Attention whore Amy Schumer tries to put black man on blast, but he fights back :wow:


Bushes Hall Of Famer
Sep 14, 2014


While in the Upstate for a comedy show, Amy Schumer said an incident with a stranger has changed her policy on fan photos. The Greenville man said her fans aren't getting the full story, though.

On Saturday afternoon, Schumer posted an Instagram photo of a man on what appeared to be North Main Street in Greenville.

The comedienne said he approached her and shoved a camera in her face. When she asked him to stop, Schumer said the man told her, "no it's America and we paid for you."

Below is Schumer's full post:

This guy in front of his family just ran up next to me scared the ---- out of me. Put a camera in my face. I asked him to stop and he said " no it's America and we paid for you" this was in front of his daughter. I was saying stop and no. Great message to your kid. Yes legally you are allowed to take a picture of me. But I was asking you to stop and saying no. I will not take picture with people anymore and it's because of this dude in Greenville.

Schumer later tweeted, "I'll still take pictures with nice people when I choose if it's a good time for that. But I don't owe you anything. So don't take if I say no."

Leslie Brewer reached out to FOX Carolina saying he is the man in the photo and said Schumer's post is not an accurate account of what happened.

Brewer said he was walking down the street when several other pedestrians started shouting that they spotted the celebrity at a stoplight. He said he pulled out his camera to Instagram it, but stopped recording when she asked.

"I did it in a non-threatening way," Brewer said. "She says I got all up in her face, and it was completely different from the video."

Click here to view Brewer's Instagram video from the encounter.

Brewer said he was upset when Schumer brought his daughter into the conversation and the two had a disagreement about him recording the video. He said Schumer began walking away but then turned around and came back. He thought she was going to apologize but said instead, she told him she was going to take his picture and share it with her four million followers.

Within minutes, the photo was rapidly gaining attention.

"It was literally five minutes and it was like, everywhere," he said.

The incident has made headlines across the country and, with the attention, garnered a lot of comments about Brewer. He said if he could go back, he wouldn't have taken the photo because of the trouble it has caused, but remains stunned by Schumer's response to the incident.

"You're a celebrity," he said. "I understand you want to blast me but that's petty, that's beneath you."


All Star
Jul 14, 2012
Jersey, Trapped in the 90's
Never understood why ppl want to take pics of other ppl that don't want to be photographed. If she was at a premiere, book signing, charity event, club and she's posing ... I get it. But if she's making a Starbuck's run or picking up dry cleaning, eating in a restaurant... Leave that shyt alone. We're not paps or work for TMZ.

If you have a pic of Amy Schumer walking down the street in a workout outfit, are you showing this to your co-workers like, "dude I just saw Amy Schumer outside, look". I'm like, who gives AF. Why go thru the trouble for a wack ass pic?

The most I do is say, " I like/appreciate your work " without breaking stride and keep it pushing.

George's Dilemma

May 27, 2012
"He said Schumer began walking away but then turned around and came back. He thought she was going to apologize but said instead, she told him she was going to take his picture and share it with her four million followers."

Women have been doing this for years, especially white women as feminism and their predecessors within the suffrage movement encouraged this type of leverage. Claim rape, or harrasment if they get scorned or dont get their way. They would get you lynched, thrown in jail, reputation smeared. In 2016 they've got Twitter and IG to spread a false accusation with maximum damage. You can tell they're full of sh!t too as they dont bother going to the police. Nope, rather preach to their choir.

On another note why this dude would seek out a photo with her is beyond me. I've never seen her work and have no intention on checking for any of it.