier. Sista is elated that she can now drive instead of taking the bus...
  9. Jimi Swagger

    The 2nd Amendment Exists Because Founding Fathers Wanted To Protect Slavery

    Perhaps this is the reason why it's always a concern when Black Americans decide to take up arms. HISTORY 101: The 2nd Amendment Exists Because Founding Fathers Wanted To Protect Slavery Captain Custer (right) of the 5th Cavalry sits with a Confederate prisoner, Lieutenant James B...
  10. DrBanneker

    Happy Juneteenth!!

    On this day 151 years ago, the final bastion of (old school) slavery was abolished in Gavelston Texas by the Union Army. Granted it wouldn't be until December that the 13th amendment finally killing (old school) slavery was passed. Celebrate Juneteenth and remember the sacrifices of our...
  11. Benjamin Sisko

    Truama of slavery is ENCODED within the genes every black person :whoo:

    This could really open the door for reparations.
  12. Milk

    Buck Breaking - Hidden, Untold, History

    I didn't find any mention of this on the Root. So, I'm posting this here for people who are unaware.
  13. MewTwo

    YouTuber Commentators Try To Make Slavery Not As Bad As It Was

    They spew typical white supremacist points like: "America wasn't built on slave labor" "There were just as much white slaves as black slaves" "White slaves were treated worse than black slaves" ....Why are they even talking about slavery? The guy on the left makes alot of...
  14. BlackEfron

    should we let white teachers teach about slavery in school

    what them crackka ass teachers know about the sturggle they gonna tell us how we lived :dahell: they gonna tell us what our people did :dahell: - blackierobinson
  15. godkiller

    Black Lives Matter activism basically freed blacks from slavery

    According to legend, Abraham Lincoln greeted Harriet Beecher Stowe in 1862 by saying "So you're the little woman who wrote the book that started this great war." Whether the story is true or not, the sentiment underscores the public connection between Uncle Tom's Cabin and the Civil War. ^...
  16. Unknown Poster

    Slavery in the NORTH

    Why do people think slavery and racism is a southern thing? Staten Island had did Pittsburgh. Were there any other northern cities that did? Time to dispel this notion of the North being this progressive utopia. @cole phelps
  17. Anerdyblackguy

    272 Slaves Were Sold to Save Georgetown University. What Does It Owe Their Descendants

    272 Slaves were sold to Save Georgetown university. What Does It Owe Their Descendants? WASHINGTON — The human cargo was loaded on ships at a bustling wharf in the nation’s capital, destined for the plantations of the Deep South. Some slaves pleaded for rosaries as they were rounded up...
  18. The M.I.C.

    YMCA Being Forced To Stop Slavery Re-enactments

    :beli: :francis: Cacs getting really bold man..
  19. ridedolo

    Thanksgiving Day unappreciation

    :francis: before we partake in traditions that were forced on us throughout the years, let's know the real origin of them. THE REAL STORY OF THANKSGIVING Most of us associate the holiday with happy Pilgrims and Indians sitting down to a big feast. And that did happen - once. The story...
  20. pickles

    CAC caddy says working for Tiger Woods was like Slavery :MJplease:

    Steve Williams served as Tiger Woods’ caddy from 1999 to 2011, during which Woods dominated the PGA Tour, won 13 of his 14 Majors, and earned over $88 million.(Caddy earned 8.8 million) Williams recently wrote a book called “Out Of The Rough” about his time with Tiger, and he was very critical...