Advice you would give your 13 year old self


Miami Hurricanes football fan...
May 1, 2012
Miami Hurricanes,Dallas Cowboys, St. John's, DMV
- Talk to more girls (have a few as "lady friends" they'll come in handy later)

- Learn a trade (you had a number of people try to show you how to DO something, listen to them lol)

- Focus when you get to college...and choose the RIGHT one (St Johns is/was cool, you had fun, but there are TONS more schools out here....maybe don't ish on the HBCUs (you dumb youngster smh))

- exercise and play sports more. Don't be afraid to ask to work out

- You moved/moving to a new city. Be social but not too goofy

- HS isn't everything. Focus on LIFE and life after HS my brotha...

- Don't be so aloof lol...FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS but still have your fun dude


Jun 22, 2014
Invest in Facebook
Invest in Twitter
Invest in Instagram
Invest in Tumblr
Invest in WingStop
Learn coding sooner
Don't slack, take the SAT now
Eat healthier, and run track, play football, and basketball
Don't get in a room alone with *that teacher* :mjpls:
If you do, blackmail her and don't get caught this time :mjpls:


Pokemon Gang
May 2, 2012
Work out now, start off with cardio then when you hit 16 light lifting

Learn a trade

Take ADDERAL Like candy

Bass guitar is good and all but you can do more with piano

Take the hint, you missed out on a lot of girls because you didn't take the hint.


All Star
May 5, 2012
-Your parents wanted to send you to military school. GO. Not only would you graduate HS earlier you'll be side stepping A LOT OF SOUL DESTROYING SITUATIONS. Afterwards, join the Navy or Air Force, do 2-4 years or so, that way you can get your education free (this will help TONS in the future), then get out and have life a little easier for you. Trust me, the military is NOT what your thinking it is right now...Hell, you might mess around and lose your v-card BEFORE 19....

-AVOID YOUR PARENTS. They are toxic, and are feeding you nothing but abuse and BULLshyt. Take NO shyt off of them. Sure, they'll probably beat you, turn around and play the role and belittle you in front of others, but once your gone and stick to the plan, they will no longer be a factor. As far as your younger brother goes, you can TRY and get him to stop acting like a little girl, but that's all you can do. TRY.....

-Your 13, so your in 7th grade. This will probably be your most enjoyable school year. Cherish it.

-STAND UP FOR YOURSELF. All that shyt your parents and other dumb-ass, weak-ass grown ups told you is a LIE. Turning the other cheek will get the other one slapped, walking away will only get you hit from behind, and smiling it off will only provoke further and worse treatment. You have WAY more potential than you've been lead to believe. Most of these people giving you shyt will turn out, in the future, to be proven "ain't shyt" ass people. Your only being taken advantage of because of how you look. Realize how they're only doing this to "certain" people...

-STOP hanging with that one cat from Wood Valley. That nikka is SCUM. People have already told you to quit fukking with him, LISTEN TO THEM. He will be a cause of a lot of fukkery in the future.....Stick with Garvey, Brandon, Mike and them. Stay away from Chris and Tim. They are taking advantage of you, you will find in the future that these two are shytheads with nothing but bad intentions for you....

-Take a martial art (something practical, like boxing or Muay Thai) as soon as possible, and STICK WITH IT. After about a year (or even less), nikkaz won't want ANY parts of you.

-PRACTICE YOUR DRAWING. Angles, faces, line work, etc.

-Buck the system. Your probably a bit young to understand this, but WEED IS YOUR FRIEND. THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT. The D.A.R.E. program is bullshyt. They are feeding you lies. Just be smart about the shyt (don't be smoking in the military, don't find stupid ways to get caught, etc.) If a mufukka has a problem with you smoking weed, fukk EM.

-Stop obsessing over that girl that shyt on you on field day last year. Your only feeling this way because your "programmed" to. This is not the true you. You know she ain't even the best looking female in the world, yet you continue on as if she is. This isn't helping you...speaking of females....

-DO NOT....I repeat....DO NOT take any kind of stock or feelings for a girl. You will be side-stepping some AWFUL memories by doing so.

-Go to NY around 2006-2007. You will meet some of your closest friends there, you will meet some fukk nikkaz and fukk shyt however. Point is, this isn't a destination you want to skip....

-This may sound kind of stupid, but GO TO that for-profit art school. Take out minimal loans, and spend a couple years. Reason why I say this is that if you don't, you will miss a lot of GOOD friends and GOOD connections/opportunities.