
  1. M

    How do you get attracted to ugly/unspectacular girls?

    Ok brehs, I'm trying to come to grips with myself about the reality of my situation. I'm just not good looking. I have DeMar Derozan acne & a Tracy McGrady eye but no NBA money. People say to stop punching above your weight class, so I'm think I'm gonna start trying to approach unattractive...
  2. M

    Tips For Ugly nikkas To Feel Better About Themselves

    This was written by a female, but I'm sure a lot of brehs can identify with the general consensus of the article if you switch the POV from female to male. ------------------------------ I actually think I'm pretty damn attractive, I'm 6 feet tall, smooth chocolate complexion, pearly white...
  3. TEH

    Post a look alike of the ugliest girl you smashed

    You first :sas2:
  4. M

    Yo girls in the Bahamas are UGLY AS fukkKKKKKKKKKK!!!

    I was at the "Fish Fry" as the locals call it (basically a strip of clubs, restaurants and bars) thinking I was gonna tag some local ass before I left the country on Sunday afternoon and all the bytches here look like variations of James Toney :dahell: I just danced for about 10 minutes to some...