Apple shareholders reject diversity plan to recruit minorities as company leaders


Oct 30, 2015
Apple shareholders have overwhelmingly rejected a proposal that would require the board of America’s largest company to adopt an “accelerated recruitment policy” for minorities among company leaders.

The result offered a fresh reminder how Silicon Valley, a meritocracy dominated by white men, is having a tricky time navigating identity politics and modern attitudes towards diversity. The proposal, which wasn’t expected to pass, failed 94.9% to 5.1%, according to an early tally announced at Apple’s annual shareholder meeting at company headquarters in Cupertino, California.

Apple’s board had urged investors to vote it down, telling shareholders that the measure would be too restrictive. Speaking afterward, chief executive Tim Cook said: “There’s much more work to do on diversity across the company. I can commit to you we are working very hard on it.”

Of Apple’s 18 named executives on its website, Cook is one of the 15 that are both white and male. There are then three women, two of whom are black. Apple’s eight-member board includes two women and one black man, James Bell, the former Boeing chief financial officer.

The measure was being pushed by civil rights groups, with the Rev Jesse Jackson attending to push for support just before Apple announced the result of the vote.

“Ironically, Apple is already moving in this direction,” Jackson told shareholders. “The world is diverse ... We should not position ourselves to react to inclusion, which leads to growth.”

Until recently Apple had a director of “worldwide inclusion and diversity”, Jeffrey Siminoff, but he was poached by Twitter in December 2015. Apple would not say whether it has replaced him.

Apple shareholders reject diversity plan to recruit minorities as company leaders


Jan 7, 2014
should go to the compentent leaders. Not just who is the right color.

I work in a company with quotas, and the reputation of black and Latinos has been destroyed by it.

In fast paced environment where work needs to completed yesterday, skill and ability becomes apparent very quickly. Also, people rotate from team to team all year. This creates an environment where poor performers get identified and get tossed from team to team until either leave or get fired. A very high percentage of people hired for quotas never make it past one year. It doesn't take long for people to notice that.
I hear the talk behind closed doors all the time...."quota hire", " political hire", or "minority hire". And most my staff/seniors are Asians or indians, they hate the quota system more than anyone. In my experience, nearly all the black or Latino employees were severely unqualified for the job, and were struggling to survive within 3-6 months of their first year.

They get treated poorly, and I am pretty sure they blamed racism. In reality, their work quality was poor, and they couldn't keep up the pace.

I treat all poor performers the same. We serve as the barrier of entry into this industry. I make sure all poor performers are crushed emotionally and psychological because I believe the weak need to be weeded out. I have no tolerance for those who can't meet or exceed my level of performance when I was in their shoes or rank. If it took me 3 hours to perform something. It better take you 3 hours or you are getting a poor review, and you will ridiculed in front of your peers.

A the same time african immigrants are, I think unfairly, included in the diversity initiatives, and I have trouble understanding what wrongs society had dealt them in order for them to deserve it. Plus, Africans tend to be solid employees. Seems like they are using qoutas to jump ahead of the line unfairly.

Meta Reign

I walk the streets like, ''say something, n!gga!''
Jun 9, 2012
Franklin ave.
I swear nikkas are so stupid sometimes. Why the fukk are you crying to be part of something that doesn't want you? As if it matters.

Really how much of difference in the lives of your brothers and sisters do you think youre making by having a few Negroes running around Apple? THAT SHYT DOES NOT MATTER!!!

How are we still so short-sighted???


May 19, 2012
the black cat is my crown...
Why the fukk are you crying to be part of something that doesn't want you?
i agree with this... i just wish we as black people would pool our resources together and create our own tech companies that cater to us..... imagine instead of us pouring billions of dollars into companies that want nothing other than to string us up by a tree, we invested those billions in ourselves.... :wow:


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
should go to the compentent leaders. Not just who is the right color.

I work in a company with quotas, and the reputation of black and Latinos has been destroyed by it.

In fast paced environment where work needs to completed yesterday, skill and ability becomes apparent very quickly. Also, people rotate from team to team all year. This creates an environment where poor performers get identified and get tossed from team to team until either leave or get fired. A very high percentage of people hired for quotas never make it past one year. It doesn't take long for people to notice that.
I hear the talk behind closed doors all the time...."quota hire", " political hire", or "minority hire". And most my staff/seniors are Asians or indians, they hate the quota system more than anyone. In my experience, nearly all the black or Latino employees were severely unqualified for the job, and were struggling to survive within 3-6 months of their first year.

They get treated poorly, and I am pretty sure they blamed racism. In reality, their work quality was poor, and they couldn't keep up the pace.

I treat all poor performers the same. We serve as the barrier of entry into this industry. I make sure all poor performers are crushed emotionally and psychological because I believe the weak need to be weeded out. I have no tolerance for those who can't meet or exceed my level of performance when I was in their shoes or rank. If it took me 3 hours to perform something. It better take you 3 hours or you are getting a poor review, and you will ridiculed in front of your peers.

A the same time african immigrants are, I think unfairly, included in the diversity initiatives, and I have trouble understanding what wrongs society had dealt them in order for them to deserve it. Plus, Africans tend to be solid employees. Seems like they are using qoutas to jump ahead of the line unfairly.
You seem to forget you're half're not an anomaly kid. There's plenty of black professionals who grind better and harder than their counter parts....

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
There is nothing inherently better about diversity anyway:snooze:


AB Ziggy

Dec 14, 2012
# 1 company in the world.

Investors probably like "If it ain't broke don't fix it."


It is broken. Apple shares are at an all time low compared to last year. It doesn't matter if Apple has 200 billion in the bank if share prices have been decreasing overtime. And the reason is that Apple isn't creating any real innovation outside of copying the market or incremental iPhone upgrades.


Apr 30, 2012
I swear nikkas are so stupid sometimes. Why the fukk are you crying to be part of something that doesn't want you? As if it matters.

Really how much of difference in the lives of your brothers and sisters do you think youre making by having a few Negroes running around Apple? THAT SHYT DOES NOT MATTER!!!

How are we still so short-sighted???
It does matter. Only someone who has never been near a corporate boardroom would say that. It matters when it comes time to use your power to influence society. Look at how many big time law firms help Jewish groups, there is a reason. Look at all the gay people positions of power. I work in big law, and I was damn near told before that our firm started its diversity efforts to get talented black people like me because there clients had become more diverse and were demanding that people of color be put on cases.