Ayatrollah Khamanei getting at the U. S. about racism on twitter :lupe:

Ritzy Sharon

Don't Make Me Pull The Oud Out
May 2, 2012
1. Afro-Iranians are a small mixed population whom the majority Arabs (not just in Iran but in other Arab countries) oppress and reduce to menial labor (i.e. like slavery, right?) and begging. They have no representation and no rights.

2. The distinction between Persians and Arabs is in name only. If it wasn't obvious enough already, Iran is bordered on all sides on Arab nations; practice Arabicized religion and culture; have similar or the same beliefs as respects blacks.

3. China, Russia and Iran all castigate the US for civilr ights abuse. The Chinese wrote a long report on US human rights abuses, particularly against minorities. The Chinese do not care about blacks; they care about powerful opportunities to attack the US.

none of this is true, breh. :heh:


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
none of this is true, breh. :heh:

If the rest of my post is true (you don't highlight those points so that implies they are accurate), then I've already proven my point. I know the various Middle Eastern subgroups like to think distinguish themselves, but they have more in common than not when it comes to attitudes towards blacks. All that said, most Iranians are good, kind people (better than the Russians or Chinese). Better than pure Arabs too. I play soccer with an Iranian dude and he's awesome. The individuals have little control over their government or sociocultural attitudes.
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Jun 24, 2012
1. Afro-Iranians are a small mixed population whom the majority Arabs (not just in Iran but in other Arab countries) oppress and reduce to menial labor (i.e. like slavery, right?) and begging. They have no representation and no rights.

2. The distinction between Persians and Arabs is in name only. If it wasn't obvious enough already, Iran is bordered on all sides on Arab nations; practice Arabicized religion and culture; have similar or the same beliefs as respects blacks.

3. China, Russia and Iran all castigate the US for civilr ights abuse. The Chinese wrote a long report on US human rights abuses, particularly against minorities. The Chinese do not care about blacks; they care about powerful opportunities to attack the US.

1. No representation and rights? I guess being footballers, musicians, writers are considered not having rights.

2. So if Persians are practicing Christianity and Judaism is the correlation the same? Is it the same for minority blacks in America to be bordered around Whites, practice their religion and cultures?

3. "The Chinese"...is generalizing. The Chinese Gov't doesn't care about black people....hell they don't care about their own people. Russia is known for it's racism, nothing new. Now you still haven't say anything on the facts about Iran.


Ritzy Sharon

Don't Make Me Pull The Oud Out
May 2, 2012
If the rest of my post is true (you don't highlight those points so that implies they are accurate), then I've already proven my point. I know the various Middle Eastern subgroups like to think distinguish themselves, but they have more in common than not. All that said, most Iranians are good, kind people (better than the Russians or Chinese). I play soccer with a dude and we agree 90% of the time. The individuals have little control over their oppressive government.
no breh. perhaps you missed it, but the Middle East is currently engaged in a regional war between Arabs (primarily from the Gulf) and Iran, it's a war that is just as cultural as it is religious. the difference is more than subtle.

as for your other point, yes, they do suffer from discrimination and stigma but no, not all black Arabs live in slave-like conditions. but like women and other minorities, they're starting to find their voice after the Arab Uprisings and are becoming politically conscious/active.

black Tunisians have recently marched for equality and unlike certain countries I could name, they weren't repeatedly shot at with rubber coated bullets and tear gas. :mjpls:
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Good Vibrations
Jun 29, 2014
Yes, but also it's :troll:ing. He doesn't really care about black people in America.
this is a ridiculous statement.. if you mean he doesnt care like most black people dont care about arabs or how most americans dont care about anyone then its debateable.. to switch it on to "he dont care about black people" when its really about human rights for all ethnicities is pretty pointless too.. hes making a point that will remain in most peoples consciousness.. he seems to care more than 99% of rappers so ehh


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
1. No representation and rights? I guess being footballers, musicians, writers are considered not having rights.

So because there have been black Iranian entertainers at one point, that means the population has rights? There are black Arab footballers, musicians and writers in Saudi Arabia. There are even black footballers and singers in Russia. Do you assume blacks have equal rights in Saudi Arabia and Russia? These people say nothing about rights and representation. It is like saying that because there are black strippers in hell, blacks have rights.

2. So if Persians are practicing Christianity and Judaism is the correlation the same? Is it the same for minority blacks in America to be bordered around Whites, practice their religion and cultures?

Their religion is merely an indication they are similar; it is not the only one. All peoples around the world are more similar to their neighbors. The Bulgarians are most similar to the Eastern European countries and peoples around them. The French are most similar to the Western European countries and peoples around them. The Thai are most similar to the South Asian countries and peoples around them. The list goes on. You rail against common sense to assume that Iranians do not hold similar or the same views as their Arab neighbors. They do. They also have differences, but only as pronounced as the Eastern Europeans' difference amongst themselves. The Albanians and Serbians have fought for centuries, but they are not so different, and both hold disdain for blacks.

3. "The Chinese"...is generalizing. The Chinese Gov't doesn't care about black people....hell they don't care about their own people. Russia is known for it's racism, nothing new.

You are ignorant , stupid or naive. The Chinese generally hold bias against blacks. Individuals don't always have it, but the cultural and society does. Their government is merely an extension of their people in this regard:

"Growing up in America, I looked at Chinese and other Asian people as persons of “color” who shared a similar experience with white racism. There was some sliver of solidarity in being a “band of minorities.” For most black people or other people of color in the American cultural context there is some tacit understanding of the mutual experiences of white racism that binds seemingly disparate American ethnic groups together in solidarity. I naively took that assumption with me to China on my first visit. I did not expect that everyone would welcome me with open arms, but I did not expect what I did encounter. - See more at: http://www.tealeafnation.com/2013/0...-black-reality-in-china/#sthash.jVPh9qIo.dpuf"


This guy's experience supports my assertions and rebuke yours.

Now you still haven't say anything on the facts about Iran.


This picture is contrived, means nothing and disproves nothing I've said thus far. Thanks for playing:

[insert picture]

An African-Iraqi woman begs for money on a street in Basra, Dec. 4, 2008. At the time, some Iraqi blacks, inspired by Barack Obama's first election as president in the United States, said they planned to run for election to end what they called centuries of discrimination because of their slave ancestry. (photo by REUTERS/Atef Hassan )

Black Iraqis Struggle to Shake Legacy of Racism
Many people are surprised to hear that there is a black minority of African descent in Iraq, particularly in Basra, and they are even more surprised to hear that this minority is being discriminated against and is falling victim to racism.

Although Iraqis of African descent have had a significant presence in the country since the days of slave trade, particularly in the port of Basra, this community continues to face racism today, as it has for centuries.

Read more: http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2013/06/black-iraqis-face-discrimination-racism.html#ixzz3AhAwohG

I said that the black Iranians were discriminated against in Iran, reduced to menial labor and begging. And again the literature supports my assertions and rebuke yours, fool.
Jun 24, 2012
So because there have been black Iranian entertainers at one point, that means the population has rights? There are black Arab footballers, musicians and writers in Saudi Arabia. There are even black footballers and singers in Russia. Do you assume blacks have equal rights in Saudi Arabia and Russia? These people say nothing about rights and representation. It is like saying that because there are black strippers in hell, blacks have rights.

Their religion is merely an indication they are similar; it is not the only one. All peoples around the world are more similar to their neighbors. The Bulgarians are most similar to the Eastern European countries and peoples around them. The French are most similar to the Western European countries and peoples around them. The Thai are most similar to the South Asian countries and peoples around them. The list goes on. You rail against common sense to assume that Iranians do not hold similar or the same views as their Arab neighbors. They do. They also have differences, but only as pronounced as the Eastern Europeans' difference amongst themselves. The Albanians and Serbians have fought for centuries, but they are not so different, and both hold disdain for blacks.

You are ignorant , stupid or naive. The Chinese generally hold bias against blacks. Individuals don't always have it, but the cultural and society does. Their government is merely an extension of their people in this regard:

"Growing up in America, I looked at Chinese and other Asian people as persons of “color” who shared a similar experience with white racism. There was some sliver of solidarity in being a “band of minorities.” For most black people or other people of color in the American cultural context there is some tacit understanding of the mutual experiences of white racism that binds seemingly disparate American ethnic groups together in solidarity. I naively took that assumption with me to China on my first visit. I did not expect that everyone would welcome me with open arms, but I did not expect what I did encounter. - See more at: http://www.tealeafnation.com/2013/0...-black-reality-in-china/#sthash.jVPh9qIo.dpuf"


This guy's experience supports my assertions and rebuke yours.

This picture is contrived, means nothing and disproves nothing I've said thus far. Thanks for playing:

[insert picture]

An African-Iraqi woman begs for money on a street in Basra, Dec. 4, 2008. At the time, some Iraqi blacks, inspired by Barack Obama's first election as president in the United States, said they planned to run for election to end what they called centuries of discrimination because of their slave ancestry. (photo by REUTERS/Atef Hassan )

Black Iraqis Struggle to Shake Legacy of Racism
Many people are surprised to hear that there is a black minority of African descent in Iraq, particularly in Basra, and they are even more surprised to hear that this minority is being discriminated against and is falling victim to racism.

Although Iraqis of African descent have had a significant presence in the country since the days of slave trade, particularly in the port of Basra, this community continues to face racism today, as it has for centuries.

Read more: http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2013/06/black-iraqis-face-discrimination-racism.html#ixzz3AhAwohG

I said that the black Iranians were discriminated against in Iran, reduced to menial labor and begging. And again the literature supports my assertions and rebuke yours, fool.

1. I think you are proving my point....what is this rights you speak of cause in the end, in the states, it's the same as in Russia and Saudia Arabia. Blacks are treated like shyt and it's proven. Now prove it in Iran. Show facts, not your personal statements on how you think it is.

2. Nothing in the 2nd statement claims any points to Persian People.

3. When did I ever say racism didn't exist in China? It's everywhere.

4. Again this goes to the 2nd statement that you made....none of that mentions Iran.


Ritzy Sharon

Don't Make Me Pull The Oud Out
May 2, 2012
@Roddy Right, you do realize, there's a giant difference between "countries naturally share similarities due to geography" and "the distinction between Persians and Arabs is in name only", right? :heh:
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Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
this is a ridiculous statement.. if you mean he doesnt care like most black people dont care about arabs or how most americans dont care about anyone then its debateable.. to switch it on to "he dont care about black people" when its really about human rights for all ethnicities is pretty pointless too.. hes making a point that will remain in most peoples consciousness.. he seems to care more tham 99% of rappers so ehh

lol...I'm sure the supreme cleric and ultimate source of political power in a repressive theocracy is genuinely concerned with the human rights of a disaffected people in a country 7,200 miles away...which happens to be a powerful geopolitical enemy. :mjlol:

The Real

May 8, 2012
Their religion is merely an indication they are similar; it is not the only one. All peoples around the world are more similar to their neighbors. The Bulgarians are most similar to the Eastern European countries and peoples around them. The French are most similar to the Western European countries and peoples around them. The Thai are most similar to the South Asian countries and peoples around them. The list goes on. You rail against common sense to assume that Iranians do not hold similar or the same views as their Arab neighbors. They do. They also have differences, but only as pronounced as the Eastern Europeans' difference amongst themselves. The Albanians and Serbians have fought for centuries, but they are not so different, and both hold disdain for blacks.

"They both hold disdain for Blacks" is a very minimal similarity for you to declare the distinction one of "name only." Persian Islam is very, very different from Arab Islam, and Persian culture is very different from Arab culture. Also, the thing about people being similar to their neighbors is a generalization that doesn't always hold true, particularly in cases like these. Would you say the difference between the US and Mexico is in name only? Or India and China?

And if you really think they're the same, call a Persian an Arab and see what happens...


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
"They both hold disdain for Blacks" is a very minimal similarity for you to declare the distinction one of "name only."

The constellation of differences which encompass Albanians, Serbians and other Eastern Europeans are similar to tribal differences in other parts of the world. They are more different amongst the peoples themselves than in the realms of ethnography and demography. For my purposes, this black reaction similarity between the groups in the ME region is what's relevant. I don't see it as significant that one group worships Sunni and another a different Muslim incarnation.

Persian Islam is very, very different from Arab Islam, and Persian culture is very different from Arab culture.

I said the difference between Persian and Arab Islam is a distinction without a difference. Are there absolute and literal differences? Yes, just like there are absolute and literal differences between Bolivians and Peruvians. But are there differences with respects to the wider view of both peoples? No. They are more similar than they are apart, similar to the Eastern Europeans. The germane thing is anti-blackness.

Also, the thing about people being similar to their neighbors is a generalization that doesn't always hold true, particularly in cases like these. Would you say the difference between the US and Mexico is in name only? Or India and China?

And if you really think they're the same, call a Persian an Arab and see what happens...

Unlike peoples, cultures and countries on other continents, the US and Mexico are relatively new countries composed of peoples from different parts of the world. Native peoples of the US and Mexico no longer exist, but when they did, they too followed the neighbor similarity rule. So in fact there no technical discontinuity or conflict with the generalization as it applies to the US and Mexico. The difference between the Chinese and Indians is an outlier and speaks to the fact the border between China and India represents the bright line separating Asia/Middle East and East Asia, similar to Turkey and Europe/Middle East.